27 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine say, Moi am not now MIA MMIWG; nor, have Moi ever been MIA MMIWG.
    “PM, wife visit ceremonial teepee on Parliament Hill” (ocit)
    “Michèle Moreau resigns as executive director of MMIWG inquiry
    Montreal lawyer Michèle Moreau announced her resignation as executive director of Canada’s missing and murdered indigenous women and girls inquiry on Friday.”

  2. Harper was right about so many things. The futility of the investigation of missing and murdered aboriginal women is one of them. I recall his stating that it was time for action. It is. In the mean time we just spend ridiculous amount of money for no obvious gain. The report — when and if it ever arrives — should be a stunner.

  3. Mohammed’s Hate Crimes enabler: B.O’narcissist.
    “Indonesia can inspire other Muslim countries in promoting tolerance: Obama” (jakpost)
    “Updated Ramadan Rage 2017 Final Death Count: 1,639 in About 30 Countries”
    “With a total of 3,343 casualties, including 1,704 injuries, Ramadan 2017 is one of the bloodiest holy months in recent history. The number of deaths this year marked a nearly four-fold increase from the estimated 421 people killed by Islamic extremists last year.
    There were nearly 160 terror incidents in about 30 predominantly Muslim countries this year, including one jihadi attack in the United States.”

  4. Wonder what Justin Trudeau and his wife promised the Indian/Natives/Aboriginals/whatever protesters when they cralked into their tent on the Hill? I noticed he respectfully took off his boots before entering.

  5. The name “Thompson Twins” (inspired by the two stumble-bum detectives in the Tintin comic books) was a deliberate in-joke: the group had three members (actually, at some points, more than three).

  6. “Michèle Moreau resigns as executive director of MMIWG inquiry”
    Was she the only white person on the panel. Why are they even doing this? We already know the results. It’s white man’s fault, all caused by residential schools.

  7. AP = CNN
    Under the headline “EPA chief met with Dow CEO before deciding on pesticide ban,” the AP’s Michael Biesecker alleged that some super-secret covert meeting occurred between Pruitt and Liveris—and that awful things came as a result of that meeting.
    “[EPA] Administrator Scott Pruitt did not meet privately with Andrew Liveris, the CEO of Dow,” Liz Bowman, the EPA’s spokeswoman, told Breitbart News. “The AP article is inaccurate and misleading. Despite multiple attempts to provide the Associated Press with the facts, this article has not been corrected.”
    The AP has caved and finally corrected the inaccurate hit piece on Pruitt.

  8. OK .. I admit it … the TTwins are one of my guilty (musical) pleasures. Yes, I have Into the Gap on vinyl (bad-sounding ’80’s vinyl, I might add). But it is actually a fabulous bunch of one-hit-wonder tunes.

  9. Dinosaur Death Watch.
    “Donald Trump Declares Victory over ‘Garbage Journalism’ at CNN”
    “President Donald Trump described CNN as “garbage journalism” and “fake news” on Twitter, celebrating after the network experienced a difficult week.
    “I am extremely pleased to see that CNN has finally been exposed as Fake News and garbage journalism,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Saturday. “It’s about time!””

  10. I first heard of the Thompson Twins during the 1980s. Back then, I was an avid shortwave listener and many of their songs were played on the BBC World Service’s Top 20 show.

  11. Here’s another reason to celebrate July 1: actress Olivia de Havilland turns 101 today. Thank you, madame, for all the joy you have given us through your movies.

  12. Despite Flynn’s roguish antics, he and de Havilland had one of the best-known and successful collaborations in Hollywood, making several movies together, including Captain Blood and They Died With Their Boots On, as well as the aforementioned The Adventures of Robin Hood.

  13. Olivia de Havilland was the cousin of Geoffrey de Havilland, founder of de Havilland Aircraft.

  14. it will be stunning if they actually come to realize that solve rate for the crimes are about the same as for other people.

  15. I’m sick of the blame games the Natives are playing over and over without looking within their own ranks for problems. As for us apologizing for the sins of people who have gone before us, how some were treated so badly, that’s not something we can do, it’s inane and meaningless. The Natives have to start taking care of their own issues, laying blame where it belongs. Governments have to stop throwing endless money into a virtual black hole that solves nothing but compounds matters. Respect goes both ways.
    The natives would not have survived to this day had it not been for the intervention of the white man. Mistakes were made, no denying that.
