26 Replies to “Good Job Boston”

  1. What? No cries of “Not my First Amendment!” or “Antifa Lives Matter!”?
    Has good sense and decency suddenly broken out?

  2. It is good news. There must be a sustained effort to get people back to tolerating ideas they hate and making sure politicians recommit to their responsibility to uphold free speech and freedom of association. If you refuse to listen to the extremists then you’ll probably also miss any valid complaints that started them down the road to extremism or you’ll find out their grievances are imagined. You can also just ignore moronic speech if you think that it’s audience is limited or dying off.
    I must admit that the closing quote amused me, “I believe in equality,” Vargas said. “I believe race shouldn’t define the pattern of your life or the result of your life.” In my mind I remembered all the pseudoscience, liberal/profressive activist speeches, quotes from academics and university classes that blatantly targets “whiteness” as evil, or as I think of it – Original Sin for the Church of Progressives. How do those racist comments and ideas by progressives square with this quote from the same article, “Ignoring a problem has never solved it,” Cannon said in a phone interview. “We cannot continue to ignore racism.”
    I agree and is fought by getting academics and politicians to refocus on individual rights rather that group victim/oppressor based on race and sex. That might be very difficult battle since progressives are so emotionally attached to intersectionality. Perhaps point that poverty and lack of social mobility tracks better by postal and area code than skin color, gender and sexuality.

  3. Grope and Flail, “Thousands take to streets in Boston to protest against hate speech”. Typical leftist progressive view on the Boston marches.
    On CKOM radio news, they at least billed the event as “thousands march for free speech”.
    I guess the Grope and flail does not believe in free speech, but then I knew that.

  4. I read that the Mayor and Police Chief published a list of BANNED objects that would not be allowed on the streets; sticks, clubs, pepper spray, improvised flame throwers, shields, etc. Why!? hasn’t this been done in EACH and EVERY city in America!? “Tolerating” the INTIFA thugs, and their thuggery, is a stain on America … a stain on our Constitution. Why!? did the Charlotte police stand-by and do NOTHING whilst ANTIFA thugs VIOLENTLY shut-down the FREE SPEECH of the white supremacists !? Sorry, but as vile as is their message … I will defend their RIGHT to express it. As I do for the counter protestors … ALL without VIOLENCE. The FAILED leftist politicians of America’s cities need to start ENFORCING the LAW … which protects EVERYONES rights … not just their side.
    Now … on to the article which persists in calling ALL conservative speakers … HATE speech. Note to 2/3 of America (who statistically hold fundamentally conservative viewpoints and lifestyles) … the Press considers you to be HATERS. Because you have a “traditional family” … and a “job”. You are the bourgeoisie. It appears as though the culture WAR and Marxist Revolution is … ON. The American versions of Pravda and Izvestia have chosen their battle lines. “Fair and balanced” is GONE in America. The Press HATE you and will continue to LIE and DISTORT.

  5. Too bad this part slipped under the radar too. From the article you linked to:
    “Could the person who defaced the Lincoln Memorial please come back and write more clearly so we know who to be mad at,” comedy writer Chase Mitchell wrote on Twitter.”

  6. Exactly. If you are not a liberal/progressive you are a bad person.
    The Frankfurt School has done a great job of infiltrating and taking over our media.

  7. Most conservatives and libertarians understand is that progressives label everything they disagree with as “hate speech” (racist, sexist, populist,etc.) If 1000 people genuinely advocate for free speech rights and progressive journalists can find (or manufacture) one objectionable sign, gesture or quote then the entire protest becomes hate speech. Progressives and journalists are manipulative and dishonest. That’s why they have a lower trust rating than politicians. But they’re also one of the big reasons progressives are losing elections so….carry on.

  8. Unfortunately, the church isn’t any better. If one doesn’t go along with the leftist-trend-du-jour, one is branded a heretic and treated as an outcast after all attempts at “forgiveness” and “conversion” have failed.
    The leftists–I mean, true believers–would gladly bring back burning heretics at the stake as a common practice if it wasn’t for the fact that they need open fire permits from the municipal authorities in order to do so.

  9. The first time I was a grad student, starting in the late 1970s, I attended services at a certain congregation. It seemed like each sermon was a speech supporting whichever revolutionary group or ideology which happened to be in favour that day. (None were conservative, of course.) The bombast was supported by passages from scripture which, conveniently, were often taken out of context.
    Every time I expressed my misgivings about what was said, people would give me dirty looks and I’m sure that their thoughts about me included the words “ignorant”, “unenlightened”, “unbeliever”, “apostate”, and the aforementioned “heretic”.
    My views were not popular. If there was anyone there who shared them, they were silent, at least with me. After about a year, I dropped out and transferred to an institution in a different province.
    I’m sure that many people there breathed a sigh of relief when I left.

  10. “Could the person who defaced the Lincoln Memorial please come back and write more clearly so we know who to be mad at,” comedy writer Chase Mitchell wrote on Twitter.”

