12 Replies to “Captain Obvious”

  1. Greenpeace is beyond being a menace; it is a criminal organization.

  2. I thought the Greenpeace Legal Team successfully argued they … “weren’t to be taken seriously” ? That they intentionally exaggerate and hyperbolize for “dramatic effect” ?
    Greenpeace already identified THEMSELVES as LIARS.

  3. “Greenpeace has now admitted that it engaged in “rhetorical hyperbole.” It said in a court motion that its words about forest destruction “can be describing figurative, rather than literal destruction.”
    It also admitted that its claims “do not hew to strict literalisms or scientific precision” and are “non-verifiable statements of subjective opinion.” It is not, however, apologetic. Greenpeace is using the lawsuit to market itself as a victim ”
    Welcome to the real world of California and why the 9th Circuit MUST be
    eliminated…The fact that you can win the case, but the Court will make you pay the fraudulent legal costs of Greenpeace is corrupt

  4. so long greenpeace – nobody’s going to miss you. it may take 5 years; it may take ten years – but your number is up and it couldn’t happen to a better group of ding-dongs!

  5. Congratulations to Resolute for pursuing racketeering charges against Greenpeace. If any firm did what Greenpeace does to sell its sham ideology, all the members of that firm would go to jail.
    It is time Greenpeace and these other radical organizations be held accountable for their lies and tge harm they do.

  6. Greenpeace may also have contributed to the Grenfell Tower fire, with it’s refrigeration product called “GreenFreeze”. This coolant that replaces CFCs and HFCs, and is not approved for use in North America, is flammable, as it’s largely made of iso-butane.

  7. That might explain why there were explosions at various locations throughout the building.

  8. That was SHOCKING for me to have learned after this fire. I initially thought .. “how absurd” … sure, an exploding refrigerator … more likely a Muzzie accidentally detonating his suicide vest. But then, I learn about “Greenfreeze” … SHOCKING !!! How in THE world does a product so unstable, with such a DEADLY downside … make it through all the government and building code testing and make it to the marketplace ??Well, we all know the answer to that … it’s “green” … so all REAL science and SAFETY gets swept-aside.
    I suppose it is no accident (pun intended) or fluke … that “Greenfreeze” has NOT been approved in the US or Canada. We are both STILL rational (barely) nations that have not been AS swept-up in “green hysteria” as Europe (The EU) … although the green Mafia is trying. Europe (The EU) has gone completely over the edge of sanity to push their 1970’s image of “greenness”. I suppose it will take the natural DEATHS of the last dirty 60’s-70’s hippie-turned-politicians to reverse the trend … or a few more towering infernos.
    Note that in all the finger-pointing, recriminations, and re examination of building materials … not a word has been uttered about the START of the Fire … Greenfreeze. Not a word.

  9. Technically it is available, but not for residential applications. R-600a & R-290 are the 2 to look out for.
