24 Replies to “Being Woke In One Sentence”

  1. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she’s trying to point out how silly most racism accusations are.
    Brooklyn Law professor…yeah, right….

  2. Throughout history and even in many parts of the world today, an eclipse is a bad thing (consider the emergency preparedness alerts in various cities).
    The moon is racist against white folk.

  3. “Perhaps this is all building to some kind of point”…indeed, that “point” would be on top of her head.

  4. Natural events, acts of God if you will, have nothing to do with racial density or moral proclivities (“It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people.”) Jesus put it this way: “for He (God) causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous – Matt. 5:45). In short, the solar eclipse is the predicted outcome of celestial movements, and like gravity, don’t care about skin color or race.
    The academic standards of Harvard seem to be drooping and it is folly for that institution to illustrate that point so graphically.

  5. hehe, now let’s mess with Disney. You know, this whole Light side of the force, Dark side of the force is racist….right?

  6. While I was an undergrad, I heard it said that the toughest thing about graduating from certain faculties was to being accepted by the departments in question. Getting one’s degree after that was relatively easy by comparison.
    I didn’t think about that too much at the time but, years later, I worked on my Ph. D. It was in that setting that I saw how politicized the system really was and that what one did wasn’t as important as whether a supervisor liked someone. I heard stories about how certain professors treated their students like their personal servants (i. e., picking up dry cleaning, babysitting the kids, and so on). How those students responded to that influenced whether or not they finished their degrees.
    Based on my experiences, I concluded that if getting a doctorate had anything to do with talent, intelligence, or hard work, most universities would have to close because they can’t find enough qualified people.
    It makes me wonder if this fruitloop fell into that category.

  7. uh, ms ristroph, please long gaze at the celestial marvel.
    then let us know what ‘vision’ came to you. (pun intended).

  8. Thank you Atlantic magazine and the author “what’s-her-name” … for providing a wonderful travel guide for my retirement community search. I have been studying the entire USA, looking for a place to escape the lunacy of California, and you have provided a wonderful demographic breakdown. Thank you for narrowing my search. And no … I am not now, nor have I ever been a racist. But I do like the “odds” to be in my favor.

  9. Wow, I am impressed by her conclusive proof of the shallowness of her academic thinking and that she is a racist.

  10. Not so fast you haters…the Black Walnut tree in my front yard gets 15.6% less sunshine than the White Birch behind the house. RACIST!!!!!!

  11. Gardening black walnuts into a ghetto! You should be made to pay reparations for your Jim Crow horticultural segregation? You should be forced to give the black walnut 22% more water, and 17% more fertilizer. You should be made to hire an Arborist to “groom” the branch structure of the walnut, and provide a FREE pre-nursery for all the sprouting walnuts that have dropped from the tree. And, of course, provide FREE fertilizer stamps for the dependent sprouts. Although, you WILL be allowed to ABORT any sprouts that are undesired.

  12. I’m pretty sure Ristoph’s piece is a clumsy attempt at irony. But then, I barely graduated from high school.

  13. “If you laughed at that, tittered even, you’re a terrible, terrible person.”
    Upon reading that I was of course still in mid-guffaw from the previous sentence.
    It’s simply not safe to drink coffee while reading this stuff.

  14. Since the equations of celestial mechanics are based on work done by such scientists as Johannes Kepler, Sir Isaac Newton, and Leonhard Euler, I guess any statues of them must now be torn down as well. Clearly, they were all racists and, worse, the science is euro-centric.

  15. Not even Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton could be this stupid. Sad to say that not only do these idiots vote but they also get to influence their students into becoming full fledged snow flakes/SJWs.

  16. Worse – much worse.
    The eclipse won’t be visible ANYWHERE in Canada.
    THE UNIVERSE HATES US!!!!!! I blame Trump.
