14 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. If you ever thought American culture wasn’t the most highly sought after in the world give a listen to The Boss doing ‘Pay Me My Money Down’ with a 15 piece band. It’s a zydeco version and you’ll wish it never ends.
    Pour a drink, sing along, open the windows and let it all hang out. It’s Saturday night man!

  2. Strategy (1): 12 principles for a 21st century conservatism -Jordan B. Peterson
    Don’t you vote for anyone who doesn’t understand this or who has not the courage to speak the truth, to fight for the high standards that have made the West great,
    and Canada an exceptionally good place, in a world with few such places.

  3. Mohammed’s Parade is Shirtless.
    “Besides, Washington has been the de facto guarantor of the free flow of oil from the Gulf to its Asian and European allies.”
    “OPEC Looks Totally Bewildered by the Oil Market” (blmbg)
    “The Coming War Between Saudi Arabia And Iran Will Make American Frackers Very Rich”
    “Saudi Arabia and Iran are moving closer to a direct military confrontation that has the potential to disrupt Middle East oil supplies and push crude oil prices back towards the $60, even $100, level.
    That’s a dream scenario for American frackers who will have to pump oil as fast as they can to make up any supply shortfall to America’s allies.”

  4. Who interfered in the 2016 Presidential election?
    The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this month threatened to subpoena the firm, Fusion GPS, after it refused to answer questions and provide records to the panel identifying who financed the error-ridden dossier, which was circulated during the election and has sparked much of the Russia scandal now engulfing the White House.
    But congressional sources says it’s actually an opposition-research group for Democrats, and the founders, who are more political activists than journalists, have a pro-Hillary, anti-Trump agenda.
    via Drudge

  5. Evidently the NDP just don’t get why we have Armed Forces in this country.
    But maybe Mulcair jumped the gun (pardon the pun). It would seem it was a fairly simple missteak about the sniper killing the Muslim. The sniper thought he was shooting a Moose-limb.
    And like a true Canadian he apologized for his missed steak.

  6. Dinosaur Death Watch.
    “Very Fake News: CNN Chief Jeff Zucker Takes Reins of Investigation into Retracted Russia Conspiracy Story
    The “very fake news” scandal that is engulfing CNN inside and outside the left-wing network now reaches its highest levels as even CNN president Jeff Zucker is personally involved in the internal investigation into a now-retracted hit piece, sources inside CNN with direct knowledge confirmed to Breitbart News.”

  7. This is worrysome. Someone arrested for smuggling “hate speech” into Canada on his iPad. Not just denied entry, but ARRESTED!
    I wonder what the hate speech was. Was it a speech he intended to give somewhere, or ebooks. Also, this was a personal iPad. Are we censoring what people can read/write on their iPad’s these days? This sounds to me like the border people overstepping their mandate.

  8. Mao* Strong Report.
    Mao’s OCD Dog Theft days.
    “Many of the dogs boiled, dismembered, or skinned alive for consumption are not bred for eating, but pets who were stolen from their family homes. The popularity of the Yulin festival exacerbates the problem of pet dog theft to keep up with demand.”
    “Is your dog just chasing its tail – or is it obsessive?”
    “Lots of dogs chase their tails – but for some the behaviour is a sign of the canine version of OCD. Now scientists are finding the minds of dogs and humans might be more closely linked than we thought”
    “Celebrity Protests of China’s Yulin Dog Meat Festival Plummet After False Cancelation Rumors”
    “Many of the dogs boiled, dismembered, or skinned alive for consumption are not bred for eating, but pets who were stolen from their family homes. The popularity of the Yulin festival exacerbates the problem of pet dog theft to keep up with demand.”
    “Animal rights experts say that rumors of a Chinese government ban on the Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival, in which thousands of dogs are estimated to be killed, have severely decreased international awareness efforts to save the animals, typically tortured, killed and eaten.”
    *Justine Liberal’s favourite dictator.

  9. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Justine Liberal say, Moi am not now Mohammed’s sockista puppet; nor, have Moi ever been Mohammed’s sockista puppet.
    “Ramadan Rage 2017: Deaths Reach 1,627, Marking One of the Bloodiest Islamic Holy Months in Recent Memory”
    “Islamic extremists killed more than 1,620 people during this year’s holiest month for Muslims, marking one of the deadliest Ramadans in modern history, reveals a Breitbart News tally.
    The large majority of Ramadan violence victims are Muslims.
    At the end of Ramadan on Saturday, the total number of casualties across the world for the entire holy month had reached 3,451 (1,627 murders and 1,824 injuries), more than tripling the 1,150 (421 deaths and 729 injuries) that took place in 2016, considered the deadliest holy month in recent memory.
    The 1,627 fatalities this year nearly quadrupled the estimated 421 deaths last year. There were an estimated 160 terror incidents in nearly thirty predominantly Muslim countries during Ramadan 2017.”
