
Several injured after vehicle crashes into crowd in Barcelona.
Undoubtedly another vast right-wing conspiracy of Nazis and the KKK.
Update: CNN EXCLUSIVE>>> MUST CREDIT CNN…Wolf Blitzer Portrays Barcelona Attack as ‘Copycat’ of Charlottesville
Meanwhile, back in the real world, a second attack was foiled.

A spokeswoman for the Catalan police has confirmed that officers shot dead four alleged perpetrators and injured one more during the counter-terror raid in Cambrils.

55 Replies to “Barcelona”

  1. ” Undoubtedly another vast right-wing conspiracy of Nazis and the KKK.”
    No, more likely to be mentally disturbed individuals. Oh wait, that description would fit the Islamic Idiots, aka Inbred Morons.

  2. Violence only makes the mainstream news when it can be distorted enough to be blamed on conservatives.

  3. I’m told that Christian Arabs also say allahu akbar so……best not to assume.

  4. As mentioned yesterday, the North American MSM is trying to start a war ! Any war!
    Latest entrant(and daily contender), the Washington Post, owned by putative Democratic 2020 Presidential contender and Amazon owner Jeff Bezos:
    “Consider that the Klan and neo-Nazis are again out and about in daylight, wielding not so much torches as scissors. We can keep on throwing paper. Even after a couple of centuries of trying, we can keep hoping a commitment to commerce can still be the great fix. We would do well, however, to wise up and start throwing rock — public denunciations of white supremacy, clear anti-racist institution building, and fighting for policies that undo the money made off racism, especially with an ancient hatred now standing unhooded.
    Segregationists have again assumed their pedestals in the Justice Department, the White House and many other American temples. Paper alone won’t drive them out. Start throwing rocks.”
    By N. D. B. Connolly August 15
    N. D. B. Connolly is Herbert Baxter Adams associate professor at the Johns Hopkins University and author of “A World More Concrete: Real Estate and the Remaking of Jim Crow South Florida.” He also co-hosts a weekly podcast, BackStory, alongside Ed Ayers, Brian Balogh, and Joanne Freeman.

  5. “another vast right-wing conspiracy of Nazis and the KKK.”
    There is some solace in knowing that currently the majority of “lone Wolf” attacks occur in “Progressive” countries and concentrate in their Liberal strongholds. It’s best for conservatives to avoid and retain their money from all Progressive zones whenever possible.

  6. we3ll some A$$hole at CNN is trying pin this as a copycat to Charlottsville, so yah, they are trying to blame it on cons, and ultimately on Trump

  7. Let me guess: another “lone wolf” incident, the motives of which are unknown, right?
    Meanwhile, ISIS supporters are gleeful about it on social media.

    Of course, it is pure coincidence that the Barcelona attack occurred right in front of a kosher restaurant. Nothing to do with Islam, doncha know, just another random lone wolf named Mo. The concurrent attacks on police and the hostage taking, that’s all just another coincidence, too. Next up, EU politicians “sharing” Barcelona’s pain, saying that this is intolerable (and then going back to tolerating it again), and warning about the dangers of islamophobic backlashes.

  9. I am goin to try again to post this comment again which, as I mentioned(second post above) was held by the administrator.
    Regarding the comment “Undoubtedly another vast right-wing conspiracy of Nazis and the KKK.”
    More likely some mentally disturbed individuals. Oh wait, that description fits Islamic Idiots aka Inbred Medieval Morons.

  10. 13 dead, +15 injured so far… including reports of a shootout in which 1 perp was killed, 1 arrested..
    A muslim man arrested.

  11. I just posted a comment and again was notified
    “Thank you for commenting.
    Your comment has been received and held for review by a blog administrator.”
    Is this normal?

  12. Yes. ‘KKK’ is a filtered word. It dates back to when the tolerant left referred to Kate as ‘KKKate’.
    Everyone chill if your comments are held. It’s automatic, it doesn’t send me a notification, I’ll get to them when I can.

  13. Yes … comparing the tourists armed with cameras is completely equivalent to INTIFA with; bags of urine, padlocks, helmets, shields, sticks, homemade flame throwers … When did it happen that our media could simply say anything that popped into their drug-addled heads … live … on TV.

  14. “A muslim man arrested.”
    But he must have been mentally ill and the attack had nothing to do with religion. Maybe it was bullshit excuse No. 2 – which one is that again?

  15. The Calgary Herald is reporting that, “a white van” did this…
    *not disputing that the arrested man is “mentally ill” or devoutly muslim, or whatever. But certainly he is a man. For what that’s worth.
    BBC is blaming “a van” … but does include a short list of 8 other cases in which vehicles attacked people. Includes a photo of a man.
    Actual photos of the injured, and a list of other cases in which vehicles attacked people, including a photo of a man.

  16. If conservatives are now going to be branded as Nazis and KKK, they might as well go all Nazi and KKK on the commie leftards to keep the universe in balance.

  17. I’m busy lighting some candles and singing Kumbaya… that should help stop Islamic terrorism. I would’ve thought that past candle light vigils would have already stopped the murderous rampage of Islamist savages, oh well, this time should do the trick. Hey, anyone seen the Sock Idiot lately, maybe he was driving the white supremacist van that kinda sorta murdered non Islamists. Diverthity is our strength with no core identity, and junk… Anyway, its probably all Trumps fault, or something. Also at this time I think its best to contemplate the “root causes” and not be “Islamaphobic”, whatever that is… Damn those White supremacist Vans. Maybe Spaniards should start ripping down statues of historical relevance, that should help too. Time for Juthtin to wear his Ramadan socks and head to the nearest taxpayer funded homosexual parade, that’ll help for sure.

