The Left’s Child Soldiers

This video provides a fascinating insight into the vacant minds of the Far Left. While the old adage “ignorance is bliss” may indeed be true, bliss can also be found if you’re a 20-something and your mama is still doing your laundry.

15 Replies to “The Left’s Child Soldiers”

  1. Gives new life to that old insult
    “You’re ugly and your mother dresses you funny!”

  2. “The Left’s Child Soldiers”
    Basement dwellers. Gives a whole to meaning to it. All along I thought it referred to my favourite sports teams.
    On another note, I find it interesting that the Left can call a 15 year old bomb maker a child. While at the same time and in the same breath, a 15 year old daughter is an adult woman who can have an abortion without informing her parents.
    Fifteen year old child or fifteen year old adult. Which is it?
    It can’t be both at the same time.

  3. The facial features and the hate portrayed by the eyes of the woman at the 1:35 minute point reminds me of Lenin’s Cheka Kommissar Felix Dzerzhinsky, also known as Iron Felix. I have no doubt that monsters like Iron Felix could be among this group of Antifa activists.

  4. “unemployed basement dwelling meat” is not only a funny line but it really sums up the video quite nicely. I’m gonna get some mileage outta that one!

  5. Cognitive dissonance? Why that’s nothing if you have the superbly trained mind of a progressive! Their daily routine is to double the efforts of the White Queen, and believe a full dozen impossible things before breakfast!

  6. I dispute the claim that 30% are unemployed,I’d bet that the figure is closer to 99%,unless you call part time employment handing out pamphlets for the cause as “employed”.
    Reminds me of the infamous Walbran Valley anti-logging protests way back when.CTV,which still had some integrity at that time interviewed most of the protesters,a large percentage said they were self employed artists.
    A little digging by Reporters (remember when they actually did that?) found that every one of the artists was actually collecting welfare,so the taxpayer was funding a protest that kept honest men from working.

  7. Sean, Sean, Sean … you have been hanging out on too many of those “Jailbait” websites. Yes … most … 15yo girls are physically mature … however they are hardly … adults. Hardly, intellectually and/or emotionally mature.
    A related story to this topic. After my eldest daughter graduated UCLA, and spent a few months traveling cheap hotels and hostels throughout Europe … she came home and made the declaration that her 20’s were going to be for FUN! Since, I left my single-parent, alcoholic father, when I was age 15 (freshman in HS) and was completely on my own at age 18 … I had a very hard time understanding what she meant. I spent my 20’s developing a career, bought two homes, married-divorced-remarried, and cut my daughters umbilical cord …so, I had NO IDEA what she was talking about. But I just chalked it up to her “new generation” and their selfish instincts. However, what my daughter meant by “fun” was 1. Not getting married, 2. Moving to NYC, 3. Getting her FIRST and second jobs in the cutthroat world of Manhattan, 4. Getting an apartment in midtown Manhattan, building an envious resume’ … and having a ball. Playing on an adult coed soccer team, bar hopping some of the most edgy, underground pubs, traveling across the entire east coast, making multiple lifelong friends (her faves being Canadians). Her “Fun” didn’t cost me a dime, and it wasn’t based from my spare bedroom. Her “Fun” never included smashing windows or wearing a pussy hat … because she was already secure in her womanhood, and social status. Her “Fun” never spent a moments time “blaming” someone for any time she may have had a bad day.
    And now … she will soon marry a gainfully employed Canadian man (whose mother is First Nations) … who is a nice guy. No mommy and daddy basement abode for my daughter … ever. She has far too much self-esteem for that … even though I FORCED her to play with her American Girl dolls (and play competitive sports). I am quite proud of her, and am very glad that I just patiently listened to her tell me about her “Fun” 20’s … and trusted she knew what she was doing and saying. At age 22 … I had either instilled responsibility in her character … or I had failed. She is a WIN for my wife and I … and we couldn’t be happier with her “Fun” 20’s

  8. >>”unemployed basement dwelling meat”
    That was actually NEET = Not in Employment, Education, or Training

  9. The video reminds me of someone I got into a website tussle with some 2 years ago.
    The twerp in question made an audacious statement that my generation had better be nice to his because–wait for it!–it was paying my pension. I told him that was far from the truth because I was living off my investments and wouldn’t have needed any government money. Therefore, he wasn’t paying for my retirement.
    Little Mr. Genius didn’t like that. As it turned out, he was in his late teens or early twenties, lived in in Mommy and Daddy’s basement, didn’t have any education past high school, had some dead-end retail sales job, and couldn’t make up his mind what he wanted to do with himself.
    When I was his age, I was close to finishing my B. Sc. and had spent 3 summers working in an oil refinery. I spent the second summer working with the maintenance crews and it was back-breaking and dangerous as there were lots of ways to get hurt or killed.
    And that twit was hinting me that I had to bow down to him? Nope–wasn’t going to happen.
    As it turned out, the moderator took exception to my comments, whereupon I quit that website.
    Oh, by the way, that wizard who expected me to be grateful to him for his contribution to my pension? His website name was something fatuous like Emperor of Enlightenment or some such rubbish.

  10. Two hundred words, one point totally missed.
    A girl at fifteen is a woman because she’s better than a man. She can murder a child, get married to a jihadi, travel the world (I see you, Malala), and be proficient in Newspeak.

  11. Sorry … you’re right, I missed your point. I’ll pay closer attention next time.
