12 Replies to “Perennial Loser.”

  1. That looks like 134 charges…there were the additional 21. Now we have deported the “poor immigrant” and won’t let him back into Canada. Tut, tut, are we violating his human rights and going to end up giving him $10.5 million?

  2. Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time … a lifetime of shame and embarrassment. WARNING new unsuspecting marks to steer clear of him.

  3. What are his origins? Where was he deported to? And why is this waste of skin in the US now? We don’t need “poor immigrants” like him either!

  4. Wait! the 2010 article describes this fellow as “Kamyar Jahanrakhshan, 30”, while the 2017 article refers to “32-year-old Kamyar Jahanrakhshan”. Would that I could age so gracefully and gradually. Why did this fellow spend only 18 months in jail on all of those charges in Canada? I’m surprised that a British Columbia court would, having looked at his name, make him do any time at all.

  5. “My only real question is why did he only spend 18 months in jail for the first 113 charges?”
    He probably saved some of the money he stole in anticipation of legal action being taken against him. He could probably afford good lawyers who plea bargained the charges down.

  6. “Kamyar Jahanrakhshan, 30”
    What shithole do you come from with a name like that?

  7. A case of Rotherham syndrome for sure
    because he had brown skin and a very foreign name no one dared ask unpleasant questions ( like when he pretended to be a police investigator ), no one dared do nothing because they were afraid they would be accused of being racists.
    diversity is everything BUT our greatest strength.

  8. speaking of sentences that fall short, feel free to google sentencing involving drunk driving deaths.
    in Canuckistan, if you wish to assassinate someone, practice driving drunk, then, stalk the s.o.b. and RUN THEM OVER.
    4, 5 yrs tops instead of 25 for pre-meditated murder.
    true story, time and again. google it.

  9. He’s an Iranian, and I expect a Muzzie. After all, he’s stealing from non-believers and that doesn’t count.

  10. Eighteen months, eh?
    Next time you’re using one of those little green propane camping containers, note that you can get 5 yrs and/or a $500,000 fine for refilling one.
    Priorities, people!
