54 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Prime Minister”

  1. In all fairness, I think he was just trying to squeeze a fart out of it.

  2. Thats your simpleton Toronto, not ours here out west. Please pick him or it up at the lost kiddies kiosk by the porta potties at he east end of wherever.

  3. You beat me to it.
    He fits right in with his fellow puppets. George and Gerald would approve.

  4. Ha, I was going to type something smart-ass like… Beat you all!, but feared Karma would just take a big chunk outta my ass for being smug and not hitting Submit ASAP.
    I have to believe the same first thought will hit every regular here.
    What a putz we have as PM.

  5. Remember, folks, this is the guy who said he’d stand up to Putin and stare him down.
    Vlady must be laughing….

  6. If that’s a unicorn, its horn must be sticking right into Justin’s ear.
    And as unicorns go, it’s on the ugly side.

  7. It’s a transgendered indigenous unicorn of course, not the reactionary, imperialist kind found on the Canadian coat of arms.
    Because it’s 2017!

  8. What would you expect, from someone who’s been smoking dope since he was 14 years old.

  9. The saddest part for me is that he really has no idea how sad and pathetic he is. Nor do the cupcakes who voted for him…

  10. I think he is auditioning for the lead in the next jackass movie . He is a natural !

  11. I just finished reading Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahenman. A fascinating book. There is a chapter on framing that applies here. If we truly want to defeat the liberals we must define Trudeau and the liberals through framing techniques. One of the most visceral emotions is fear. Calling Trudeau stupid or juvenile will not have the same effect on voters as consistently referring to everything he does as scary. Sooner or later he will do something that is scary thus confirming the fact that he is scary, someone to be afraid of. Calling someone stupid does not evoke any fear response, you should frame that by saying, “Justin Trudeau is stupid and that’s scary.” He wants to tax the productive elements of our society and that’s scary. Trudeau’s debt legacy will be paid off by our grandchildren and that’s scary. Try this tactic with your liberal acquaintances, the reaction is acceptance and that’s scary. If you don’t think this works, ask Stephen Harper.

  12. Interesting. I only just clicked through the the Elle feature on this. Justin is getting creepier and creepier — and that’s scary. Who would want a Prime Minister who engages in this type of nonsense? It certainly undermines any sense of his competence to lead. Margaret Atwood is pretty creepy too. All she needs is a touch of green in that face and she would be perfect as the Wicked Witch of the West.

  13. ‘Calling Trudeau stupid or juvenile will not have the same effect’
    Good point. Canadians knew he was stupid when they voted him PM; in fact they more or less embraced his dumb guy act much like they did with Chretien. The only thing about Chretien was he wasn’t actually stupid. With Trudeau it’s no act.

  14. Can the boy-PM now confirm that Unicorn farts smell of elderberries ? I suspect this is where he gets all his “alternative energy” strategies … from plush toy Unicorns. Something tells me that the Unicorn is voiced by David Suzuki.

  15. There’s the proof. He is not only as stupid as his mother, he’s nuttier than her too. He needs to be institutionalized. Treatment in the community should not be an option when that community is Parliament.

  16. God that’s embarrassing.
    If anyone asks where I’m from right now I think I’ll lie and say,”Estonia”.
    And yes, Gerald undoubtedly makes sure the Emperor doesn’t know he’s naked.

  17. More proof, as the Unicorn song goes, “the loveliest of all was the Unicorn”.
    Could we caption this one?

  18. One thing I find disturbing about this is that the media party thinks that childish displays like this are charming and that, therefore, he is suited for his elected office.

  19. Canada’s national embarrassment. Even his dad would smack him up the side of the head.

  20. He’s just playing to his electorate. Jerry likely told him that this was the key to his success: An infantile electorate associates well with an infantile “leader”. And for the Spawn, it seems to come so naturally. A once proud nation now in the hands of the eco-feminist left.

  21. Perhaps. Clearly his PR people think so,but is the media giving this much play — apart from Elle? I doubt it. Anyone seeing that picture has to cringe. Even the media recognizes how embarrassing this is — which is why the Conservatives need to nab that picture as the focus for a future political ad “Not yet ready — we told you so.”

  22. This is a good deflection from the major gaffes the Boy Blunder made yesterday. First of all he announced with great fanfare that National Aboriginal Day would now be known as Indigenous Peoples Day. But then he apparently insulted these same indigenous peoples by renaming the Langevin Block to the Office of the Prime Minister and Privy Council. They were not consulted so of course they took offense.
    Then he compounded the insult by donating the former U.S. Embassy to be a space dedicated to Canada’s indigenous people. Not good enough. Its architecture is a symbol of colonialism. So hand over some money so the Indigenous Peoples can hire their own consultants and architects to construct their own space, probably a giant teepee.
    “Perhaps the place to start would be for the federal government to provide capital dollars for the design and construction of a meaningful culturally appropriate structure based upon Indigenous knowledge through the use of Indigenous architects,” Stewart said in the statement.

  23. A couple of brainless puppets… at least little Juthtin kept his shirt on… Hey, we have a bong smoking toddler in the PMO and thats the way Trudopians want it, Hooray! I look forward to Juthtin humping the Friendly Giants leg or his guest appearance on the Mr Dress Up show where Juthtin molests Finnigan. What an actor! Trudopia is so Gay.