  11. We are a nation of LAWS! Rigorous enforcement of our Laws is what separates us from corrupt, dangerous, loser, shit-holes like Mexico. But sadly ALL of these so-called INTIFA punks grew up under 8-years of a President who summarily ignored, abandoned, or outright erased our LAWS without due process. If “he” believed a law to be “unjust” … or a nations borders to be “wrong” … he simply pretended they didn’t exist. Now, virtually all the Mayors of our major cities follow suit and are “enabling” law-breaking anarchy on our streets … all for the “good cause” of silencing dissent … silencing conservative thoughts and values.
    Our cities are overrun with bandana-burka covered Anarchists who want all the goodies of our nation, without any work. Punks who believe (I guess correctly) that they can “act out” their butt hurt over HER failure to win enough votes to continue the Lawless Obama States of America. They mock and ignore all Laws. They know they can intimidate, assault, and vandalize without any legal consequences. The kids are being allow … nay, encouraged … to “tear it all down maaaaan”. Well kiddies … Donald Trump is President because the hard working backbone of America got FED up with the Federal, State, and Local swamp creatures mucking up our country. We were able to accomplish the impossible by joining together to correct the errors made by incompetent pranksters like Obama, Nancy Pelosi … and HER. We will also put an to the lawlessness on our streets. The core demographic of America (productive citizens) will not allow their country to slip into the hands of the Soros nation. We will do … whatever it takes … just like on Nov. 8, 2016. We elected a pussy-grabber … and it’s time to get ahold of these INTIFA pussies.

  12. People like the members of the congregation I referred to earlier believed that if they felt a law was “unjust” (which usually meant it inconvenienced them), they had a right to engage in “civil disobedience”. In other words, rule of law really meant nothing to them unless it served their purpose.
    That’s why we now have slogans such as “no one is illegal”.
    I often wondered if those people would have preferred complete anarchy and mayhem as opposed to order and good government.

  13. I resent the article linking conservatives who are protesting free speech with the skin-heads, neo-Nazi faction. That’s their next step in the master plan to stifle opposing views.
    We’re not far from a totalitarian state now.

  14. Absolutely correct…and CTV was using the exact same conflation reporting on a march in Ottawa today. I expect they did this for the exact same reason. Vipers, the lot.

  15. Sadly … I detect our President’s and Steve Bannon’s interests and motives to be diverging. I suspect our President is now just trying to “be liked” … the M.O. of the GOPe. Capitulation in “hope” of compromise.

  16. “Thousands of demonstrators chanting anti-Nazi slogans converged Saturday on downtown Boston in a boisterous repudiation of white nationalism, dwarfing a small group of conservatives who cut short their planned ‘free speech rally’ a week after a gathering of hate groups led to bloodshed in Virginia.”
    “Organizers of the event, which had been billed as a ‘Free Speech Rally,’ had publicly distanced themselves from the neo-Nazis, white supremacists and others who fomented violence in Charlottesville on Aug. 12.”
    “Opponents feared that white nationalists might show up in Boston anyway …”
    All of which means the counterprotest was not a repudiation of white nationalism, it was a repudiation of free speech. And if the rally was “cut short”, then leftist intimidation and/or violence won the day, not freedom.
    “Members of the Black Lives Matter movement later protested on the Common, where a Confederate flag was burned and protesters pounded on the sides of a police vehicle.”
    If they bought the flag, they have a right to burn it. No question.
    “Later Saturday afternoon, Boston’s police department tweeted that protesters were throwing bottles, urine and rocks at them and asked people publicly to refrain from doing so.”
    If that’s all it takes to get them to stop, why don’t you ask them to stop robbing banks and killing people?
    “Boston Commissioner William Evans said 27 arrests were made — mostly for disorderly conduct while some were for assaulting police officers.”
    Were these the anti-white nationalist counterprotesters or the free speech advocates who were arrested?
    “Some counterprotesters dressed entirely in black and wore bandannas over their faces.”
    Shhh! You’ll give the “white nationalists”, who didn’t do this last week and who were doxxed as a result, ideas!
    “Black-clad counterprotesters also grabbed an American flag out of an elderly woman’s hands, and she stumbled and fell to the ground.”
    Yeah, that’ll help the cause. Come show your opposition to fascism by pushing over an old lady! Maybe they get $5 for each one.

  17. Oh, and if the planned free speech rally was “cut short”, then First Amendment rights were NOT respected.

  18. Exactly. And, Robert’s thread, “America’s Civil War Comes to Canada’s Left Coast”, and the recent experience of watching Canada’s so-called conservatives bending over for the Paris Accord, M-103, Patrick Brown, the Prog Con leader in Ontario, and now UCP in Alberta’s Calgary Pride Parade shows the extent of conservative impotence and collapse.

  19. Let’s see – some one is going to giveaway speech and is unable to do so , requiring a police escort to safety and that is how free speech is supposed to work . Dementia is setting in – I am more than a little confused .
