7 Replies to “F#ck the Nuclear Family”

  1. ssssssssss … whispered the serpent.
    ssssssssssss … listen to your innermost desires.
    sssssssss … you DESERVE more.
    sssssssssss … you deserve pleasure, only pleasure.
    sssssss … your NEEDS aren’t being met
    ssssssss … you deserve to be ‘happy’
    sssssss … you deserve to be ‘fulfilled’
    ssssssss … think of yourself … yourself … yourself … yourself … yourself

  2. Mon Ami … I was sitting under this fruit tree in my backyard … and it came slithering out of the branches “whispering” in my ear … Just like in that famous “fairy tale”*.
    * term used to dumb-down the Bible for X-tian mocker’s.
    Speaking of “fairy tales” … the whole “whisperer” thing is a little overblown. True, there are some animal trainers who clearly understand and use animal “behavior” to manage and train the animal. But that’s it … it is a strong working knowledge of animal BEHAVIOR. And every once in a while … either Zeigfried or Roy gets it horribly WRONG. That’s why they’re called ANIMALS … because they cannot think, and reason (usually beyond … “what’s for dinner”).

  3. Progressives have some allegiances – most notably to their ideological beliefs themselves – but, fundamentally, they are all about narcissism and their primary allegiance is to themselves. What’s in it for me? If everyone in a society holds to such a philosophy, than any interactions are only going to be along the lines of “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” or “Do what I want or I’ll clock you”. Presumably, if Hell exists, this is how it would “function”.
    The idea of doing something for others out of charity, without any expectation of gain (other than the sense of having done right), of objective good and evil even existing, and therefore of personal responsibility to try to act in accordance with what is objectively good, these ideas are foreign to progressives and in fact to most in our self-absorbed society. Quaint and outdated.

  4. The CNN Producers have Un-American attitudes because they are not Americans…. Timmy Carr is an Irish Brit with “Actor” credits…Why would he know how Americans think
    Jeff Zucker was dumped for destroying NBC, but that happens when you give an unqualified ARTS graduate executive powers… btw he is Jewish like WaPo Bernstein…Looks like a clan @ CNN

  5. Back in the day, talking to an engaged friend, I said “you will promise to love, honour, and cherish. There will come a day when you figure your spouse is totally unlovable, absolutely dishonourable, and – as for cherish – forget it. That’s when you think back to the day you made those promises, why you made them, and the person to whom they were made. And you stand back, take a deep breath, and carry on.” That friend’s marriage did not last; ours is rising 49 years. And the advice still stands, even though there are moments when I would rate my spouse as mediocre at best. I have a nasty feeling I’d get the same rating in reverse some days, but we’re still there together. But forget about “soul mates”; that’s not us.

  6. paul: I haven’t heard the term ‘enlightened self interest’ anywhere in the MSM, blogosphere, capital cities, etc in a very, very long time.
    because it is no longer applicable to the current era.
    sign of the times . . . . .
