43 Replies to “The Great Unlearning”

  1. golly and here I have been calling canadians stupid for at least that long. just look at our acceptance of the current fleecing we are taking at the gas pumps. blame it on texas. ok, brilliant ones, tell be how much gas we buy from texas? oil prices should be dropping because 20% of the crude going to America cannot be refined, it is sitting on ships, in pipelines and storage. we are being screwed because we allow ourselves to be screwed, nothing smart about that.

  2. Just incredible how there is an instant rise in gas prices every time the oil business in collusion with government, who desperately needs more and more money, farts. Of course they nicely tell us there will soaring prices until the latest calamity subsides and it does.

  3. I figure it was muslims that made the 9/11 pentagon passenger carrier vanish and the WTC to dissolve into dust. And they are destroying academia and our economies. Muslims control the Fed and the media. They are making us stupid. Jews like Soros have nothing to do with it. And you are a nut if you think otherwise.

  4. Tin foil seems to do an adequate job protecting conspiracy theorists from radiation. There’s no reason to believe it couldn’t get you through the Van Allen Belt.

  5. old white guy abd Dave;
    I suggest you investigate further your rant on energy pricing and the reaction to Texas on that pricing. IMHO your reaction is ‘knee jerk’ and simplistic.

  6. I have a box of baking soda in my refrigerator to keep out the elephants. It works. I’ve never seen an elephant in my refrigerator.

  7. A china teapot is in elliptical orbit around the sun somewhere between the earth and mars. If you visit that teapot and lift its lid you’ll find a sense of humour.

  8. Explain then, how the landing sites can be seen on the hunk of cheese by high powered scopes? Landing on the dark side of the moon? Ok, umm, maybe it was too much chronic ingested while under the influence of Pink Floyd?
    Turning into a conspiracy theorist discredits anything you say, bud. And, yeah, Alex Jones might be entertaining, but stop believing everything he says. Art Bell didn’t believe much if anything that he broadcast either.
    So if you want to keep ranting conspiracies, keep it up, I’m sure you learn something new with each rewatch of Capricorn One

  9. I would rather ask industry why, but, it’s pretty clear why those aren’t happening.
    Government regulations (labour and environmental), economics and plain old NIMBYISM prevent new refineries. Hell, look at all the moon bats on the west coast that think there will be tanker collisions everywhere and leaking pipes along the entire length of the KM route!
    Despite the modern technology available for pipe welding and placement, state of the art Nav systems and double hulled ships, the environutters go anti-science with their opposition to anything securing Canada’s position as an economic energy powerhouse.
    Just look at all the refineries being shut down since the 90s, from Taylor to Burrard, and you have your answer. Don’t expect gubmint to come to the rescue, especially an ENDP environutters one. They would sooner see us pay $3 a litre or more for gas, than try to address the root causes. It runs counter to their dogma. “Making life more affordable” is just political BS from the socialists

  10. The problem isn’t really our education establishment although they are not helping a bit. The problem is that children are never given the opportunity to try. They are placed in styrofoam and then bubble wrapped – from the day they are born until the day they finish college and never had the opportunity to use their brains on puzzles that don’t have instant answers. Instead of having an old car or truck or tractor to take apart and put together again they turn on the tablet and drift off into imaginary places full of illusion. Instead of learning to swing an axe without sticking it in their foot they put on their bike helmets knee and elbow pads to ride their scooters. Instead of looking down range to make sure the rifle shot will not hit an unintended target they put on full hockey gear including face shield and mouth guard to go skating at the local rink. The very things humans have been doing for eons to learn how to solve problems and make things work better our kids or grandkids are kept from doing by our urban civilization.

  11. Everything I needed to know about the moon landing, I learned from Pink Floyd. For example, why weren’t the “astronauts” frozen to death, when the moon rotated the landing Party onto the dark side of the moon? Huh?! Yeah … ?! Answer THAT one all you ollllllld “believers”.
    Oh … and Pink Floyd are STILL teaching our children valuable lessons (that our so-called “schools” just won’t teach). http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/chart-beat/7940910/pink-floyd-dark-side-of-the-moon-solar-eclipse-sales

  12. It’s tangential to his point, but there’s a fantastic old board game called Liftoff! that implements the space race as a competitive game between various nations. I learned more about the space race (and in particular, just how damned hard getting all the bits to work together really was) playing that than anything else.
    These days there’s Kerbal Space Program, which is even more in-depth, especially if you calculate the Hohmann Transfer Orbits yourself.

