17 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Finally ! A new income tax deduction ! My Accountant hasn’t come up with squat in 10 years, now,I cannot wait until he sees my latest deduction for porn … all justified … by my donations. Hey, don’t blame me … I’m not a 19yo anymore.

  2. Another seminal work from the CSA…
    (tweeted this, of course)
    $168. ? I’d show them for less than that.

  3. So, like, they’re gonna have (short arm) inspectors?!
    Seriously, what is the point of this other than to rake in cash? Aren’t they stepping on WCB and Health Canada Turf?
    You’d think the Cdn. Medical Association would have their knickers in a twist.

  4. Only in Canada you say….
    Now, try to tell me we don’t have too much &^%$#*g regulation. And, the ultimate indignity? Canadians now have to say they have been well and truly jerked, instead of screwed.
    But this is effin hilarious, isn’t it? A fitting symbol for all the jerk-offs who elected the jerk-offs. Quick! We need a flag, a poster, and a theme song! The sound of one hand clapping in approved cadence.

  5. I thought it was:
    Those that can, do
    Those that can’t, teach
    I’m just trying to imagine the meeting room when this idea was first introduced and discussed.
    Next on the agenda, a guideline for pulling your pud.
    How do you keep a serious face? how do employees not take the bosses to task on this? Oh, wait a minute, this was the probably an instruction manual for the employees to handle the bosses properly ๐Ÿ™
    Captcha is MAIN RECEPTION, These people have a sense of humor!

  6. ?
    does the ‘C’ in ‘CSA’ stand for ‘cum’?
    jist askin’ . . . . .
    to Jamie: I think we know what the *other* hand was doin’ . . . .
