Umm, wrong.

“They have to watch putting themselves in a trap where they’re portrayed as intolerant and out of touch or getting a little bit too aggressive and saying something that is going to hurt the Conservative brand,” said Conservative political insider Tim Powers, vice chairman of Summa Strategies in an interview with The Hill Times.
Disneyland on the Rideau.

36 Replies to “Umm, wrong.”

  1. Listening to political insiders and pollsters will cost Conservatives the next election.

  2. Listening to political insiders and pollsters is a sure way for the CPC to lose the next election.

  3. Tim Powers should just go away but I know that since Scheer was elected the next campaign is just going to be the same as the last one. One giant cluster.

  4. There’s a big difference between “looking intolerant to the average Canadian” and being painted as intolerant by the Toronto-centric and Liberal-friendly media. But, the Toronto-centric and Liberal friendly media would not grasp that.

  5. Haven’t seen nor heard from Tim Powers in a long time probably because I haven’t consumed the Canadian MSM product for a long time. As with other fake conservatives like Jaime Watt, is Time still on CBC News’ direct-deposit system?

  6. “…I know that since Scheer was elected the next campaign is just going to be the same as the last one.”
    Yup. Paris Scheer came out of his climate change closet at the first opportunity. So it’s pretty obvious he’ll be heeding Powers and all the other wee, sleekit, cow’rin, tim’rous beasties.

  7. Have Brexit and Trump taught the CPC nothing? How about the universal outrage over the Omar payout??? Ya wanna be TRULY out of touch? (as opposed to being “portrayed” as out of touch by those Oh-so-Important talking heads) Keep worrying about looking “nice” to the CBC crowd.
    They will hate you anyway, and you will not be a genuine alternative, just a slightly less vapid version of Justin-lite.
    Do you care about your f-ing country, or do you just want to be liked enough to be elected?
    There is a huge swell of discontent in this country. Tap into it, boys and girls, not because it is politically expedient, but because the issues behind it are right and true. As long as you give a rodent’s rear end about how you are “portrayed” by MacLean’s magazine you are no leader. Period. Look at how they vilified Nigel and the Donald. Expect the same, and do what is right.
    Otherwise you are just a fluff of foam on a filthy swamp.

  8. Uh … duhhh … I am thoroughly “intolerant” of that asinine twit, boy-Trudeau … and all his Leftist handlers

  9. Powers is a super small c conservative. He makes his living by trying to appease people. The Khadr payout and apology embodies everything that is ass backwards with the liberals. Powers is frequently on CBC and they use him in an attempt to turn conservatives into liberals.

  10. Oh, yes Nik and Tim.
    Real strong conservatives.
    When, oh when, will we just start being conservative?!

  11. Certain things are right, whether conservative principals apply or just plain common decency; and the payout of $10 M to an admitted murderer and traitor is one action that is not right. A majority of Canadians understand this especially if the facts in the case are presented fairly. The Liberals and Ottawa based media have no interest whatever in presenting these facts. No reason for a party which purports to being Conservative acquiescing with the media party line.

  12. Those same insiders elected Justin by reminding Canadians that he wasn’t ready. An old time politician said to a reporter, I don’t care what you say about me just keep saying it and those nitwits just kept on saying it. Trump got elected by saying what he was going to do, not by advertising Hillary. In an interview for a job you push your assets not down play others. A little kid would know this.

  13. Powers is right to the extent that having made, quite clearly, the point of the wrongness and the lack of transparency of the “settlement” with Omar Khadr, the Prime Minister acted rashly and in defiance of the legitimate concerns of the Canadian people. That point has been made. Making it over and over again becomes counter-productive, just like “Just not ready.” Unlike the Big Lie, the Big Truth is a problem for a large part of the Canadian public. It’s painful, disorienting, and, as such, soon seems tiresome and irritating. Let it rest. Bring it up again in context with some other smug, tone-deaf act of the Prime Minister, but leave it on the record and leave it alone. The issue is not “being beastly to Mr Khadr” but rather Mr Trudeau’s dereliction of duty in this premature settlement. He should have let the Supreme Court order the payment. And if the Supreme Court ordered a payment of $40.5 million, then that judgement is on the Court and leaves Canadians knowing exactly where they stand and what they should be asking about judicial appointments prior to the 2019 election.

