64 Replies to “Happy Canada Day.”

  1. “Well not much appealing in a festival value designed by bureaucrats in a country declared by its PM to be “post national” and lacking identity.”
    Exactly! Why celebrate a day for a country that no longer exists in the mind of the prime minister, and disparages everything I have held dear, wore the uniform for, and considers me, by telling me so in the past, a bad Canadian for not supporting the liberal agenda.
    This is what appeared on the cover of the Saskatoon Star Phoenix.

  2. Since I moved to Eastern Ontario from Quebec I have been moved by the way francophone Ontarians here celebrate Canada Day and wear the flag to shows, etc. They also speak English to you and appreciate any anglo that speaks a bit of French.
    I agree Canada has gone downhill since 1967 except for the Harper years. I remember standing with my family in the snow at Queen’s Park as we welcomed in the Centennial year with other people.

  3. Bongo in a grade 4 test of naming the 10 Provinces and 3 Territories once again came up short.
    He was close though. He got 9 out of 10. Pretty good for a sitting Prime Minister wouldn’t you say?

  4. Hear, hear!
    I hate to say it but I loathe this country. I’ve been thinking about it all day since it hit me last night but I loathe Canada. Once you get out of any sort of urban area, a nation worthy of praise and respect exists but in Toronto, Montreal, and even Calgary, it’s a feeding trough for the parasite class. What is done in Canada for those of us who aren’t leftists? We pay for the bike lanes, the public libraries, the government regulations, and everything else.
    Maybe one day we’ll get lucky and be taken over by Idaho, Montana and the Dakotas.

  5. It does appear so. We could ask George Soros and Tides Canada.

  6. Like you, I’m less than enthusiastic about this country.
    When groups like the Western Canada Concept were established more than 30 years ago, I thought that they were bonkers.
    I’m not so sure any more.

  7. Canada was a great country, really outstanding! Trudopia on the other hand is a crypto Marxist mental case, much like the asshole that imposed it. Happy Trudeau Day!

  8. For the Saskatoon Star Phoenix to “celebrate” Canada’s 150th birthday using a photograph of political Islam, which is what the hijab signifies, demonstrates a loyalty, not to Canada, but it destruction.
    The the two totalitarianisms, Cultural Marxism and the Sharia (the Axis of Evil) dedicated to the destruction of Western Civilization, have another convert.
    How ironic is this in a “legacy” media moribund, to promote two ideologies under which it would have never been allowed to be born.

  9. Unlike Trudeau I am more than a “little” embarrassed. He admits to his supposed faux pas in missing Alberta in his speech. Really, he only had to remember ten provinces and three territories, which he has all visited. Not like his compatriot to the south who thought that he had visited all of the fifty-seven states. But no I am embarrassed personally by this supposed Prime Minister and I am more than greatly embarrassed by what Canadians have allowed this country to become. We Canadians have allowed in a third of our history the destruction of what was once an up and coming nation. Laurier once proclaimed that the Twentieth Century belonged to Canada and perhaps it did, but successive Liberal governments in the last fifty years have squandered that legacy. We are on the edge of falling into the maelstrom of anarchy when we have allowed minorities within this confederation to dictate their terms and conditions to the rest of us. We have seen in the last year and a half a government hell bent on pushing us closer to the edge. Perhaps when we wake up from this birthday hangover on Monday morning we should all sit down and give some serious thought of what we want the future of this country and our own futures to be. One thing is certain, continuing down the road we are on now will ensure the demise of the Canada that we were all so proud of the 1967.

  10. An excellent and thought provoking comment. A perfect point to make as we head into the remainder of the anniversary year and many years to come:
    “On Monday morning we should all sit down and give some serious thought of what we want the future of this country and our own futures to be.”
