6 Replies to “But First, They Bound Their Own Hands Behind Their Own Backs”

  1. The whole Black Lies Matters things has grown wings. Their propaganda has apparently become a “truth” like global warming. To disagree makes you a heretic. I am sure that the audience in Chicago who can read appreciate being warned that the play is a racist piece of shit.

  2. They’re just pissed that their former community organizer who race-pimped their vote now speaks to Wall Streeters for $10,000 per minute. Luckily for the “artists”, a city crawling with Democrats will still show up to be called rascist. Too bad about the honest Critic.

  3. When the Democrap voter SLAVES rise up against their TRUE Mastah’s, finally choosing FREEDOM for the promise of a free meal and cot, then there will be NO MORE Democrap Party. The Democraps are already seeing the hemorrhaging of ‘Black’ voters, and so they have turned their allegiance to ‘immigrants’ and ‘ refugees’. The false-narrative of cradle-to-grave “care” can ONLY be sold to desperate newbies (and scamsters) from the 3rd world. Second generation immigrants and even the “urban” community have already discovered the message of government (and Democrap Party) enslavement is dehumanizing. The Democraps are losing “the narrative” … and are teetering on total elimination.

  4. Beautiful. More and faster cannibalisation among leftists please, best show in town.

  5. no, no no no.
    they were all volunteers checking to see if gravity still worked.