  14. You are right, spike 1.
    The only defense I would offer is this.. The Conservatives did use attack ads, and have been consistently labelled “the party of meanies” for doing so. This allowed Justin and company to use the “sunny ways” meme, even though he is far more of a totalitarian than PMSH ever was. In the last election, obviously that did not work as well for the CPC as they had hoped.
    But the Libs and Dippers don’t have to mount attack ads – they have the CBC and CTV doing that every night for them. Non-stop Duffy coverage during the last election, over money that was paid back, while crickets over the still-to-be resolved Adscam millions. Wafergate. Willful ignoring of dozens of inane comments by the Dauphin.
    I can understand the CPC frustration. There is so much corruption and stupidity on the left, and it is ignored, while any chance to dump on conservatives is seized upon like rabid terriers on a rat. The CPC attack ads, while pretty mild compared to the CBC and CTV lies about Harper, were an attempt to balance the nightly attacks mounted by the MSM on conservatives – and to present a more truthful picture of Justin than the fluff journalism that Canadians were getting from most media outlets.
    So the Dauphin can look all positive and smiley while the MSM does his mean-spirited attacking for him.

  15. so just why do conservatists keep coming up short? anything to do with the inclination of conservatists to pyss on ‘the little people’?
    here’s a hint to the post-Harper crowd: don’t threaten to yank home delivery. doesn’t matter if YOUR main constituency is well-to-do and eschews the ‘common vulgar means’ called Canada Post. do NOT whine about be forced yet again to ‘subsidize’ a service you don’t use. fed ex is soooo much faster eh?
    and the well worn excuse ‘yawell yawell yawell, brand new subdivisions doan git home delibbery’ doesn’t cut it !!! people purchasing a 1/2 million dollar spankin new custom build shack KNOW ahead of time they aren’t getting home delivery!!!
    but the rest of us plebes living in long established and urban locales we’ve had home delivery out entire life. it is an earmark of a civilized society much like a reliable hydro, phone, transportation system.
    but the harper catered as conservatists do, to the upper middle class. no connection with the much more numerous ‘one person one vote’ crowd who like me got a tad miffed at that latest swipe at our established services.
    and NO ONE ever explain the precise way in which those drop boxes were supposed to work as accurately as HOME DELIVERY.
    -what if I get an oversized pkg? what if the last schmuck to do so failed to return the key to the slot it was meant for?
    -what if Im away for extended period and my drop box fills up? I got LOTS of room on my floor right under the mail slot I cut in my front door
    -etc etc
    not ONE question answered by the harper cons promoting the change OR by Canada Post supposed to implement it.
    THAT pattern is why conservatists keep losing elections.

  16. Yet another notch on the Liberal’s gun. Play down the anger and intolerance over the Khadr deal so that the Conservatives ‘look’ nice. Instead of reading this codswallop in the press we should be demanding an election well before 2019, and a truly moral ‘Press’ would be leading the movement, instead we have these quislings telling us to not rock the boat. I advocated here earlier that we should be chasing rookie Liberals and telling then that they will not get elected again unless they cross the floor and help to bring down this mockery of a government. It would require only 15 Liberal MPs to cross and defeat this government and instead of pursuing this avenue we get a missive telling us to ‘play nice’. The only thing that you get from playing nice in politics, is beaten. There comes a time in politics when walking softly and carrying a big stick is not enough. There comes a time when you have the big stick you are forced to use it. The Khadr case is that time. We passed on the burka ban, we have passed on M-103, we passed on the refugee aid, we passed on foreign aid, if we continue on this path as the Liberals and Press are telling us then we may as well give up and forfeit ourselves to the natural governing party of Canada, and that is not a future that I want to see myself in. The Khadr case should be the straw that breaks this government, but it can only happen if Conservatives wield the stick now, in two years this will be a cold, dead case that will not resonate with Canadians.

  17. I agree — wrong. The Khadr payment angers a lot of middle-of-the-road people. The only ones defending it are die-hard Liberals who will not be voting Conservative anyway. They should go after this one aggressively and put Liberals on the defensive. Conservatives are not saying he does not get the money . . . but let’s let the courts decide. That “middle of the night” payment looks particularly sleezy.

  18. Powers is another lame-o CBC commentator and just like all the other faux Cons on the ceeb he’s either highly restricted in what he can say or the only verbalized sign of being conservative are their ‘tut-tuts’ on Liberal economic policy.
    The only interesting I’ve seen on Power & Politics lately is when they had Gavin McInnes on, which they apologized for the next day.

  19. He’s mostly right. Khadr is a niche issue and the rest of the country is over it. The CPC would be idiots to bring it up in 2019.

