10 Replies to “Apparently this is bad, now.”

  1. Not only did Trump drive on the green of his own golf course, one time he had two scoops of ice cream with dessert. I say impeach – now before more of this happens.

  2. I wonder who he wants to meet that is at the previously scheduled golf tournament? You would think that the report could mention the name or sponsor of the tournament?
    This gives him a chance to meet unofficially with a lot of people. People that are a lot more normal than the usual political denizens of Washington DC. I would love to hear that he is packing up and moving to someplace like Dallas or Kansas City or Des Moines for a week.

  3. http://www.newsweek.com/eid-al-fitr-trump-iftar-ramadan-628784
    Newsweek is shocked and horrified that Prez Trump isn’t holding an Eid-Al Fitr banquet to celebrate Ramadan.
    My comment that ,when was the last time a Muslim Prez hosted a banquet for Christians,Jews or any other religion will probably be erased from that site promptly.
    The msm,suckholing to Islam 24/7, for what purpose? So the alligator will eat them last?

  4. The one article did make an accurate point about the conservative media’s obsession with Obama’s golfing. I found it childish at the time, when there were real world concerns with his presidency that needed attention, not petty partisan bitchery.
    Ha, like there is ANY CONCEIVABLE NUMBER of golf rounds played by Trump that would make CNN say “Well done, Mr. President!”.

  5. WHAT??? This is Very IMPORTANT! To, err… gimme a minute…
    – Oh yeah – the MSM! Wasn’t golf invented in Russia?

  6. I have NEVER seen Trump play golf with young Barron ! Honestly … what kind of a father is he ? (Sarc. finished). On the other hand … I saw lots of photo ops of Obama playing basketball with his daughters ! Or was that with black celebrities, and athletes ? I can’t remember anymore … which is a GOOD thing !

  7. Somehow … whenever I was treated to photos of Obama golfing … I couldn’t help but connect him with the kind of azzwhole we’ve all golfed with a time or two … you know … the dikk who we see thrashing at their ball in the creek … then tells you he is on the green “in regulation” … yeah, right. OK then … looks like you “Won” this hole … LIAR. Dooshe.

  8. The Media’s biggest problem with this is that Trump is treading on the sacred ground from which they worshipped their Lord, God and King Obama, and they don’t like that. It’s sacrilegious to them.
