64 Replies to “Happy Canada Day.”

  1. Haven’t heard that song in a long time. Love the bass. I always wondered about Randy Bachman and his lost guitar. It was stolen and it turned up on a Thompson Twins album cover. Did they give it back to him?

  2. The sesquicentennial of Canadian independence! Happy birthday to our good neighbors to the north!

  3. I still call it Dominion Day. Canada did not become a country, as such, on July 1, 1867. It became a confederation of 4 smaller British colonies and was recognized as an overseas dominion.
    On the other hand, Canada became an autonomous nation, December 11, 1931, when the Statute of Westminster was enacted. That date, however, is largely ignored.

  4. Definitly DOMINION DAY!
    Now go to youtube and listen to a stirring rendition of The Maple Leaf Forever.

  5. Congrats, youse guys.
    BTW, are you still enjoying all our ’60’s draft dodgers, your recent muslime imports and your Toddler-King?
    I hear that you may be able to cashier him in 2020. Great. Two more years of a national embarrassment. And Winnie? When can you throw her out?
    God, Almighty. You dudes are still in serious trouble. 

  6. I agree. Happy Dominion Day.
    It seems we have nothing but Liberal holidays and liberal flags.

  7. Congrats. I love you guys and your country. Hooray for you’all. From an Okie fan.

  8. Happy Canada Day to all…even the ones who are still stuck in the early 1800’s.

  9. Hey, on a Canada Day note, Dr Brian Day here on the left coast is still fighting the good fight for health care….great interview in Vancouver Sun today of all days…click on link above for interview page…

  10. Happy (150th) Canada Day to you all! Bonne (150e) fête du Canada à toutes et à tous!

  11. Happy Canadian Colonialism Day ! Bringing civilization to the Northern savages. Bringing science, technology, and Western medicine to primitive peoples. Carving a $$ living out of the wilderness by slaughtering cute animals for their fur. Slaughtering deer, bison, moose, Caribu, and baby seals for their life-giving meat. Fishing the abundant waters for healthy meats. Clear-cutting vast swaths of overgrown forrests to build the white mans structures. Plugging-up wild rivers to create vast reservoirs of drinking water and generate power to warm the white mans homes. Strip-mining minerals to fuel the industrial revolution.
    And the leftist loons (and every school teacher) says this like it was a bad thing ? The white European is the (net) BEST THING that EVER happened to the native population.
    Happy CANADA Day my northern brothers (and sisters) !! Oh … and I’ve long forgotten that whole French and Indian War thing …

  12. I was reminded of why this is a really good day: Peter Mansbridge is retiring. Yippee!

  13. I celebrated by buying cheap beer in Quebec.
    You couldn’t even tell it was Canada Day over there, seemed every single business was open.

  14. Thanks Mac, and may GOD Bless Texas. And thanks to POTUS for his kind words. Funny tho how his ‘new friend’ forgot that ALBERTA also known as Texas North, was a part of Canada. Seems ‘Tinkerbell’ had a(nother) brain fart.
    Jeez, how clueless can you be and still sit in the big chair!!!

  15. Saw some of the Dominion Day activities on CTV news in the local watering hole. Seems they had Prince Charles and Camilla there, and the band U2 performed. Shit, we have pretentious, annoying rock bands of our very own, like Nickelback, why do we have to have imports?
    And a whole 25000 people showed up, in the National Capital. Wow.

  16. In remembrance of the old Dominion…. Happy Dominion Day! When will the Libranos get rid of the bland pallid Canada Day slogan that they imposed and change it to the more appropriate, Trudeau Day…. you know its coming…:) Happy Dominion Day!

  17. I was kinda shocked to see that the only business to close today locally was Costco!
    Canuck Tire? Open. Superstore? Open. Walmart? Open.
    And from the CTV pic I saw earlier this AM,there were only about 300 people gathered on Parliament Hill! Perhaps the thought of seeing Camilla up close scared people away.
    Wtf? Gaggled “Canada day 2017”,it seems the biggest gathering for our sesquicentennial is in Trafalgar Square,which used to be in London,England.
    btw,didn’t “sesqui” used to be the brand name of those small boxes of Eddy matches?

  18. Over at something called Passport2017.ca they put up a mega quiz; this is officially supported by Government of Canada.
    Trouble is question 34 asked who wrote the Canadian Railroad Trilogy. A choice of 4 singers included Gordon Lighfoot but his identifying picture was one of Woody Guthrie. So these officials cannot even identify a rather important singer/songwriter correctly. Anyway is is correct now, but no acknowledgment they had it wrong. Maybe no one else noticed.

  19. I made a point of not watching that. Did Bono tell us to give away all OUR money again?

  20. No, it could be a great country were it not the leftist paradise it currently is.
    No country with open borders and abortion on demand is great. Period.

