
Yes, the Ontario election is ten months away, but if the PC’s are at 50% in Toronto….

“If anything is going to be dangerous to affecting his base, it’s going to be that,” Maggi said. Among PC supporters, 47 per cent strongly or somewhat disapproved of Brown’s plan to implement a carbon tax. Forty per cent approved and 13 per cent didn’t know how to feel about it.

From NWC

33 Replies to “Wynning!”

  1. Toronto has produced Mike Harris, Stephen Harper and Rob Ford. What has Saskatchewan produced?
    You cannot become mayor of 416 unless you are a conservative (Rob Ford) or pretend to be one (John Tory).

  2. There are lots of reasons to be down on Brown but his support of a Carbon tax is the least of them. I don’t like it but it’s the least destructive way to ‘fight’ CO2 emissions and voters seem to want that, so do it the least awful that puts the cost up front. The real key is destroying the Green Energy Act. Implementation of a carbon tax would be a price worth paying to annihilate the GEA.

  3. It would be ironic if the Patrick Brown “conservatives” won seats in Toronto, and lost many seats in their traditional bases elsewhere in Ontario. A large portion of the conservative base no longer support Brown because he made promises on family and education issues while campaigning and promptly turned after grabbing the leadership, then he favours the carbon tax con job, and the last straw for many was the nomination chicanery in a number of ridings. Many conservatives are planning to stay home on election day. The smug little ingroup controlling the party and ignoring the base need to learn their lesson.

  4. Yeah good idea stay home and elect Wynne that’ll show them.

  5. Substitute ‘morons’ for voters and the statement is still accurate:
    “There are lots of reasons to be down on Brown but his support of a Carbon tax is the least of them. I don’t like it but it’s the least destructive way to ‘fight’ CO2 emissions and voters seem to want that, so do it the least awful that puts the cost up front. The real key is destroying the Green Energy Act. Implementation of a carbon tax would be a price worth paying to annihilate the GEA.”

  6. Like many other Ontario Conservatives, I do not support Patrick Brown. Carbon tax is one reason. A downside of Brown getting in this time would be that I believe his support among Conservatives is pretty soft. If he wins one election, I do not expect he would make an effective Premier. That would pretty much line Liberals up to govern for the next 20 years with a new leader. Thanks, but no thanks. I will not be voting for Brown.

  7. “a Carbon tax is the least of them. I don’t like it but it’s the least destructive way to ‘fight’ CO2 emissions …”
    Sure, it’s the least destructive except for ways that aren’t destructive, which a carbon tax is, and for ways that actually “fight” CO2 emissions, which a carbon tax doesn’t do.

  8. “Implementation of a carbon tax would be a price worth paying to annihilate the GEA.”
    A Carbon Tax is already in place — 13% HST.
    Back to the basics mon ami. A valid justification for taxes on income or consumption does not exist. Government should finance itself through voluntary contributions not coercive taxation. Once taxes are abolished you will have a ton of money that you can donate to efficient, private sector charities or to Government.
    Next point: Whom to vote for? If you keep voting for the lesser of the two evils, Government will keep getting eviler. To those who plan to sit home my suggestion is — go out and vote. This time do not vote for any candidate. Vote no beside every single politician.
    This would convey an important message to all politicians — you are useless, if not counter-productive.
    Better than staying home.
    Over to you for the final word.

  9. We pay enough taxes in Ontario. Reduce them. Do not add to them. While we’re at it, we don’t need highly paid union workers to bag our booze. Sell the LCBO and let’s try to get prices down to some kind of realistic level. $45.00 for a bottle of every day Canadian whiskey is insane.

  10. “A Carbon Tax is already in place — 13% HST.”
    You’re the one who needs to go back to basics. That’s a tax on consumption, not carbon. Also, government by voluntary contributions is not even worth talking about until government is limited to its few tiny roles. Until then, it has to be financed.

  11. LindaL, I have campaigned for the conservatives both federal and provincial many times. The Liberals could have a lamp post for a leader and their base will always, always support them. Wynne/McGuinty have destroyed Ontario in every facet yet it makes no difference to the Liberal voter. I know because that is what they tell me during door to door canvasses.
    We, on the other hand, must have the perfect candidate for our leadership. John Tory, government support for religious schools, a nothing item in his election platform yet the Liberals pounced on it and we knew it was all over during his kickoff speech. Voters told us they don’t want muslims to get funding for their schools.
    Tim Hudak, according to our people, must have run a terrible campaign or something as we didn’t win. They forgot that 25% of Ontario employees work for government and they, along with their families, friends, contractors, muslim immigrants etc. in the large cities carry the day no matter what we did. Debt, corruption, lies, massive hydro costs, staggering money lost on green energy, cancelling power stations, eHealth, smart meters, all of it means nothing to Liberals.
    If we don’t support Brown going in and hope enough Liberals have been hurt by the rising costs then we are done. Remember Liberals still hate Harris.

