25 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. how does that compare to brownlee sk to north bay ontario in one stretch? both are hard on drivers!

  2. Is that your Prius “Clubman” visible above the roses. It must be good knowing how little fossil fuels you needed for that journey !!

  3. The thermometer in the van read 120f for a time I-15 north of Vegas. Two hours after the sun had set, it was still 116f.

  4. 1,681 miles (more or less). Did you drive alone? If so, that’s VERY impressive even in the vast open, empty, spaces of the western U.S. and 80 mph (more?)speeds. Road warrior indeed!

  5. AGW Kills.
    “The bureau reset its outlook to inactive as the chances of El Nino forming this year fade.”
    “Tests being carried out on 600 English tower blocks with cladding
    PM says urgent tests on buildings are taking place in wake of Grenfell Tower disaster to see if cladding is flammable” (grauniad)
    “El Niño WATCH cancelled; ENSO neutral likely for 2017”
    “All eight climate models surveyed by Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology suggest tropical Pacific Ocean temperatures are likely to remain neutral for the second half, it said on its website on Tuesday. That reverses a June 6 report that showed four models predicting temperatures may exceed El Nino thresholds during the second half of 2017.
    The bureau reset its outlook to inactive as the chances of El Nino forming this year fade.”

  6. That was like the temps got to in the IHC 966 tractor I used in the late 1980s. A day of that drained my energy levels.
    Have fun.

  7. *Hope and Fear.
    H/T B.O’narcissist.
    “WATCH – Pulitzer-Winning Novelist Michael Chabon Expresses ‘Hope’ that Trump Has ‘Massive Stroke’”
    *Hope and Fear.
    “Hope* is charming, lively, blue-eyed wench, & I am always glad of her company, but could dispense with the visitor she brings with her, her younger sister, fear*, a white liver’d-lilly-cheeked, bashful palpitating, awkward hussey that hangs like a green girl at her sister’s apron strings & will go with her whithersoever she goes.”
    (Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb)

  8. Shhh… don’t use the “M” word….
    FLINT, Mich. — A Canadian man from Tunisia shouted in Arabic before stabbing a police officer in the neck Wednesday at a Michigan airport, and referenced people being killed overseas during the attack that’s now being investigated as an act of terrorism, federal and court officials said.

  9. two journalism professors make the case the government should fund journalism…
    h t t p s://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/ottawa-should-play-a-role-in-funding-new-journalism/article35420707/

  10. Wonder if the Wynne government of Ontario would pay for re-sodding my lawn lost to weeds we are forbidden to use effective herbicides on? She’s well down in the polls right now, may be a good time to ask, money is flowing freely in preparation for next election.

  11. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal times are hard times.
    “Farm diary: The first harvest – six months after we last got paid” (g-m)
    “Sears Canada cutting 2,900 jobs, closing 59 locations in restructuring plan”
    “The struggling retailer says it will close 20 full-line locations, plus 15 Sears Home stores, 10 Sears Outlet stores and 14 Sears Hometown locations.”

  12. The rest of the story…
    Reuters story attacking IARC researcher is biased and selective
    When the Reuters piece came out, Mother Jones magazine promptly jumped onto the bandwagon. Under the heading “A scientist didn’t disclose important data—and let everyone believe a popular weedkiller causes cancer”, Kiera Butler rehashed Kelland’s article and quoted the biologist and GMO defender Michael Eisen as calling IARC’s policy on unpublished data “silly”. However, far from being “silly”, refusal to consider unpublished data is the norm in science. Transparency and repeatability are cornerstones of science, which is why peer-reviewed publication is a prerequisite for any data being considered seriously.
    In short, the transcript clearly shows that Reuters’ Kate Kelland was extremely selective and biased in her reporting of this episode. The most charitable explanation would be that she never saw the full transcript of Dr Blair’s comments and was simply spoon-fed by Monsanto.

  13. “two journalism professors make the case the government should fund journalism…”
    Might as well, as the journalists shill for the government when it is Liberal. CBC works so well and it is paid by the Liberals. Kind of like the Soviet Union and Pravda (Truth).

  14. MAGA.
    Cannibals: Mohammed & D’rats eat their own.
    “Rival groups vie for supremacy as fight against Isis reaches tipping point” (grauniad)
    “Dems Descend into Civil War in Wake of Georgia Loss”
    “Trump tweeted Thursday morning that he hoped “Democrats do not force Nancy P out.” “That would be very bad for the Republican Party – and please let Cryin’ Chuck stay!” he added, a reference to Schumer’s propensity for waterworks.”

  15. Enroute a camping trip in a 1963 Ford Country Sedan “back in the day”, we passed through Indio, California while it was 120 degrees. Air conditioning was handled by way of the window cranks. Our vicious mother (known as Mothra to this day) would not give us any water because it was probably warm anyway. The wagon was finally retired after I spun the mains doing 90 on the Altamont. It had 320,000 miles on the 390 cid mo-mo. Drove it all the way home to Pacifica. Husband #1 heard it coming a half mile away. Believe the wagon was assembled by you folks. I recall Dad mentioning Commie Canucks as the only disappointment associated with the wagon.
