The Sound Of “Social Justice”

A professor at Connecticut’s Trinity College seemingly endorsed the idea that first responders to last week’s congressional shooting should have let the victims “fucking die” because they are white.

They care so much, you see. One of these.

8 Replies to “The Sound Of “Social Justice””

  1. The ‘good’ professor is heavily infused wi9th Marxist-Leninism, and needs to be terminated from the professorship for advocating deadly violence.

  2. I am guessing that this HATE preacher of a “professor” must have missed the primary message of every single MLK Jr. Day in his entire life. I assume he saw the holiday as just another day off school, and missed everything about the DREAM … of a colorblind society … content of your character and whatnot. It sounds as though this professor “bullied” his way into his professorship.

  3. I guess the Trinity must have been Marx, Lenin and Obama round those parts.

  4. What’s worse is that mindless drones pay good money to send their kids to be taught by these lunatics. Library cards are so much cheaper and the repositories of knowledge and history so much more beneficial. The rantings of a black racist academic steeped in racial sociology and mysticism can only be a force aimed at societal destruction. He would better serve society and perhaps himself (relieving the torment) by flipping burgers.

  5. The Kahn Academy will teach you something useful in life … as opposed to this HATE preacher. For $ nothing …

  6. given that large swaths of ahfricah are still bereft of things such as roads and cell phone towers, looks like the prof is ignorant of the FACT that without his ancestors showing up by the boatload, it is very plausible that their descendants (and not necessarily him in that time line) would STILL be engaging in slavery and cannibalism.

  7. Agreed. I suspect that some groups of people should have remained like the “hidden” tribes of the Amazon (or New Guinea). Untouched by civilization (read: white man). Still carving a life out of “nature”. With lifespans of 50years MAX. Naked in the jungle, fornicating with their children. Yep. Some “tribes” should have been left alone.
