Empowered Nipples

Joe Simonson on the latest innovation in anti-Trump “resistance”:

Just Nips [are] the “official nipples of The Resistance movement,” according to founder Molly Borman. Started last January in time for the Women’s March, Just Nips provides synthetic nipples that you can wear over your bra or over your nipples. The product “cements the idea that women can and should do whatever they want,” Borman told me over the phone. In this case, “whatever they want” means making random people in public think you’re not wearing a bra — for empowerment or something.

One of these.

20 Replies to “Empowered Nipples”

  1. Well, that makes sense to me…
    Just yesterday I put a rolled up pair of socks in my crotch to show my support for Trump.

  2. Another flop for feminism. This is the transgender age, ladies, anyone can wear your silly “Just Nips” now.
    I therefore expect to see them adorning some overweight, over-tattooed person sporting a purple brush cut and insisting on a personal pronoun other than he or she.
    Because it’s 2017!

  3. Plastic nipples as a statement? What a bunch of amateur poseurs.
    I mean, Canada has a complete phony tit as a PM.

  4. This has to be another 4chan troll 🙂 Ever since “free bleeding” I think they are behind all of this.

  5. Another liberal/leftist attempt to shock and disgust us.

  6. There was an episode of “Sex and the City” about this once.
    It probably is still cheaper than turning up the air conditioner.

  7. Lol! All of the above.
    Fake nips? Why not? The progressives are such a fake society, just like their fake news and fake three dozen genders.
    And, as Jamie says, a fake prime minister to go along with that.

  8. I miss the point. In Canada, at least, any woman is free to bare their real nipples. Personally, I am much in favour but I haven’t noticed a whole bunch on the street lately (nor any at all). Exposing ones-self as a means of protest doesn’t scream maturity.

  9. I recall the Reee: Cry as being something a Potential Democrat Presidential Candidate screamed and was so severely damaged by the Smearedia it was obivious He could only become the Leader of the Democrat Party of America; never a Clinton Foundation Candidate.
    As for the False “Nip” meme. Are we sure this is politically correct enough for the Snowflakes or have the Japanese become “old white men” because of their intelligence and work ethic.
    Mind you there is some cloudy memory of the former Democrat Congressman; Chairman (person) of the Committee which allowed the C.E.O. of Fannie Mae to build the TOXIC Mortgage(s) base which established the 2008/2009 melt-down by the disaterous Wall Street corrupt bonus practices for NINJA inflated pricing & Citizen-TaxPayer guaranteed Mortgages.
    NINJA=No Income;-No Job;-or Assets==Large Bonus for selling “no skin in the game” Toxic Mortgages.
    Any way the NINJA is tied in with the newly Politically Correct term NIPS; because of Former (corrupt?) Democrat Congressman Barney Frank enjoys showing His Nips by wearing Ban-Lon Golf Shirts. Not sure how this helps Barney on the Golf Course.

  10. I always wear s synthetic penis attached to the top of my head. This shows how cool I am, and that I will NOT be intimidated by Donald Trump.

  11. Nice racket. Great Marketing.
    $24.99 for a few cents worth of molded silicone. The packaging probably costs more.
    And the marketing! Official “Whatever” of the Resistance. Gets the insane Democrat interest, and the mocking Republican interest too. All that free publicity. No wonder why she is selling 10,000 units a month.

  12. When I was a kid we had a basset hound who could create awful situations when we would have visitors. He had this unending desire to be the center of attention and would proceed to hump the trousered leg of gentlemen. Maybe he was trying to diminish their ego, or use the kabuki to establish his alpha-hood.
    This kind of reminds me of that for some reason. The dog would end up with the kick to the head most times. She will keep up this behaviour until a similar reaction befalls her.

  13. If this isn’t one of the BEST “straight to the comments” story … I don’t know what is … you have all forced me to leave my coffee cup safely on the end table. Hilarious.
    My serious question is … what happens when your “date” discovers the ruse ? Come to think of it … I’ll bet these are REALLY popular in the “Trans-something” community.

  14. And let me remind all you PIG … men … that despite my nipple falsies … NO! still means … NO!!!! … no matter HOW “excited” you thought my nips implied. I have a RIGHT to troll you with my fake NIPS … then SHUT YOU DOWN !!! Go take your blue balls … back to your own lonely apartment. Hahahahaha ha ha. And my “anatomically-correct” short-shorts don’t imply anything either …