  12. “That’s (HST) a tax on consumption, not carbon.”
    Tell me something we consume that does not involve Carbon in some form.
    “government by voluntary contributions is not even worth talking about until government is limited to its few tiny roles. Until then, it has to be financed.
    Do you agree in principle with the concept of Government by voluntary contributions? If so what are you waiting for? Can procrastination solve a problem?
    “When you have procrastinated you have decided not to decide.”
    Warren Buffett

  13. “Do you agree in principle with the concept of Government by voluntary contributions?”
    He’s a committed pinko libtard pretending to be libertarian when it suits him in his attacks on conservatives. So no, he does not agree.

  14. Ontario voters have proven over and over, they are too clever picking their government.
    Wynne does not deserve to be reelected. If Conservatives stay home or vote NDP or whatever, they are part of the problem…rank stupidity. They can also STFU and look in the mirror every time they have a complaint or problem with the government’s actions. Brown is Conservative leader chosen by members and they better get the job done, oust the Wynne government…get off their butts and vote her out.

  15. Co2 is NOT a dangerous “pollutant”. There has been NO demonstrable, proven, SCIENTIFIC connection between Co2 and atmospheric “warming” (or cooling, as alternately claimed). Only statistical manipulation, and broken computer models. To TAX people for an unproven scienci-sounding hypothesis … is lunacy. Meanwhile every one of those dollar could be put to work solving ACTUAL needs .. both personal and private.
    In a related topic … The Obama Admin. dismantled NASA’s space activities primarily because of the meme that claimed ALLLLLL that $$$$ spent on NASA could be better used helping solve poverty, and other problems … here on Earth. That notion allowed Obama to destroy what used to be America’s premiere scientific institution, without so much as a public whimper. But what did he do to NASA? He weaponized it against the American people by having them fabricate data and shill-for the FRAUD of Co2-driven AGW. Instead of solving galactic science which had multiple earthly uses … NASA now manipulates data to facilitate the legitimacy of an illegitimate “science”. The institution has gone from REAL science to JUNK science. And their work causes additional human suffering through increased TAXes and embracing of backward, inefficient technologies (like wind power, solar, and batteries).

  16. According to the poll for what it is worth, (probably very little) 46% said “they strongly or somewhat disapproved of the government’s plan to combat climate change by putting a price on greenhouse gas emissions…” And even 31% of Liberal backers disapproved of the idea. Brown would have ample room to oppose a carbon tax period, except that he foolishly boxed himself into a corner minutes after winning the PC leadership. He has calculated cynically, maybe correctly, that offering no conservative or principled stands which the press can label “extremist” is the key to the Premiership. Liberal policies with a prettier face is what Brown proposes and he may be correct, still woe is Ont if another term of liberal governance is in the offering.

  17. DERP. A carbon tax is proportional to the amount of carbon emitted, not the amount of something consumed. This is some kind of learned obtuseness on your part.
    “Do you agree in principle with the concept of Government by voluntary contributions? If so what are you waiting for? Can procrastination solve a problem?”
    I’m waiting for government to be cut down in size massively. Until then this is just mental masturbation, which too many libertarians engage in too often.

  18. UnMe: “A carbon tax is proportional to the amount of carbon emitted”
    Money questions,
    Is this something you calculated yourself or do you trust your intellectual betters to calculate it for you?
    How much carbon does a Phillips 60W light bulb take to make, and how much extra carbon drifted over from China’s mega factories and Japans volcano’s on trade winds?
    Did 40,000 new Syrians increase Canada’s carbon emissions in 2016 or was the World Carbon emissions a “smaller footprint” leaving millions in the Third World?
    The real question, do you work for a living?

  19. “””The real question, do you work for a living?”””
    Paul, in context, define *living*?
    If being an ignorant a$$hole is living……………….

