12 Replies to “Regards”

  1. I lost my son in a terrible accident in the Middle East. I have some knowledge of what these mothers are going through – and it will never go away. Everyone grieves in different ways and that should be respected.

  2. This may be the dumbest post in SDA history. There is no comparison or connection between these two parents.

  3. No connection, other than losing a child due to deliberate neglect by Democrats who believe the narrative is more important than people’s lives.
    I think we can agree that to be the case in Libya. Charlottesville hasn’t been sorted out yet, so you are free to say I’m pre-judging. I’m going on Terry McAuliffe and the Clintons having a long history together (he was co-chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign).
    “In his interview with Secretary Moran on Monday, Katz pointed out that the “Unite the Right” rally attendees gathered inside Emancipation Park at the time had a legal permit to assemble there, while the counter-protesters on the street immediately in front of the park did not have a permit to conduct a protest or assemble there.”

  4. Here’s a comparison …
    We know who is responsible for the “tragic” death of Heather Heyer, and he will be brought to justice. Most likely very HARSH justice like a 50-year jail sentence after all the “hate crime” enhancements. On the other hand … SHE … and Obama … PROMISED … “to bring those responsible for Benghazi to justice”.
    So far as I know Obama claims to have killed ONE of the roughly 150 Libyan Muslims responsible for Sean Smith’s murder … to “help” with HER presidential run. OK, we “got 1/150 … good-enough. Congratulations all around. Way to go … SHE … solved the “crime”. Done. “What difference at this point does it make?”
    Just imagine if President Trump or Jeff Sessions said … “What difference at this point does it make?” about the death of Heather Heyer?

  5. The group that was initially denied the permit but was ordered by Federal Court to issue it should sue for something like $100 million for contempt of court, libel, assault, etc.. They should sue the mayor, governor, city, state, and the different police forces. Even if they lost, discovery would be wonderful as everyone scrambles to cover their ass.

  6. I mentioned this last week when the full time line had not been written up, now that it is out the city councilors should be held if not for aiding and abetting criminal behavior then for being criminally irresponsible. To issue a permit to one group then try and cancel it prior to the event and being forced to allow it by a court order and then rescind it half way through the allotted time period by edict and at the same time allow a non-permitted demonstration to interfere is grounds for suit. The fact that these actions caused a loss of life is criminal in and of itself, someone should be charged over and above the driver. This counter protest has malfeasance written all over it, from the ads asking for counter-protestor participation to busing in ‘volunteers’ and neglecting to secure a permit, something was very rotten. The previous counter-protests that had happened in the past, i.e. Berkeley, were prior indicators that the participants were coming to cause trouble. Funny how LEOs can stop and search backpacks etc., when people are entering a sporting arena but if people are illegally demonstrating unsanctioned against a protest march that the city councilors opposed then they can bring bats, clubs, and other assorted offensive weapons and the LEOs stand and do nothing because they were not equipped to deal with the situation. I would venture to say that this time we are fortunate that only one life was lost, next time who knows.

  7. That’s a very thin thread of comparison. Trump could have done nothing to prevent the death. The bringing to “justice” is a lot harder in Libya than in Virginia and the role a present or sec state plays is nil in The latter.
    This it remains a dumb comparison- beneath the standards of this hallowed blog.

  8. Abso-effing-lutely!! The leftist Mayors of America have chosen who they will “protect and serve” and who they won’t. And in the most ironic of all ironies … the people they choose NOT to protect are the citizens with “jobs” … who actually PAY the taxes and fees that FUND the leftist Mayors playground. We are creeping closer and closer to Revolution. And, although it may not “appear” as though, WE are in the MAJORITY … and I expect you will discover this AGAIN in 2020.

  9. The point I was trying to make is the media’s reaction to both women blaming those who they hold responsible.
    One woman is getting a lot more attention than the other ever got.
    It’s no different than Cindy Sheehan from the 2K’s.
    It wasn’t my intention, nor is it to minimize their losses.

  10. Lance … you just unsettled my lunch by reminding me of Cindy Sheehan camping out at the Bush Ranch … TV cameras in tow. Ma’am … I’m sorry for your loss, and your son was a true patriot … but that’s no excuse for creating a cottage industry out of his death. Sad. Just sad … all around. And Cindy was eventually tossed out like a used Kleenex by the Marxist media when they weren’t getting any more mileage out of her overexposed story. I can see another Cindy Sheehan in the making. I hope this woman has more self-respect and dignity than that.

  11. Mrs. Heyer; I’m sorry for your loss. truly. But you need to accept that your daughter made some bad decisions. As soon as she saw those masked antifa morons she should have gotten her self out of there.
    It wasn’t the object of your daughter’s hate that killed her; it was one of her fellow travelers. Basically what Pres. Trump said.