  18. Utterly disgusting. CNN are co-conspirators in EVERY Muslim attack … as far as I am concerned.

  19. Oh good ! Shepard (G) Smith just set my mind at ease …
    Thankfully, experts say this was a “small cell” … so this is probably the end of it
    Yeah Shep … it’s the “end of it”. Where do the Networks find these people ? At every “Pride Parade” ? Shep seems unconcerned about his eventual “fall” from a high rise rooftop.

  20. A copycat of Charlottesville??? My jaw dropped when I read your comment, THEN, I clicked on the link in a later post. Just another reason to NEVER watch CNN! I’ve been watching BBC ever since the first online feed early this morning. No hint whatsoever of a copycat. The sad part is, I know that area well and will be revisiting the region in a few weeks. Just hoping for (and expecting) an increased security presence. The timing of this attack is close to the anniversary of the final expulsion of the Moors from Spain in the 15th Century. There’s a festival on Mallorca at the end of the month, into September, celebrating that victory.

  21. Not to worry! The Spanish Govt. has ordered a 3-day period of mourning … where all businesses are ordered to extend “siesta” time to allow for the distribution of stuffed animals, candles, flowers, and whatnot. You will be completely SAFE after this period of mourning.

  22. I haven’t seen how the MSM in Canada and America are covering this since I’ve been on the road all day but if this was a crowd ramming then I have to question the extent of death and injury that happened in Charlottesville to this in Barcelona. Seems to me that the Islamic terrorists have this crowd ramming down to a fine art if they can kill dozens in an instant and the guy in Charlottesville was only able to kill one person. Or does this give credence to the theory that the Charlottesville death resulted from the driver only re-acting to an imminent threat on his being and not a total murderous attack intent on killing as many as possible.
    To the trolls out there who will no doubt call me on this I have only one question, if the Islamic terrorists intent on killing have the where-with-all and foresight to hire a vehicle heavy enough to inflict maximum carnage why did the Charlottesville rammer use his own vehicle?
    Could it be that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and had been attacked in his vehicle and under threat for his life panicked.
    To get back to this latest incident when are we going to learn that learning to live with these attacks on our society is not the answer we have to take a pro-active approach and if that means that some minority group is offended then they can remove themselves to areas where they are not offended either voluntary or in the end by force because eventually if we continue down this road of suffering in silence and then setting up vigils with lighted candles, balloons, stuffed teddy-bears, condolence cards and speeches we will reach a terminal point and that point will not be pretty.

  23. Totally preventable! First, register all vehicles. Second, require all drivers to be tested and licensed.
    Oh, wait a minute!

  24. Not an “isolated event” …
    “A huge explosion at a house 120 miles south of Barcelona on Wednesday night is now being linked by police to the terrorist attack a day later.
    Police in Spain initially dismissed the explosion in Alcanar as a gas explosion.
    But on Thursday night, hours after the attack that killed at least 13 people and wounded 100, they revised their initial response.
    Josep Lluis Trapero, head of the Mossos police, announced at a press conference that they now believe there is some connection between the occupants of the house and the perpetrators of the Barcelona attack.”

  25. Barcelona a copycat of Charlottesville? That’s ridiculous! It was ovipusly the other way around. The Charlottesville car attack was copying ISIS, right?

  26. Or does this give credence to the theory that the Charlottesville death resulted from the driver only re-acting to an imminent threat on his being and not a total murderous attack intent on killing as many as possible.
    Even if it turns out that the hit-and-run in Charlottesville was an accident like you described, do you think that the driver will be acquitted? Even if a jury lets him off the hook, the left will keep pressuring the judicial system with appeals until the poor guy’s finally hanged.

  27. Skweeker – you forgot that only cops should have vehicles…err, scratch that, only black cops should have vehicles because apparently the white cops will drive over black people when they see them according to BLM and the Progressives that worship them.

  28. Do you really think the left would push it that far, why that would be like jailing some poor video maker for a year on the pretense that he instigated a riot….. Oh wait, Damn that happened didn’t it.

  29. Accident? That is delusional. He sped up and did not brake. I doubt that he’ll be executed but it will be a long prison sentence. As it should be!

  30. The shooting of more attack muslims, 120 kilometres southwest of Barcelona hasn’t made its way to the CNN filter yet.
    Hopefully the dead have their cellphones available to contact the others acts associated with them through the night.
    Video of the police/military shooting the islamic terrorists that are so obviously not copying the Virginia driving rampage.

  31. The tolerant left:
    A Missouri state senator said in a now-deleted Facebook post that she hopes President Donald Trump is assassinated.
    Maria Chappelle-Nadal acknowledged on Thursday that she wrote a post which read: “I hope Trump is assassinated!”
    She made the comment in an exchange with a left-wing activist who claimed that his cousin is a Secret Service agent.

  32. Apparently these attacks were the work of a lone wolf pack of Charlottesville copycat crews.
    Dogs, cats, which is it Wolf? Thanks but no thanks for your evidence free “speculations.”
    When will the public tire of so-called journalists constantly crying “Wolf” about Trump?
    When people say Trump is a racist, I call them bigots because they are prejudiced people, making conclusions about matters they know nothing of.
    Then I watch their heads explode as cognitive dissonance feeds their hysteria and confirmation bias. Quite fun really.
    Hint to violent leftist fascists arguing Trump “made them do it:”
    It’s not working; 2018 might as well be a hundred years from now, along with pining for American failure to supplant Trump. The gravy train is kaput.