  20. Wait…do you actually think home delivery had anything to do with the last election result? Not on this planet it didn’t. No one cares. Trudeau isn’t even bringing it back IIRC.

  21. First of all, if Canadians DO care more about “pocketbook issues” than anything else, then YES, handing $10.5 million to a convicted terrorist should be on their list.
    Secondly, I don’t believe for one moment that Canadians have forgotten this issue or have not be angered by it. Look no further than comments columns.

  22. Does this then mean we have Patrick Brown as Federal leader too?
    I detest Conservatives who don’t have the faith of their convictions, or any convictions. They are already announcing they are ceding the enxt election to Butts.

  23. Two thirds of Canadians do not have home delivery. Does anyone who votes Conservative even have home delivery? It’s just the old Conservative story of trying to appeal to voters who will never vote for them and pissing off those who will.
    Home delivery? How about once or twice a week. Eons ago we used to get twice a week delivery and somehow we survived.

  24. Two things are certain in the next election… 1. The Media will once again campaign on behalf of their globalist comrades in the Liberal Party, they will continue to shine the Sock retards ass and continue to treat the Turd as a “celebrity’ rather than a ” leader’, all socks and staged selfies. 2. The Media will vilify and demonize Scheer just as they did with PM Harper (he’s so “scary”) and they will continue to campaign against the Conservative Party just as they always have in the past and always will… Even if the Conservative Party were to change their name to the Liberal Trudope Gay JIhad Party and say and do everything the LIbranos say and do the Media would still attack them. Taking election advice from corrupt Media turds would be a big mistake… Khadr is a terrorist Muslim asshole and PM Gerald )Heinrich Himmler) Butts and his prancing idiot friend who “acts” as PM are a couple of terrorist rewarding shit stain assholes too, and that fact should be pointed out at every opportunity. Stop trying to please the effing Media, stop dancing the Medias tune and campaign hard against these traitors and criminals, call it like it is and stop being so politically correct that you disappear up your own asses.

  25. fair enough. but to scrap it completely? fcuk you harper.
    and unme: rescinding the order to scrap it was one of the very first things turdeux did.
    the concrete pads were showing up all over the place and the commuuuuuunity boxes to go with them.
    all gone now. as is harper.

  26. I think it is a weakness for Liberals. They do not have a good excuse for paying Khadr the money. I would for sure bring it up in the next election — especially, the “dead of night” payment to prevent the widow from getting paid anything. But the Khadr issue alone will not win the election. The key will be getting Canadians to recognize that Trudeau is not really running the show. That will make Libs look duplicitous.

  27. The progressives never will understand, if you want the vote of conservative voters,you have to convince them you are conservative.
    Liberal Lite is not what taxpayers are buying.
    And that is the rub..Taxpayers.
    Our representation would be very different if voters have to contribute to the pot they are looting.
    Kleptocracy Rules.
    There are no conservatives in Canadian Political Parties.
    Just various grades of parasite.
    I forget..what % of eligible voters did not bother last election?

  28. I don’t know where you got that from. They have not made a decision:
    Re the rest: the polls are clear. Liberal support has not dropped since the Khadr thing. Move on.
    “The key will be getting Canadians to recognize that Trudeau is not really running the show. That will make Libs look duplicitous. ”
    No, the key is to present a real alternative. The CPC does not have that, so the next election will be quite predictable.

  29. I think Conservatives do offer a real alternative. The next election is a couple of years away — too soon to predict. Trudeau is not invulnerable. In fact, he is quite weak.

  30. We’ve been over this. No they do not. Scheer has no serious policy program. Loves supply management. Wants to repeal GST for heating, which is idiotic. I think he might be hostile to trade with China, which is also idiotic.

  31. Bernier offered an alternative but Sheer appears to be just another Ontario squish.

  32. Wow!! Do you ever have it rough. We lived in a town of 700. Never had home delivery, ever. For anything. My dad went to the post office every day to get the mail until he died at 94. The boxes put up
    For mail now are no more than a block away from any residence.
    You’re just an entitled liberal that thinks everyone should pay for your convenience.

  33. If there was an issue that gained him significant votes , I would say the legalization of Mary Jane was it . It resonated with many young people as well. Another major factor was the demonization of Harper . It was an easy sell to 35 yrs and younger as they basically had nothing to compare him to . The only way to defeat Trudeau is to make him scary , as some people here have pointed out . This is a monumental task given the media bias . However , except this portrait of Scheer to appear soon .

  34. Odd, one of the hard left NDP supporters I work with was incensed over the Khadr payout.
