6 Replies to “Blowout 188”

  1. That whole EV only policies in France and the UK, should be interesting. I expect lithium prices are going to skyrocket, the environmental toll of trying to mine enough materials for all those batteries is going to be mind boggling. The battery factories that are going to need to be build is also going to be huge.
    Even the brine lithium mines are going to get interesting, think about about, what is fracking, inject water into the ground, that is bad right, so when are the “environmentalists” going to start complaining about a simular process for lithium??
    At the end of the day, if the politicians where at all worried about global warming, it would be a moonshot, all out go for broke energy development. And it would not be solar or wind, it would be nuclear, both fission and fusion.

  2. this uk france gov enforced policy is tyranny on display add to that them kneecapping oil n gas industry and regulations for auto makers is unacceptable .

  3. The whole basis of global warming theory is lies. Putting policy developed from lies into effect simply involves countries lying to each other without really doing anything makes perfect sense. It really ticks them off that the US isn’t going to pay trillions to fund the lies.

  4. Regarding less Venezuelan oil to U.S. refineries, I read somewhere that part of the reason for this is that they are shipping more to Russia. This increase, according to the article, is because of a huge loan Russia made to Venezuela which they are unable to repay in cash so taking payment in oil.
    Venezuela has so mortgaged the country that I see no way out for them.
    If only Chavez had lived everything would have been great……….