  21. I used to like U2 but I stopped paying attention to the band after it started taking itself seriously nearly 30 years ago.

  22. Used to be a great country, but now headed down the wrong path. It is hard to be enthusiastic about an anniversary that almost completely ignored history and heritage. I think they are lucky if they have even 1/2 the numbers they were expecting on Parliament Hill. Well not much appealing in a festival value designed by bureaucrats in a country declared by its PM to be “post national” and lacking identity. Poor Canada. As I say, it used to be a great country.

  23. Used to be a great country, but now headed down the wrong path.
    Indeed. I remember 1967 and how enthusiastic the whole country was. The future, it seemed, was ours if we wanted to claim it, fulfilling Sir Wilfred Laurier’s famous statement many years earlier.
    Things went downhill starting on April 6, 1968 and it’s gotten worse since then.

  24. And yes, Canada is not a big deal in Quebec. Their holiday is Saint Jean Baptiste and you can bet they really celebrate their heritage. They have these giant parade figures that retell the Quebec story every St. Jean Baptiste day. Large crowds line the streets, and they finish with a festival in one of their parks. By contrast, Canada Day in Quebec is truly lack luster — a few Chinese kids getting cake. (I spent the two holidays in Quebec one year.)
    Now this year I visited a local Museum in Arnprior Ontario. At one point, Arnprior had the biggest lumber operation in North America, employing 1000+. There were amazing people building the lumber empire, railroads, etc. (McLaughlin`s, Gillies, Booth — major contributors to the growth of Canada in the Ottawa Valley.
    One individual (Harry F. McLean) who eventually settled in a nearby community of Merrickville, was astonishing. He was the `go to`guy for any challenging construction project. He built railroads, dams (including the challenging Abatibi Dam.) On top of everything else, he was instrumental in rescuing a bunch of people after the Halifax explosion. (Do young people even know about this?) The military was focused on their ship that had blown up, so Harry took charge of rescue efforts in the city. He knew how to organize and he had men because he was building a railroad there. He worked for something like 15 days straight with little sleep. Eventually he got very rich. In later years he used to toss 100$ bills at random. Quite a character. I go into detail here because Harry is an example of a long forgotten hero who was instrumental in building the country. Had he been a Quebecer, he would not have been forgotten. I think Canadian history is filled with such fascinating people, but we do not honour them and today `diversity`rather than nation building seems to be what is important.

  25. Quite so. I don’t want to spoil a good day with polemic so I’ll just say I like St. Jean Baptiste and Canada Day. I actually celebrated one Canada Day in Quebec City. I enjoyed myself 🙂

  26. Don’t forget that Canada has since lost its “can do” spirit.
    When we came to Canada, the country was in the process of finishing the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Trans-Canada Highway. It was about to start on the Trans-Canada pipeline and it was in the process of developing the Avro Arrow.
    And why was it possible? Canada had helped win World War II and it had an industrial capacity that few other countries could match. Its economy was booming and it even invited people from elsewhere to come over and make a home here. That’s how my parents and I, as well as some of our relatives, came to be in this country.
    But that was around 60 years ago. There hasn’t been anything that’s even come close to matching those undertakings, let alone the “roll up the sleeves and get it done” attitude that’s required for them.

  27. The Great Accomodator spoke, and so did the Drip of the Royal Tap. These two enjoy a friendly rivalry for the designation Global Nauseator Supremo. I suspect it will be many years before that contest is settled and we may just have to call it a tie.

  28. Boy, that is a tough one! Camilla’s tampon vs the idiot Spawn of Satan wearing Ramadan socks spewing nonsense 24/7.

  29. Stores open on Dominion Day? — I remember when EVERYthing was closed on Sundays!

  30. Happy Dominion Day from Edmonton, folks.
    And if you think I’m a dirty oil albertan, I hail from teeny tiny Milden, Sask.:)
    Have a great day and forget about all the problems for a while, to a bright and shiny future!

  31. Reply to BA Deplorable: Mansbridge may be retiring today, but don’t be surprised if, like other CBC types, he gets a highly visible posting. My bet is he’ll be named the next Governor General. He’s been fawning over that boy at 24 Sussex for a long time now. And after all, Postmedia just included him in Canada’s most famous celebrities. (At #5)

  32. My bet is he’ll be named the next Governor General.
    That wouldn’t surprise me. Adrienne Clarkson and Michaelle Jean were ex-CBC hacks. Clarkson was appointed while Chretien was PM and Jean during Martin’s tenure.

  33. ‘Best country in the world’
    Just imagine how much better it would be if the country was not run by corrupt bureaucrats, corrupt governments and corrupt politicians.
