38 Replies to “Diversity is our strength.”

  1. Why the H E double hockey sticks was the UPC even wanting to participate in such a show of depravity? Or was this a case of the ‘pride’ controllers saying the UPC can’t play even though the UPC never asked to play?

  2. “The annual event draws upward of 60,000 and this year’s parade goes Sept. 3 from noon to 1:30 p.m.”
    Everyone loves to watch a freaky parade. I’ve never been to a “Pride” parade. Not likely that I ever will. But doesn’t it seem that this is just a “Carnival” parade rebranded and a spice of political correctness added?

  3. The mind truly boggles. The spin is utterly bewildering. Considering that pride parades are all about inclusiveness, the list of people and groups being excluded gets longer with each passing moment.
    As for Andrew S. and his non participation in a pride parade, I notice that Justin Trudeau is not dishing out soup at the local homeless shelter. I guess that means Justin is intolerant of poor people.

  4. Let me guess LGBTQ, Canadian conservatives not welcome, but Islam will have a place of honor unless you start with banning the mayor and the 90% third world population of NE Calgary.

  5. why are these “sexual” issues being mixed with politics? Aren’t there real political issues to deal with?
    Good lord, between sexual and religious bullsh*t, how do they manage to run a country?

  6. So, the UCP has actually agreed to send members to re-education camps in time for next year?

  7. “Samantha Johnston said the party is working with Pride officials to schedule the workshops”
    Maybe the LGBTQ should be forced into “workshops” to learn about the ill affects of their depravity on society before they’re allowed to march or participate in anything public.
    The UCP should tell them to get f*cking stuffed, they own nothing here.

  8. Manfred Mann’s madman was right. The world is full of geeks and freaks and simples.

  9. Being told to stay away from gay pride would be something to be proud of. I never went to circus sideshow/freak shows at the cirus when I was growing up so why would I go to one now that I’m an adult with intelligence.

  10. So Alberta Conservatives are forbidden from attending the Queer Parade while Federal Conservatives are defective because they don’t want to attend. They’re just toying with you boys.

  11. So then … the LGBTQ-FU community continues to isolate themselves into a “pride ghetto”. After all, how can they continue to claim “victim” status if they are freely “accepted” by their imagined opposition? It’s a bit like all the faux racial “unrest” … which serves only to extend the “victimhood” of dark-skinned Americans. Serves to extend affirmative-action hiring by the government. Serves to preserve affirmative-action college admissions. Serves to fuel the businesses of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, et.al. The need to perpetuate their victimhood is primary to their narrative.
    Well I am here to claim “victimhood” for my fellow HETER-O community. We have been Jim Crowed OUT of all those FAB-U-LOUS!! pride parades. I demand reparations. I demand that the leaders of the Pride activities be FORCED to accept us. By a powdered-wig in Canada (which BTW are FAB-U-LOUS!!). Time to SUE for our EQUAL rights ! Time to FORCE the LGBTQ-FU’s to ak-seppppt us. We need many, many, new Federal Laws to “protect” our HETER-O “rights”

  12. ” I guess that means Justin is intolerant of poor people.”
    But you won’t hear any of that from the cbc, np, star or any other msm outlet.
    All a bunch of liberal lickspittles.Euric

  13. “Being told to stay away from gay pride would be something to be proud of.”
    And with apologies to Groucho, why would you want to join a club that wouldn’t have you?

  14. Now the left wants to openly indoctrinate those whom disagree with their nonsense ?
    A portion of the parade patrons will no doubt be in police costumes and PM Socks will likely don his best pair of nylons.

  15. That is a good question David in Michigan — one I’ve been asking myself lately.
    Are the big public show ups evidence of approval or just a desire to see a freak show; like say, going to see the “bearded lady” at the circus in bygone daze.
    I’m with vance on Sheer’s (sp?) astute move.
    I now consider this a litmus test.
    If a conservative politician pointedly “marches” in these freak shows you can immediately write him off.
    How Mao can it get!!???

  16. “which serves only to extend the “victimhood” of dark-skinned Americans”
    Side issue, but “dark-skinned” people everywhere owe reparations to all Black Africans for the slavery that their ancestors imparted on other peoples, something the Zulu’s were famous for. A slavery legacy that still exists today.
    The Mexican’s also owe for their Aztec slaver ancestors as well, as do the Aboriginal peoples of North America.

  17. The UCP needs to legally SUE for discrimination!
    First the City of Calgary and then the festival organizers – Included is a case for the useless Human Rights Commission (HRC) based on racial and political discrimination against a distinct Canadian minority group who has never advocated hate.

  18. Paul, why are you pointing out that slavery was universal? It disrupts the wicked Americans narrative. Canada had slavery too. Disappearance of slavery is only about timing and Americans were far from the last. It’s still going on.