  24. Sorry, but I don’t think this is a distraction from anything. It simply calls attention to Trudeau’s total lack of competence as a PM. Canadians should be horrified — and they would be should thus get any play around the world. This is about my fourth comment on this picture. I admit I am fascinated by how grotesque it is. Canadians need to know whom they have elected to lead the country. A stunning lapse in judgment. I am beginning to think that Justin is mentally ill.

  25. Seeing as how Prom Minister Pedophile is spending a fair amount of time hugging puppets and Kiddies, we should take a play out of the progressive playbook.
    Coach a child who has the opportunity to meet PMP in a kindergarten situation. Tell the kid, “When the bad man tries to hug you”,scream “The bad man just touched my private monkey”!!! And His hands are sweaty and he smells bad”!!
    A swift punch to PMP’s private monkey by a 5 year old, just might cure his lisp.

  26. “I’m beginning to think that Justin is mentally ill”… I’ve been thinking the same thing, but I thought Juthtin was a wack-job before the media and foreign interests got the imbecile elected. The son of a mentally deranged Father ( forced into psychiatric care by his Mother and Father, under psychiatric care his whole life) and a mentally deranged Mother (schizophrenic). One look at Juthtins empty glassy eyed stare tells the story, or his incoherent stuttering when not blathering carefully rehearsed talking points, or his multiple speech impediments and bizarre facial ticks, the 45 year old child is as mentally disturbed as his deranged Father and Mother. The perfect actor for the cult of Trudopia.

  27. Canadians need to know whom they have elected to lead the country.
    The sad thing is that most Canadians I know don’t care. Let there be Timbits available at a nearby Tim Hortons and hockey on the telly, and all’s right with the world. Everything else is completely irrelevant.

  28. Hey karma is a bitch, Nero had to be reborn one day.
    Shame it was into Canada.
    The Effete Elites and their stumbling manchild “leader” are useless,clueless parasites.
    Kleptocracy is the Rule in Canada,only bankruptcy and violent reduction of the parasitic hordes will change our future.
    Slaves for the freeloaders.

  29. The really disturbing thing is the majority of Canadians still favour the man-boy for PM. Now is the time to get out of this thing before he takes us down further.

  30. This should give all reasonable Canadians pause. This is an example of what the Liberal party think of you. This was not a ‘spontaneous’ photo ‘bomb’ located on the waterfront in Vancouver. This was a CBC production filmed in the PM’s office, not just with Trudeau’s personal photographer and a GO-Pro camera, but with a whole CBC production crew, and God alone only knows how many that includes, but for arguments sake lets start with director, lighting technician, sound technician, dialogue prompter (Really required), make-up assistant, hairdresser (can’t forget the HAIR), production foreman, did I forget anyone…Oh Yeah can’t forget the puppeteer. All brought to you by the federally funded CBC. But on the brighter side it has gained Canadians international fame courtesy of U-tube. I received an e-mail from a relative in Britain, whom I hear from very infrequently, telling me that, after viewing the video, Canada is farther down the rabbit whole than Britain is because Jeremy Corbyn has yet to be elected as PM in Britain! So my heartiest congratulations go out to all the imbeciles that voted for this Ponzi fraudster and as Linda L exclaimed above “You were warned that he wasn’t ready!”

  31. In my raging disgust during my last post I regretfully forgot to mention the extraneous part of the production namely all those within the PM’s office that vouched for this production the various aide’s and secretaries that had to be paid even though they were not working at the time and all of the advisers starting with Mr. Butts. This country is in the very best of hands, isn’t it? SARC/
    Without a word of a lie my CAPTCHA is LAFLAMME FONT, how is that for CBC irony?

  32. Hate to tell you, but use of a teepee might be considered cultural appropriation. It is seriously only a Plains Indian creation. East, west, and north were various forms of bent wood and bark houses. It’s like the inukshuk – seriously northern Eskimo but still appropriated for the the Vancouver Olympics.

  33. “Canadians need to know whom they have elected to lead the country. ”
    Canadians didn’t elect him. We aren’t the USA. His confreres in the LPOC did, to “lead” the Party. Only his riding electors elected him, to serve as their representative in the House. They need their heads examined for accepting what the LPOC offered up to serve them in that capacity.
    Somewhat like that Quebec NDP barmaid who didn’t even show up in her riding, before she was elevated into the best job she will ever have.
    Elizabeth May said it well: “Canadians are stupid…..”
    Going on about how this clown, elected to serve as head of the LPOC (or maneuvered into the job by certain entities) was “Not ready” to lead the country, was the most inept, non issue that could have been used against them. I suppose that the Cons wanted to lose this election for some reason. They certainly didn’t appear to want to win. Beats me.
    How about: the next leader of Canada considered (or offered up by the LPOC), was a 40+ year old child Peter Pan, once a snow board instructor, & part time children’s age drama teacher, with no real life experience other than a silver spoon stuffed in his mouth by people who obtained their wealth somewhat fortuitously. A yukking stooge that is ignored on the world stage by any one leader of substance, while claiming to speak for us through the machinations of a World Wildlife Federation/Soros/UN (remember Mo Strong?) cabal of marxist-leninist origins. Yeah, those guys.
    Canadians are stupid to put up with this & the Cons are not much clued in themselves, these days. They need to start thinking outside the box on getting this ditz & his enablers out of office.
