6 Replies to “Blowout Week 182”

  1. Demand response -> “in which major users of electricity are paid to curtail their use at key times when the grid is facing high demand”
    HA, HA, ha, ha, let’s see, who are the major users of electricity, industry, hospitals, IT, so, let me get this straight, they are going to ask smelters/cement manufacturers to just stop their furnaces/ovens, let the batches in progress get destroyed??? Or how about hospitals, sorry, we need to shut down the building’s A/C for the next 2 hours, so sorry about all the airborne pathogens or discomfort. Wait, hey, we are going to shutdown those server farms for 2 hours, sorry Amazon.
    But, all of this solar and wind, how much land needs to be cleared??
    If we actually continue to proceed with switching over to wind and solar, and decommissioning nuclear and coal, and capping gas when they step in and force reducing consumption because how could we build more solar and wind.

  2. Oh, and as far as more hydroelectric, um, aren’t they already shuttering dams because of the ecological impacts of them?? How in the heck are they going to up the hydroelectric supply when we can’t get a new dam built???
    again, argggggg ……

  3. Leading today’s non-news: No more gas & oil exploration in France. That’ll send shudders through the markets.
    S Korea scraps nuclear and coal energy, because it’s too cheap and can easily be replaced by … Maybe they plan to build a solar wall of their own.
    Isn’t nuclear energy a great way to introduce high tech skills into modernizing societies while providing for growing power needs?
    It’s better they stay poor and miserable. To try to change that would be racist, or fascist, no wait, same thing. They’re happier dirt poor anyway.

  4. … annnnndd … I thought I read that France’s new President, Macron was going to start decommissioning French Nuclear Plants. The same nuclear plants that keep France – energy independent. Not only that … but I seem to recall that Germany uses French Nuclear Power to fill the gaps in their own incomplete “all-green” power systems.

  5. I have read so me stupid stuff today that I am beginning to think we need to die.