  20. “Brown is Conservative leader chosen by members and they better get the job done, ”
    He is a Progressive leader not a Conservative leader. I am sorry the last PC leader I proudly voted for was Mike Harris. To prevent McGuinty from destroying Haris’ work I voted for Eves. Wasn’t impressed, but went to polls nevertheless. We lost because Eves was a progressive not a conservative. Then I held my nose and voted for Tory, did not want to, but again McGuinty made me do it. Then I voted for the idiot Hudak, who send me a nice thank you note after the threw the election. A third weak progressive leader in a row who pretended to be a conservative when he was a centrist at best. Nope sorry not again, Brown is further to the left then two of the last three idiots and about as progressive as Tory. “But but but Libranos…” Enough! I heard it all ad nauseam ad infinitum since early 90s. This batted wife stays home for the next Morontario Special Olympics. Will make a donation to Randy Hillier and perhaps few others worthy of the name but no pinko who despises my rights about as much as Libranos do will get an ounce of support. Let the mother****** burn for all I care.

  21. But when the the PCs are no different than the Liberals, it doesn’t really matter which one of them wins.

  22. You actually ask some decent questions. The calculation part is the hard part. I assume the tax will be waged right where the fuel is burnt. But what if someone makes their own fuel in a green way ex with the carbon in the air? That shouldn’t be subject to the carbon tax. Same if they somehow sequester the CO2. It is tricky, but the carbon tax is still the least bad anti-CO2 intervention I can think of.

  23. Ya, some choice. Ontario voters get to vote between three different degrees of progressive liberals. It is pretty sad when the electorate has to chose between three different methods of taxing based on a fraud and who is going to allow the depraving of the young to a lessor degree.
    “Let the mother****** burn for all I care.” To some degree I agree, but I have twelve grandchildren that I would like to help protect if possible from the disgusting lifestyle being foisted on society and a Venezuelan type economy. What happens in Ontario generally sweeps across the nation.

  24. Yes, you’re right. I got a ten year old son who I hope will grow up knowing the taste of freedom. So yes, in that sense I too care. Still, the choice between Progressives and Libranos is a choice between AIDS and cancer. If the Ontario PC’s continue to damage the brand and make themselves indistinguishable from the Libranos one electoral campaign ago they can suck on bag of dicks for all I care. No financial contributions, no votes. Maybe the next challenger will have opposite to Mr Brown attitudes regarding at least some of the following: carbon tax, school curriculum written be a pedophile, “islamophobia”, infanticide etc.

  25. “It is tricky, but the carbon tax is still the least bad anti-CO2 intervention I can think of.”
    Oh lookie here, our resident alleged libertarian yet again accidentally ends up embracing a preferred libtard policy. Funny how that always works out, isn’t it?

  26. The only difference between electing Brown as opposed to Wynne is that the downward spiral in the great bowl called Ontario will take a bit longer under his watch. If there is no Libertarian candidate in my riding, I’ll be staying home.

  27. We do not have a carbon surplus, but a carbon deficit. Carbon = Life. More CO2 = more life.
    He who opposes carbon dioxide opposes life. If you oppose life come forward and say so.
    From the website of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
    Has plant growth increased alongside rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
    It turns out the answer is Yes – in a big way. A new study published in the April 6 edition of the journal Nature concludes that as emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels have increased since the start of the 20th century, plants around the world are utilizing 30 percent more carbon dioxide (CO2), spurring plant growth.

  28. Higher CO2 concentrations also allow plants to grow with less water uptake potentially reversing desertification.
    There’s nothing new about CO2 increasing plant growth. Greenhouses have been increasing the concentration for decades. I worked at the Kananaskis Forest experimental station where seedlings were grown in greenhouses with doubled CO2 concentration 45 years ago. They were almost double the size and healthier than the control seedlings.
    Carbon taxes and or cap and trade are idiotic and politicians who adopt them are either green theocrats or moral cowards.

  29. Brown will do anything and say anything that will win a Libtard vote. He presumes inaccurately that he has the small ‘c’ conservative vote in the bag.
    Libtards will continue to vote for the real deal – a Libtard. Conservatives will either vote Libertarian or stay home. Brown is as big a loser as Hudak, Tory or Eves

  30. yo, mr brown, you do NOT have to play ‘both sides of the fence’ on this like a true politishun. ontarians do NOT support the wynnedbag carbon tax. back away from it, take a chance, then watch the votes accumulate on election day.
    do NOT make the mistake of the clucking chipmunk tim hudak trying to cater to some perceived support group to win power.
    rizwan is spot on. here’s a hint: why is it called ‘carbon based life’?

  31. There is a story in USA today that the U.S postal service broke the law by allowing union personnel to lobby for Clinton in the last election. This has been happening for decades in Canada where teachers are given days off to work for the election of the liberal party. This how the liberals have remained in power for years on end.
