22 Replies to “Stay Nancy, Stay”

  1. Nancy has become “Pel-ossified” like the dinosaur. This is what happens when you elect Alzheimer’s patients to elected status, they don’t know what time of day it is…obviously in dire need of rest home care via Medicare or Medicaid.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. Head of the Democratic Party – the ultimate safe space for someone with Dementia.

  3. She’s 77. Age seems to be catching up with her. Were she not so self-absorbed and power-hungry she would see she’s ‘passed-it’ and retire. But she won’t and this deserves whatever humiliations she will now endure. I’m just hoping she stays in place for another four years – she’s the best thing the GOP has.

  4. She is a living poster for the notion of term limits (preferably 1 term). You would think that someone in her family would attempt to avoid embarrassment and convince her to retire. Democrats seem to be impervious to their own dignity deficit so she stays on as Minority House Leader. One would think that this helps Republicans but maybe the electorate is almost as brain-dead as their Northern neighbours and it doesn’t affect their votes? I just know that if a Conservative had uttered the words: “we have to pass the Bill to see what’s inside it”, the media would have made that person unelectable for life.

  5. She probably just returned from a long lunch at Chucks Bar & Grill, where she had hastily scribbled her talking points in lipstick on a cocktail napkin. Nothing to be concerned about.

  6. She’s suffering from the lost-election mental disorder. If she isn’t careful, she’ll have a complete breakdown. Time for her to retire and have a long rest from politics. But, like Hillary, she’ll lose all sense of reality and finally be taken off stage by men in white jackets.

  7. I might suggest that all the bloody cosmetic surgeries coupled with her age is what has caught up to Nancy. These surgeries look good for a while … but then nature recovers its territory, and it all goes horribly bad. The only option is to keep injecting more and more botulism toxin. Not good. I suspect that Nance has become poisoned with toxic cultures … both biological and political. The cumulative effect of this poisoning has reached her brain stem.
    But the good news is that she’s never going to step down, and her constituency will keep voting for their “Weekend at Bernies” candidate … until the smell of her rotting corpse overwhelms the Capital building.

  8. Departing San Fran Nan’s San Fran in 2 hours. Good grief, there are BUMS EVERYWHERE. Cant wait to get away from the stench. Spent the last 2 days in Santa Cruz. Again, BUMS, VAGRANTS EVERYWHERE (sorry progs – I refuse to call them “homeless”).

  9. Hahahaha … Santa Cruz … ground zero for “medical” marijuana patients … littering the streets. The place is a wasteland of wateoids.

  10. you have the rights to diagnosing the new democratic mental circumstance of LEMD congrats

  11. “…dangerous to children and other living things…”
    Must be a dark and scary place inside her head.

  12. Nancy may have had a face lift or two which sometimes can affect your speech…tight around the mouth affects diction. We all know the joke about Barbara Walters, aka Baba Wawa, she could barely smile.

  13. It’s more than her age. I’m going to be 89 in Aug.and 77 isn’t a bad year!
    The facelifts and possibly she has dental veneers because it seems to me that her mouthful of teeth is causing her difficulty when she speaks. Too many teeth and not enough mouth with the skin drawn so tight.

  14. we count the years the same, but we age differently. I get a laff out of people as they never guess my age. As one young lady said, but you don’t look or ACT your age, and why should I:-)))
    old Nance had the liberal disease:-))

  15. A person of your vintage knows that no everyone ages at the same pace. Many lose their cognitive capacity in their seventies.

  16. NME666: Difference between “old Nance” and myself is I’d know enough to retire. As you say she has the disease and can’t.
    to Gord Tulk: my “vintage”? I’m not a wine! My problem is physical; hers is the liberal mental illness. This is an exceedingly trying time for the Dems; she’s juggling the Russian interference in the election and the impeachment of Pres. Trump and becoming unbalanced.

  17. You’re very observant re: Nancy’s runaway dental work. She does struggle with those chicklets like they’re threatening to escape the confines of her taut pursed lips. Or the stitches in her gums are coming loose. She strikes me as a bedridden geriatric patient who is on a liquid diet.

  18. I think this thread has the highest ratio of sarcasm of any on the current SDA.
    I love it. are you people all standup comedy writers?
