5 Replies to “Blowout 184”

  1. No news yet about how long Musk has agreed to take up residence beside his proposed giant
    electricity storage lithium bomb he has on offer to Oz’s South Disneyland state ?

  2. Solar and wind power plants should not be allowed to operated without storage devices that guarantee electrical production as reliable as other sources. Otherwise they are just useless distractions. Sarge – yes they might want a good buffer abound the lithium bombs.

  3. Interesting to note that Musk’s proposed battery storage unit is capable of supplying 30,000 homes. And that’s when the wind turbines are producing enough energy to recharge the batteries. I lived in Queensland and New South Wales for 10 weeks. In Sydney, the temperature cooled down pretty good at night. In Cairns and Townsville, Qsld however, the wind is zero at night, and the relative humidity is in the 90% range. The AC units run full capacity all night, mostly to get rid of the moisture from the hot muggy climate. This is what the following Reuters article states regarding wind power.
    ”The move has been applauded by environmentalists but left the state prone to outages as there is no way to store enough energy when the wind doesn’t blow. In September, South Australia’s 1.7 million residents were left without power, some of them for up to two weeks, when the grid overloaded and collapsed.”

  4. @ Warren, I just hope this is all true. I haven’t followed the story. It was amazing for me how those fingered by the CRU email release all those years ago got off Scot Free. Rooting for Tim Ball.
    A cautionary note. I beleive Mann’s graph is global while Ball’s graph is Europe only.
