10 Replies to “But, but, statues!”

  1. I’m that there are going to be leftists who will claim that those shootings were justified.

  2. When!? … will Google, Facebook, PayPal, et.al. … suspend ALL accounts run by BLM and the Southern Poverty Law Center ?! For fomenting VIOLENCE and MURDER of the Police (and conservatives) !? I guess … some … HATE speech, and VIOLENT conduct … is “more equal” than others. Its’s OK for Google, Facebook, PayPal, et.al. to suspend WHITE supremacists … but allow BLACK supremacists to thrive. Time to Regggg-U-late!

  3. The fricken civil war already started. Is the right leaning population of the US going to lose this war or win it. The war has started, it’s time to win.

  4. Compare the fractured nation before the first civil war to today.
    Open borders, multiculturalism, and Progressive Liberalism has led the US to the brink of complete meltdown and Anarchy.

  5. *
    “shamrock cries… ‘more gun control!'”
    how many of these police officers were shot by legally owned firearms?
    not a single one i venture.
    recently released statistics show clearly and absolutely that persons with
    concealed carry permits are the most law-abiding people in america. in
    fact, they even have a better record than police officers.
    in fact, a 2% slice of the american demographic is responsible for more
    than half of the murders.

  6. When Obama and his missus wanted to change America forever, is this what they were thinking of?
    There are more disgruntled blacks, and many more black militants,in the US after the first half-black President was elected and the first 100% black First Lady than there has been for a couple of generations.
    It will take the replacement of Trump with Hillary to quieten down all this unrest. There is no other way.
    Anyone who seriously wants to avoid a civil war will have to remove Trump, otherwise, war.
    Is that what Obama really wants? I’m sure Michelle does.

  7. Shamrock,
    Unfortunately you cannot satirize the Gun Controllers like Shannon Watts. No matter what happened, they will reflexively jump on twitter and demand “Moar Gun Controlz!!!” After a woman is mowed down by a car in Charlottesville, she actually demanded more gun control. After stabbing attacks, yep, More Gun Control!
    And NEO’s stats are correct. US Carry Permit owners are more law abiding than the general public, and even the police. Black Men do commit half the homicides in the US. And in Blue State hell holes like Chicago, 80% of the murdered are their fellow black men, women, and way too many children.
    And Gellen,
    If Hillary was elected, it would have been worse by now. Her fanatical Socialist support would have been emboldened even more, and provided more overt support by the Democrats.

  8. *
    “shamrock says… NEO. Really? Satire OK?
    guess i’m having trouble distinguishing satire from the nutty argle-bargle
    being tossed around by the lunatic left.
    witness cnn’s wolf blitzer attempting to link the allah take the wheel
    craziness in barcelona to the nazi-commie imbroglio in charlottesville.
