20 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Considering his tepid performance so far as Conservative leader, perhaps he should change his surname to Creampuff or Marshmallow.

  2. I agree on Scheer’s stance to support universities on their decision to ban certain groups from protesting on campus property. I understand wholeheartedly why any politician would support that decision. In the wake of a domestic terrorist attack in Charlottvile, Va., and other violence that may unfold this weekend, would it be wise to invite such chaos to the grounds of a Canadian university?? I don’t think so.
    When I was a teen and even later on, I was often invited to protests in places such as Regina and Saskatoon. In the 60’s, we could attend a rally every weekend. From opposing the Vietnam War to Pierre Elliot Trudeau’s October Crisis, it was all a waste of time and energy.
    I wrote letters to the editors, and I joined the Progressive Conservative parties of Canada and Saskatchewan. We had some pretty impressive victories, my most memorable was Mulroney’s defeat of the Liberals with the second largest majority in Canadian history. (Sept. 04-1984.)
    We ended the Trudeau era with fireworks. My 2nd best memory is the defeat of the NDP and Alan Blakeny on April 26, 1982. We reduced the NDP to 9 seats and completely eliminated the Liberals. Another notch in our pistols was when the Reform Party became the official opposition. (June 02-1997) And in hindsight, we should have remained The Reform Party of Canada.
    The first thing we have to do if we want to change things is to gain popularity and get elected. Waving banners and placards or defecating on the lawn won’t get your there, trust me. And in ending, writing a cheque to your party of choice helps even more.

  3. An idea Hannity had to ‘shut this down’ is to label Antifa,
    and all terror attacks as “alt left”. The left hates it, so…

  4. AGW RIP.
    “…. combined with years of inundating rains and brutal winters,…”
    “Norway’s Washout Summer – Farmers Despair”
    “Rain, rain, rain. Rain on 70 out of 72 days! Large crops are lost.
    “Same as start of the great famine of 1315,” says reader.
    In Western Norway it’s been very wet in some places for 70 out of 72 days as the jet stream has increasingly taken a sojourn over Northwestern Europe, says astrophysicist Piers Corbyn.70 out of 72 days! That’s 97 percent!”
    “The Great Famine:
    Northern Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century”
    “The horrors of the Great Famine (1315-1322), one of the severest catastrophes ever to strike northern Europe, lived on for centuries in the minds of Europeans who recalled tales of widespread hunger, class warfare, epidemic disease, frighteningly high mortality, and unspeakable crimes.”

  5. AGW RIP.
    Up next? Eclipse denier.
    “Doubting impending catastrophe would be like being an eclipse denier!”
    “Peter Foster: Climate crusaders have got lost in space
    First Stephen Hawking warned earth would be the new Venus, complete with sulphuric rainstorms; now Neil DeGrasse Tyson has joined the climate deranged”
    “The Cosmos graphic amounts to ignorance rather than misinformation, but the solar eclipse claim speaks to the peculiar psychology of climate conviction: that the science is so “settled” that it is like Newtonian clockwork. Doubting impending catastrophe would be like being an eclipse denier!”

  6. AGW RIP.
    Up next? Eclipse denier.
    “Doubting impending catastrophe would be like being an eclipse denier!”
    “Peter Foster: Climate crusaders have got lost in space
    First Stephen Hawking warned earth would be the new Venus, complete with sulphuric rainstorms; now Neil DeGrasse Tyson has joined the climate deranged”
    “The Cosmos graphic amounts to ignorance rather than misinformation, but the solar eclipse claim speaks to the peculiar psychology of climate conviction: that the science is so “settled” that it is like Newtonian clockwork. Doubting impending catastrophe would be like being an eclipse denier!”

  7. “An idea Hannity had to ‘shut this down’ is to label Antifa,
    and all terror attacks as “alt left”. The left hates it, so…”
    Some places are using “ctl left”

  8. That was also in the National Post. I did not see it as complete bashing. Then again, I only read the first half. There was some interesting background on Ezra given. I did not know he was a national debating champ. Talented guy.

  9. I first heard about him while I was a grad student more than 20 years ago. He studying law at the University of Alberta the same time I was there and he used to write long articles and letters in the student newspaper The Gateway.
    Anything he produced was worth reading.

  10. My apologies, I should have read the whole column. It is however exceedingly long!!
    I was being prejudice, I just don’t like the Herald, I don’t believe it reflects how Albertans think!

  11. “Andrew Scheer says universities have the right to determine which ‘outside groups’ they give platforms to.”
    However, publicly-funded universities – which in Canada is all of them, or almost all – don’t have the same leeway that a wholly private school would. Otherwise some people’s point of view is supported by everyone’s taxes more than others’, which is absolutely unethical and should be unconstitutional (actually it is unconstitutional under section 2(b) of the Charter of Rights, but the Supreme Court has eviscerated it).
