19 Replies to “And so it begins.”

  1. Internationally respected on environmental issues … so then … he is a stooge of the UN IPCC ? … who is leaving for a lucrative private sector career as assistant regional sales manager for Tesla Canada ?

  2. Another elite quitting early. I bet the voters are thrilled with that. Just like Clarke in BC. ME me me, screw the silly peasants that voted. Haha

  3. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Libs get in again. There are so many voters who shouldn’t be eligible due to conflict of interest.

  4. “Yet Murray stared down critics, warning the price of doing nothing to curb greenhouse gas emissions was far more costly, and that Ontarians appreciate the gravity of the situation.”
    And yet they never mention what this price is in numbers. Climate policy in Ontario and elsewhere costs many billions of dollars and for what? They don’t know. They cannot tell you the effect on CO2, temperature and living conditions. They don’t even try.
    It’s a religion with a faith and priesthood as innumerate and zealous as any in history.

  5. McGuinty, Smitherman, Wynne, Murray, Chiarelli, Duncan, etc. Detestable *&^%$#g trash, the lot of them.
    I pray I’ll live to see the day when they’d all be dragged whining and pissing from their posh burrows and held to account a la Louis and Marie-Antoinette.

  6. Just another conniving, contemptible, corrupt Liberal that wants to be an oligarch of us proves. Screw him!

  7. This is not nearly as exciting as this quote from an article about a wind turbine plant getting shut down: “The government’s about-face on renewable energy project, halting further large buys, was the beginning of the end, said worker Lee Blair of London.”
    When old governments start ‘bending’ policy like this, especially when the election is so far out and if it continues, it’s a harbinger. Think of Harper’s left turn before Trudeau got elected or the left turns by Clark and Prentice before they lost. Even when such governments scrape out another term the ‘policy momentum’ usually continues.

  8. Climate leadership is a term that would have stumped even George Orwell in his prime.
    I picture a hundred guys on bikes gathering at a strategic spot in northern Alberta to corral the arctic front and drive it south against its instincts.
    And I picture those hundred guys being prime candidates for a nut house.

  9. Pembina: a leftard bulwark, a herpes like eternal curse inflicted upon the normal common sense citizen by a retard “whacktivist” judge.
    Look it up
    Best evidence for which groups should be first to fill the tumbrils heading to the scaffold when the time comes.

  10. Related.
    She went to a Chevvy dealership in Ottawa and was (most likely) talked into buying a new Volt electric that she didn’t really want. On her way home, as she listened to the hum of the electric marvel, she was (most likely) thinking of the trees, the squirrels, the birds and the little fish that were splashing in the Rideau canal. Little beings that were going to be saved by her purchase. All was cool until she found out that you can’t plug an electric car into an outlet that’s meant for block heaters. The Ontario Condo Act prohibits that. Now, she needs an extra $5000 to pay for the plug. Way to go Mizz Wynne!
    To quote my late father. You wanted a Liberal government, you got one.

  11. He may be leaving the sinking ship (I hope), but otherwise the comparison is very unfair to rats. Rats don’t completely bugger the entity they claim to be saving.

  12. What’s the problem? She gets a subsidy of $6-10,000 for buying an EV. She can spend that on a place to plug it in.