  19. This issue not withstanding, Sheer is a complete putz. Might as well have picked that idiot Chong. I already wrote my MP advising that they have completely alienated their base in record time. Everyone I talk to wants him out of there. This was a big mistake electing that fat clown.

  20. I suspect that if the Pride Parade organizers demanded that any politicians wishing to be in the parade perform oral sex on the floats, there would be takers from all parties.
    When I was a municipal Councillor, our Mayor introduced a resolution which we adopted affirming that our Town would not “declare” days for any and all “groups”. At the time, Municipalities were being sued by Gay activists for refusing to declare a Gay Pride day. It was the best way to avoid identity politics as well as avoiding distractions that have nothing to do with local governance.

  21. John please name your city … I am going to apply for Canadian citizenship and settle there. Sounds like “my people” … i.e. … SANE, not emotionally damaged. No “victims” allowed in that town … it appears.

  22. “….our Town would not “declare” days for any and all “groups”.”
    Like Christian prayer or the Oath of Allegiance in classrooms, sounds pretty fair.
    Unfortunately like exempted Muslim footbaths and prayer rooms in schools, “All Groups” only means one group for the Progressive Agenda against the west. “Right Wing” speakers can’t even speak freely at Canadian Universities or face mob violence.
    BTW, it’ll be interesting to see how many Communist, Palestinian, Hezbollah, Hama’s even ISIS flags will be in attendance. *(pictured afterwards on blog posts of course, like I’d ever watch and support this mentally ill event).

  23. The town is Port McNeill, BC and I no longer live there. The current Mayor is more aligned with socialists. Our Mayor at the time, Jerry Furney, was the longest sitting Mayor in the Province, a well known conservative full of blarney who immigrated from County Cork, Ireland in the fifties.

  24. “Of the 11 Muslim MPs elected in the last election, 10 are Liberal and one is Conservative. The Liberal MPs are Omar Alghabra (Mississauga Centre, Ont.), Iqra Khalid (Mississauga-Erin Mills, Ont.), Salma Zahid (Scarborough Centre, Ont.), Arif Virani (Parkdale-High Park, Ont.), Majid Jowhari (Richmond Hill, Ont.), Ali Ehsassi (Willowdale, Ont.), Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Ont.), Ahmed Hussen (York South-Weston, Ont.), Maryam Monsef (Peterborough-Kawartha, Ont.) and Marwan Tabbara (Kitchener South-Hespeler, Ont.). The lone Conservative Muslim MP is Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, Alta.).”
    – rightedition.com 16 November 2015
    I want to see every Muslim MP in Canada required by their party to attend every Pride parade in their riding.

  25. *sigh* … why am I not surprised that a city in BC has turned Marxist … *sigh* … my search for a retirement location goes on …

  26. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Red Jean can’t even be with his own kind. Faggotry has reached new levels.

  27. No, nothing like Christian prayer or the Oath of Allegiance in classrooms. That falls under other forms of governance (School Boards). “Groups” generally approach local government asking for their various related declarations every time they want one. And by not doing them for “all” you are not discriminating by not doing it for “some”.

  28. “Disappearance of slavery is only about timing and Americans were far from the last. It’s still going on.”
    True enough. The Brazilians didn’t get around to abolishing slavery until 1888. Notably, many Muslim states were noticeably slow to outlaw the institution: from Saudi Arabia in 1962 to Mauretania in 1981.

  29. Whew, glad we found some real conservatives, huh? Ones that stand up for real right of centre views. Imagine what would happen if we hadn’t, huh?
    Wanna keep apologizing for the UCP, Gord?

  30. I’ve already written Sheer off as a sell-out. I am stunned how quickly he abandoned the Rebel… probably his only friendly voice in all of media. He’d prefer to talk to the CBC. He’ll quickly learn how respectful the CBC will be towards him during the next election cycle. Karma is a bitch, sometimes.
    As far as attending a pride parade being a litmus test, well it’s almost a certainty now, if he’s offered the opportunity, he’ll take it, further marginalizing socons across the country.

  31. I’m with you on Sheer. There are no conservatives west of Sask. None east of there either! Sad, so sad!

  32. I totally agree!! The UPC has no cause to defend at this parade, and would gain much more by simply walking away.

  33. Meet the new right of center, same as the old right of center…
    Stop snivelling and groveling and f***ing FIGHT.

  34. I made this comment to my Liberal riding office staff. How is diversity a strength? When your society is all broken up into various factions, muslim, indigenous, Chinese whatever how is this a strength? It is only when the separate groups come together as a UNITED front that a country can defend its society. Have you ever heard the statement, divide and conquer? Well that is what you want Canada to become, a nation of factions, and it will collapse as Europe is.
    Blank stares.
