22 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Don’t hold your breath. It is not about black lives, it is about causing division in society and being anti Trump. Saul Alinsky rules for radicals.
    Kate, better two Reader Tips than none.

  2. “Notice how they were all detained under a Liberal PM, is that a coincidence or what.”
    Whatever CSIS or the RCMP did under the Chretien/Martin Liberals must have been pretty embarrassing because 2 different Prime Minister paid $10.5 million not to have the evidence show up in court.

  3. *
    let’s travel to a foreign land… called montreal
    “Imam Sheikh Muhammad ibn Musa Al Nasr called Jews ‘the worst of mankind’
    and expressed his hope that Muslims would slaughter them on Judgment Day.”

    to be fair… prime minister selfie has given them the green light.

  4. This only goes to show who the government favours. People like Ernst Zundel are run out of the country while this scumbag is allowed to stay.

  5. A sad day for Hollywood. Director George Romero and actor Martin Landau died today.

  6. Correction: George Romero died yesteday and Martin Landau left us today. An era in movies is slowly drawing to a close.

  7. Liberals just don’t “get it”
    A long tedious article whining and moaning about the HIGH cost of HOUSING in CA … yet not a word about what is REALLY driving those costs, for example:
    $ 60k- $100k for new water service hook-ups which include meter sizing for separate (mandatory) residential Fire Sprinklers, and separate Landscape irrigation meter. And the mandatory residential fire sprinklers add about $ 25k to each home. New sewer hookups can be nearly as expensive averaging about $ 25k. Or the newly updated Title-24 (Energy) Regulations that are adding $ 50k minimum to every home. Or the high planning and building permit costs that add $25k – $75k to each home. Or the School Developer Fees that average about $ 5.00/sq.ft. adding $25k to each home. THEN ! if you are building in a city with added “Green Building ordinances” … you could be looking at another $ 50k just in Green Point Rated features such as Fsc-lumber, if not photovoltaic solar panels (that will be near worthless in 10years). So even before a single delivery of concrete … the average NEW CA home has already cost the consumer $ 300k (minimum).
    And the typical leftist propaganda attempted to cite Prop.13 as a CAUSE of high housing prices … when in reality … I would have been FORCED out of my home long-ago if not for the help I receive from Prop. 13. As it is … I pay more than $10k per year in property taxes alone.
    Leftists are ignorant LIARS. Leftists have made housing unaffordable in CA. Leftists have created a housing shortage in CA. Leftists are ruining the State of CA.

  8. AGW RIP.
    “Hey Pope, look at Buenos Aires, where you came from, and see how big the global warming lie is.”
    “Will someone please tell the Pope? Argentina is the reality
    Historic cold in Argentina. Global warming is a fairy tale for the idiots”
    ““July 17, 2017: Record of 25.4 degrees below zero in Bariloche and snow would fall until in Misiones.
    The cold covered most of the country yesterday.
    Bariloche recorded the lowest temperature in history.
    ”Of course the MSM (Fake News) doesn’t bring this story.”

  9. socialism a failure?
    it occurs to me the story of the failure of Eatons chain is a lesson in a ‘type’ of socialism:
    the précis version: at some point the eaton brothers were left in charge.
    one of them ran the credit card division. another ran the sales dept, others whatever they did.
    mr credit card division insisted ONLY eatons credit cards were to be used, thereby missing BILLIONS in sales over the remaining life of the firm. good for him, mmmmm, not so good for the company in a competitive free enterprise economy.
    mr sales dept could only fret and fume.
    mr credit card division was the quasi-socialist here, LEANING on the ‘success’ of everyone ELSE in the company to prop up his ‘success’ as ‘king of the hill’ in the credit card department. while they get to fret and fume. including the life blood schmuck front line employees. (notice how the big shot at the top of the credit card dept exhibits the SOCIALIST mindset)
    aaaaaand the lesson for all those in retail? does anybody know where that imposing statue of timmy eaton went?
    this is pure socialism. parasitic behavior, secretly all about ‘me me me’ whilst clucking about their generous benevolence and ‘steady hand’ (dat you Mao???).

  10. Re poll spotting 97% say poor job, the consensus has spoken, the science is settled.

  11. I don’t quite get your Eaton’s analogy. I believe what they were practicing was an attempt at running a monopoly . . . on credit for goods they were selling. I have not read the story of the Eaton ‘s failure, but I believe it involved multiple factors.

  12. to clarify, socialism is a form of parasitic, ie in econiomic terms, ‘rent seeking’. the brother who ran the credit card division did everything necessary to pump up his numbers including banning any other credit cards from the store. otoh, the total performance of the chain contributed to his position of wealth and control. his *own* actions however, undermined that level of success by preventing billions in sales over time that would have accrued if the other major credit card companies had been allowed in the store.
    the analogy I draw is that this is a form of socialism. mr credit card division is perfectly willing to siphon off benefit from the chain as a whole (ie a socialistic view of a nation’s gnp) to the *detriment* of that very same institution. just as long as THEY, the ‘socialist’ garner PERSONAL benefit all is well. to fully understand the analogy one must agree that the propaganda about sacrificing for one’s ‘comrades’ is clap trap and flies in the face of human nature.
    I take the same view of ANY commercial enterprise in canuckistan that accepts subsidies. they are a DRAIN on the finances of those parties coughing up the funds (ie taxpayer), but a bonanza to the firm (did someone say bombardier) receiving said subsidy.
    ‘socialism by any other name would smell as sweet’ tqvm Wm Shakespeare