  13. That there is actually a difference between science, belief, faith and myth seems lost to society. That’s what seems seems to have been unlearned. Demonstrable events like the moon landings are held out as fake while clearly junk science like CAGW masquerades as real science as precise as the theory of relativity by those for whom thinking, proper math and critical analysis are as mysterious as cosmologists wildest theory. Those scientists at least agree their work is theoretical unlike the climate change rent seekers like Al Gore and the useful illiterates who replace science with hopeless faith.

  14. Re Gas Prices: Every time prices go up there should be a large jump in Co-op memberships. If the gas companies are making windfall profits then the Co-ops should also be making great profits. Since the excess profits are returned to the members all Co-op members should be expecting huge dividends.
    That does not work in my area, I can get a bigger discount at the grocery store than my local Co-op has ever returned to me.

  15. I wish conservatives would stop using 9/11 in their debunking of post-modern progressivism. it is OK to hate socialism and Islam and still believe that 9/11 did not occur in the manner the government and its MSM cohorts claim. It’s also OK for gentiles like me to distrust and reject both Jews and Muslims/Israel and Palestine.
    What do you call it when 100,000 Zionists and 100,000 Islamists kill each other? A fair trade.

  16. I have long been fascinated by why so many are committed to believing most of the major conspiracy theories that still persist today. As Whittle makes clear, it is interesting psychology and I found it worth reading a little about over these past years. I suggest you explore more why you believe what you believe, especially with such allegiance, and you will find that it is a natural human reaction to seek extraordinary explanations for extraordinary events. My investigations into most of these found them easily debunked, but I also found that an entire industry now relies on keeping these “stories” alive.
    I am sure not going to waste my time trying to change a willingly brainwashed mind, but I can’t let some of this propaganda slide and continue to warp yet more minds…
    Anyone with a basic understanding of building demolition knows that it takes MONTHS of PREPARATION and PREDEMOLITION to properly demolish even a small highrise and UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE for tens of thousands of daily visitors to the Twin Towers to NOT NOTICE the MASSIVE LEVEL of ACTIVITY, EQUIPMENT and DAMAGE that would have been REQUIRED to even COME CLOSE to demolishing these twin behemoths with explosives. Cripes, not to mention that millions witnessed two fully laden, hijacked passenger airliners just happen to bump into them that very same day.
    NASA long ago solved the radiation belt problem, basically with speed. – http://www.popsci.com/blog-network/vintage-space/apollo-rocketed-through-van-allen-belts
    Leaving the moon’s surface is A WALK IN THE FREAKIN’ PARK compared to leaving the earth’s atmosphere. Comparing the two is utter folly.
    I would ask anyone who explores mainstream conspiracy websites to explore the many sites dedicated to debunking their hype, also.

  17. Anyone with a basic understanding of building demolition[…]
    One of the side effects of the Dunning-Kruger phenomenon is that the less someone knows about a complex topic, the more likely they are to assume it’s simple and/or easy. Experts know just how hard things are.

  18. CO, there was a discussion forum were 2 demo experts posted that they could not have set explosives to bring down those buildings without being very obvious, and tthat even regular charge settings would be time consuming. I passed some of their musing onto a friend who was an explosives (mining) guy, and he agreed they sounded legit and concurred that setting such explosives could not be done unnoticed. So CC2 nonsense is just that. As to the lunar landing. Such a feat is much “easier” than most think. Once the math has been done, the technical end is not that hard.

  19. The other great conspiracy concerning 9/11 was the Pentagon crash site. Theorists jumped on the pictures taken since there were no visible signs of a plane wreck, no tail, wings, fuselage etc., just what appeared to be steel cable reels. Then after the Air France crash at Toronto International Airport a few years later this conspiracy theory bit the dust. The Air France crash site showed how much of the plane had been burned, and how much aluminium had been melted, even with major fire-fighting equipment on hand. There was no firefighting equipment at the Pentagon when the plane hit and as a result the crash debris left behind was negligible, since the major part of the plane was aluminium.

  20. Antenor, when you learn fire fighting, there are 2 types of fires you do not fight with water. One is electrical, the other is metal. And aluminium burns pretty good, and quit easily.

  21. Just to set the record straight, there are a number of fires you don’t fight with water, among them grease and oil, and chemical. The point of my previous comment was that the Pentagon crash had pretty well burned before any serious fire-fighting equipment had arrived on the scene. As the trolls continue to point out and exemplify Whittle’s comment, you really shouldn’t argue with stupidity, that the whole 9/11 disaster was contrived from the hijacked planes flying into a preplanned demolition, to the collapsing #7 building and the cover-up of grand theft. You couldn’t write a Len Deighton, Ian Fleming or John Le Carre novel with that kind of twisted plot. Then again these novels may explain the trolls grasp of reality. “Stupid is as stupid does.”

