14 Replies to “How Much Renewable Energy do you Get for $4 trillion?”

  1. Well then the plan is working as the UN and socialist elites intended, ie drain the developed western nations of their wealth.

  2. A colossal misallocation of resources if there ever was one.
    And the bulk of it was paid by tax dollars.

  3. I hate lying liars who write headlines, and the lying newspeaking liars who host the blogs where those headlines are printed.
    There is reliable power, and there is unreliable power. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE. Any other word you use is a lie. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS RENEWABLE POWER.
    If you use the word renewable, you are on the other side. Full stop.

  4. I’m a proud member of the Liars’ Club, continuing to use the word renewable (energy) when I think it appropriate.

  5. You have agreed to the Marxist redefinition of the language. It is clear you are on the other side. Making up words/lying/redefining existing words is why liberty lost, why liberty will keep losing.
    Infanticide became abortion.
    National German Socialist worker’s party became right wing/conservative.
    Education became antifa/indoctrination.
    Civil servants became masters.
    Citizens became slaves/chattel.
    Cheap, plentiful, and reliable; having energy under those three necessary conditions allowed everything we have today. Taking away any of those three things? Unreliable power generation actually takes away all of them. It make energy more expensive, less plentiful, and of course, unreliable.
    WalterF fully supports expensive, scarce, unreliable energy; everyone bow down to his superior virtue.
    Anyone know any Amish? I am thinking knowing how to saddle horses, using horse drawn implements, stooking, manual tools and framing without nails are going to make a comeback in the world of expensive, scarce, unreliable power. The milkman is going to be going back to a horse drawn wagon. Who even still has a house with a milk door? How many ice boxes are left? Anyone still have an ice saw, know how to go to the dugout and use it in the winter, to store up enough ice to last the summer? Canning will definitely be making a comeback too. How many of you have root cellars, or know how to make one?

    Yes there is Renewable Power… Just add Money & rebuild the worn out Windmills & you have a renewable power circle….The AGW research never ends because it is not a proven science…The Rule of a scientific Fraud is that all the supporting data MUST be created & re-created as required..
    Yes AGW is an “Renewable” fraud!… and Gore’s Bank needs deposits

  7. Kevin, I hope your rant is not directed at me. Remember that hydro power comes into the renewable category, Canada’s got lots of it and it is probably the RR of all energy sources. The UN should should simply mandate all the worlds population to go live in striking distance of a mountainous wet country. Norway only has about 5 million, I’m sure there’s room for a billion more.
    What is the relationship like between Canadians and Australians? I’ve been watching both countries from afar. Canada actually has some of the “cleanest” electricity generation on Earth, due to nuclear and hydro, approaching that of France and Sweden, while Australia has some of the “dirtiest” electricity in the world, approaching that of India, since virtually all of it is generated from coal. And yet, it is the Australians who come over as virtuous environmentalists and the Canadians as the world’s leading petrol heads. Just asking 🙂

  8. Hear hear !! Applause. I am making plans to be a “high tech Amish”. I plan to sell milkmaid aprons on Amazon which will be delivered by bicycle courier from local “distribution centers” (local barns). I f-e-e-l soooooo good about myself. My virtue is efffing overflowing. Yes, I will still need the Bernie Sanders Govt. to maintain federal grants for my home-based business … but in our new post-Trump era … everything will be free, non-toxic, and carbon neutral. Yeayyy ! And “the rich” (the highly taxed middle class) will be paying for it all. Crush the bourgeoise!!!

  9. I read a story today (but can’t find the link now)about how Ontario is going to spend Billions to build power lines into remote areas of the province to get a few Indian reservations onto the grid. The amount of money is obscene, to get maybe ten thousand people onto the grid. This is one of the few instances were windmills and solar actually make sense. The cost per megawatt used will be astronomical, and they decide to do it ass backwards.

  10. Hydro does not fall under the umbrella of unreliable; have you not been keeping up on the cost of decommissioning dams? Environmentologists want to un-dam rivers, to save the fish of course. Like they are saving the delta smelt. Applied to every hydro-electric project worldwide.
    The goal was never to provide power; the goal has always been that Al Gore and David Suzuki live like kings, and the rest of us get to have a boot stamping on our faces, forever.

  11. But … but … you OWE it to the First Peoples ! YOU (your “white” forefathers) STOLE their lands … so the least you can do is donate a massive chunk of your income, and utility fees to the noble native peoples. Only a NAZI would complain about GIVING the First People’s anything and everything they want. NAZI !@! NAttttttttZZIiiiiii !!!!

  12. let them live like their forefathers lived. In Teepees, and off the land . No gas, no oil, no coal, no cars , no snowmobiles, no supermarkets, no factory made clothing, just the nothing that they used to have. No TV, no video games, no cell phones. NOTHING.

  13. What !? No plywood to build their ice huts ? You mean … igloos for the lot of em? Which, the eco-left absolutely lovvvvve … so natural, such indigenous materials.
