29 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. If you listen to CBC, they make accusations against the Rebel Media. I’m not aware that the Rebel Media were the authors of the term ”Barbie” or ”Climate Barbie” although they did use the term in their news reports. That was a term that was used in everyday slang to describe Environment Minister Catherine McKenna when it was discovered she had purchased gas guzzling luxury vehicles that were not exactly environment friendly. In any event, Barbie is not a derogatory term.

  2. Linkin Park is a very under-rated band. One of their early songs “In the End” has some great lyrics typical of a younger generation.
    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn’t even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn’t even matter
    On their most recent album the song “One more light” is a ballad about a friend of the song writer who contracted cancer and died “very, very fast”.
    Who cares if one more light goes out?
    In a sky of a million stars
    It flickers, flickers
    Who cares when someone’s time runs out?
    If a moment is all we are
    Well I do
    Vocalist Chester Bennington told an interviewer at “Genius”, “The lyrics are an example of what life is, which is a series of events that are challenging. The perspective was we are going to turn these challenges into adventures.”
    Bennington took his life earlier this year a few months after his friend Chris Cornell also failed to turn life’s challenges into adventures.

  3. I had not heard the term “climate Barbie”, but it’s great. I would call it biting sarcasm. The monolithic character of CBC,CTV, and other news media reflects a level of intolerance for alternative views and opinions. The upshot is that it leaves many Canadians intellectually stunted. That is one reason why we have a dolt running the country. Long live Rebel.

  4. AGW RIP.
    Ich Bin Eine rot-grun twofer: Föcking und Lunacek.
    “German Environment Minister ditches electric car
    In other news, the Environment Minister of Germany’s most populous state, North Rhine Westphalia, has decided to ditch her e-car, Bild reports here.
    The reason: According to Bild, Christina Schulze Föcking says her Tesla lacks the necessary range to make it practical.
    Hypocrisy…Green party candidate opts for diesel
    In Austria Green Party candidate Ulrike Lunacek has been using a small bus for travel between her campaign stops, according to the Kurier.at here.
    You’d think the vehicle would be outfitted with an electric drive and batteries so that it could run on the clean, green energy that they constantly preach about.

  5. Re: Catherine McKenna
    I would have thought that being called Barbie should have been a feather in Catherine McKenna’s hat. She is a cute blond. If I was at the head of a coal fired power station, I would be impressed to be know as ”Firebox Ken.”
    Keeping in mind of course that while McKenna was complaining about the way Faith Goldy treated her, she was getting paid a Federal Minister’s salary.

  6. Is Google Working with Liberal Groups to Snuff Out Conservative Websites?
    Google revealed in a blog post that it is now using machine learning to document “hate crimes and events” in America. They’ve partnered with liberal groups like ProPublica, BuzzFeed News, and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to make information about “hate events” easily accessible to journalists.

  7. Oddly getting a DNS error on therebel.media for the past day. All other sites seem to work. Unfortunately I cant go there and see what all the drama is.

  8. Just wait til Canadian ISPs start refusing to host them cause ‘hate speech.’

  9. I clicked on the link at “The Rebel Media” on Wikipedia and got through. The sun has set, sign up for another round of media battles.

  10. “Rolling Stone Celebrates Nearly 40 Years of Pushing Gun Control” (breitbart)
    “Trump ends Obama’s Operation Choke Point”
    “The Trump administration has ended Operation Choke Point, the anti-fraud initiative started under the Obama administration that many Republicans argued was used to target gun retailers and other businesses that Democrats found objectionable.
    Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd told GOP representatives in a Wednesday letter that the long-running program had ended, bringing a conclusion to a chapter in the Obama years that long provoked and angered conservatives who saw Choke Point as an extra-legal crackdown on politically disfavored groups.”

  11. “I’m 54 years old,” Barkley said. “I’ve never thought about those statues a day in my life. I think if you ask most black people, to be honest, they ain’t thought a day in their life about those stupid statues.”
    Don’t always agree with Charles Barkley but respect him for at least having the courage of straight talk.
    I’ll go one further, if you ask most people black or WHITE ….they ain’t thought a day in their life about those stupid statues.
    Most could not identify who these statues are are or what they did. Such history is no longer taught. Then when you come to the truly obscure fact that Robert E. Lee had a horse named Traveller (2 ‘L’s) the probability is great that less than 1 in 10,000,000 knew this and even fewer cared….
    Have we reached peak insanity yet???
    P.S. Did you know that Civil War General P. Sheridan’s favorite horse was BLACK and named Renzi? Didn’t think so.

  12. P.S. Did you know that Civil War General P. Sheridan’s favorite horse was BLACK and named Renzi?
    Quick! Tear down all statues of Sheridan! Riding a black horse is one step short of being a slave owner!
    (sarcasm = off)

  13. “‘This Place Is Lost’: Barcelona Chief Rabbi Tells Spain’s Jews to Head for Israel” (breitbart)
    March 31, 1492:
    “Jews to be expelled from Spain
    In Spain, a royal edict is issued by the nation’s Catholic rulers declaring that all Jews who refuse to convert to Christianity will be expelled from the country. Most Spanish Jews chose exile rather than the renunciation of their religion and culture, and the Spanish economy suffered with the loss of an important portion of its workforce.”

  14. That should give you a clue that the fuss about statues is a pretext for starting a race war — not something either Blacks or whites have paid much attention to for at least 50 years! People who are supporting getting rid of the statues are really paving the way for further degredation of race relations. And when all the statues are gone and blacks still don’t have decent jobs and are stuck in crime ridden neighborhoods and inadequate schools — then what? Tearing down the statues will do nothing to improve the race situation in the US. The issues that existed when those statues were built are not even the same as the racial issues encountered today. No one should fall for this garbage.

  15. If your ISP is blocking Rebel, we really are finished as a country. Hopefully it is just a technical issue.

  16. h/t B.O’Narcissist.
    “Trump Nixes Obama Ban on Plastic Bottles at National Parks
    The Trump administration nixed former President Barack Obama’s ban on selling plastic bottles at all national parks, according to the Department of the Interior.
    “While we will continue to encourage the use of free water bottle filling stations as appropriate, ultimately it should be up to our visitors to decide how best to keep themselves and their families hydrated during a visit to a national park, particularly during hot summer visitation periods,” Acting National Park Service (NPS) Director Michael Reynolds said in a statement released Wednesday.”

  17. I hope to watch it through my telescope tomorrow. I have a solar filter for it so I can clearly see the sun’s disk.
    I checked out everything on it yesterday afternoon. For my efforts, I was rewarded with being able to observe a group of sunspots.
    If I have a malfunction for some reason, I can always use my #14 welder’s glass. (I bought it for an annular eclipse that took place here some 20 years ago. The sales clerk at the welder’s supply store I went to told me that welders rarely use something that dark. The only time there’s any significant demand for them was for events such as an eclipse.)