  22. I’m no fan of the co-op model. It’s all crap.
    High prices lazy staff bad service – they’ve got it all.
    They sell some kinda socialism in a membership promise.
    I’ve got a membership – Costco

  23. In our area another name for the co-op was Communist Chain Store.
    Creepy’s posts here are far too stupid to waste 1 oz amp etc. of brain power to compose a retort.

  24. ” and trillions in cash went missing in Bahgdad… ”
    Put away the bong and step away from the keyboard!

  25. As much as I hate to agree with you, Creepy, you may be on to something here. I used to find people who questioned the moon landing to be complete nut cases — until I took a closer look at their questions. Today’s conspiracy theories are tomorrow’s truth. There certainly are some big questions about the moon landing.

  26. Being off by two orders of magnitude is now “slightly incorrect”. That’s certainly the type of brainpower I’ve learned to expect from the moon conspiracy chimps.

  27. Sure I made an argument. It’s not surprising you missed it, because you’re an idiot.
    My argument is: you’re an idiot. You’re an idiot, exactly like every moon landing conspiracy chimp ever. You called the difference between trillions and billions “slightly incorrect”. That is idiotic.
    To make it clear to you, that is like you paying off a five-hundred thousand dollar home with fifty million dollars.
    You would gladly pay the bank the latter sum, and call the mistake a slight difference. Because … wait for it … you’re an idiot.
    Hope that clears up the argument I made. I kind of doubt it, because … well, even you should get it by now.

  28. CT and Creepy, tell me just how much gas we buy from Huston Texas? Tell me, when our current capacity stopped being adequate. By the way simplicity is usually 100% accurate.

  29. I’d say that pretty much sums it up CC.
    Demand for refined fuel is sporadic and uneven in Canada. That is why from time to time we import.
    Our entire market is smaller than California and spread out across 5 time zones.

  30. Again, idiot: you called the difference the “typo” created “slight”. That is idiotic. You haven’t recanted on that, because doubling-down on revealed stupidity is a hallmark of the conspiracy idiot. I’m sure you think that makes you look like a stalwart defender of the truth.
    In your first bit of pure drivel, you maintained that the moon landings were on the far side. Is that still your assertion, or was it another typo? (Actually, you seem to be under the impression there was only one landing, but that is probably all typos as well).
    So many typos!

  31. You’re so f#$king stupid you give moron a new sub category. The t and b are not even close on a keypad, so you didn’t make a typo, you just showed us that you are numerically illiterate. The only way you’ll retire in your mid forties is if you die the day after you retire.

  32. “Funny thing, my Grandma had seven children – and from time to time, when one of them irritated her in a weak moment she would literally cycle through each child’s name (seperated by the word OR) until the right name bellowed out. This continued through Adulthood”
    So you’re saying that your stupidity is hereditary.
    Got it.

  33. Thanks CreepyClown for adding a little rational thought to counter the blindness of the useful fools who buy into the MSM 9/11 narrative. These so called ‘conservative” thinkers are as blinded by their ideologies as progressives are. It boggles the mind to see conservatives siding with Big Media, claiming that 9/11 was orchestrated by a bearded man in a cave in Afghanistan who was later killed and buried at sea before anyone could interrogate him. Hahahaha. And Saddam, hung in the middle of the night and given no chance to make his side of the story public. And now millions of refugees from the nations destroyed by American interference will make white Europeans extinct.

  34. I’m a little disappointed that people are latching onto the trillions vs. billions thing instead of the fact that the dude DOESN’T BELIEVE IN THE MOON LANDING. Does he also think the world is flat and 6000 years old? Why do I get the impression that he also wears one of those $200 ionic placebo scam bracelets? His credibility is so far out the window that I don’t even see any point arguing with him.

  35. ummm, uh, mr clown; you are aware are you not, there was a ‘time’ when there was *no such thing* as time or distance?
    sooooo, that being the case, how did we get from ‘there’ to ‘here’?
    std reply: ‘random chance’. yep. that covers it eh?
    if space is so friggin hostile, does that mean e-v-e-r-y space mission by e-v-e-r-y nation ever, is part of the apollo 11 hoax?
    how do those GPS, weather, communications, TV, spy-in-the-sky etc satellites function if the radiation zaps all manmade gadgets?
    HMMMM ???? I’m waiting !!!!
    the ISS is an enormous cardboard cutout? kill off a couple astro- cosmo-nauts just to keep it ‘authentic’ or sumptin . . .
    the biggest barrier to truth and understanding is one’s own monumental fcukin’ EGO. you are proof of that.
