Yelling into the wind.

Why the Liberal plan to tax entrepreneurs who invest will come back to haunt Canada
He doesn’t care, he wants the cash and if a few thousand families, a few tens of thousands of businesses get ruined…what of it?
Our job is to make DiCaprio happy, not to provide for our families. How dare you question a Trudeau!
Money for the dental insurance? Trudeau wants it. Money for retirement? Trudeau wants it. Passing the farm on? Trudeau wants to tax it. The whole family working the gas station? Too bad, that’s Trudeau’s money too.

36 Replies to “Yelling into the wind.”

  1. Shrug. 64 percent of the electorate supported the Liberals, NDP, or Greens in the last election. And a good chunk of that was small busines owners. Stupid bastards. They’d show up at their own hanging sentencing with pom-poms.

  2. Liberals don’t give a crap. The only thing they have ever wanted any Canadian with a job to do is shut up and pay taxes so they can (1) make themselves richer and (2) buy off all those Canadians who don’t work.

  3. Interesting article, too bad the vast majority of Canadians will never read it.
    I see that in the eye of the liberal tax collector, we no longer “die”, we “cash out”.

  4. didn’t Hitler also stat by offing those who would have supported him? There will be LIV’s who wind up out of work, small businesses shut down, talk about shooting one self in the foot. This will probably rank up there with Joe “WHOs” stint at the helm

  5. All of this whining about small details. How can anyone ignore the most important factor that Justin, yes I can call him by his first name because he is so awesome, is very good looking. What more could any liberal leaning country want from their leaders than good looks?
    This also explains why Hillary lost, without writing a book.

  6. All of this whining about small details. How can anyone ignore the most important factor that Justin, yes I can call him by his first name because he is so awesome, is very good looking. What more could any liberal leaning country want from their leaders than good looks?
    This also explains why Hillary lost, without having to write an entire book.

  7. Definition of zero-sum game
    : a situation in which one person or group can win something only by causing another person or group to lose it Dividing up the budget is a zero-sum game.
    Liberals are stupid much like their voters who put them in power.
    The solution is not cutting the existing pizza into smaller and smaller fractions but simply allowing more pizzas to be made.

  8. The gall and hypocrisy of Jr knows no bounds. His whole inherited wealth derives from a private corporation set up by his father but originated by his grandfather. the source of this income is from the petroleum sector no less. Arguably his entire personal well being including his position is inherited, his credentials for being a minister of the crown would be laughable, were his name Sinclair rather than Trudeau. But, how many voters know or even care about this? Very few, and for those paying attention, this is what he indicated he might do during the election campaign. Sometimes voting matters.

  9. All of this whining about small details. How can anyone ignore the most important factor that Justin, yes I can call him by his first name because he is so awesome, is very good looking. What more could any liberal leaning country want from their leaders than good looks?
    This also explains why Hillary lost, without having to write an entire book.

  10. Can’t say the cut to “sprinkling” comes as a surprise. I had actually half expected the Harper government to go that route when they refused to allow income splitting for married couples.

  11. The Shiny Pony has absolutely no imagination. (Quelle surprise!) Whatever his hero O’Bummer did, he wants to do in Canada as well. After all, O’Bummer’s “if you own a business, you didn’t build that” worked out so well for the Americans, didn’t it?
    As for Morneau, he’s easily the worst finance minister since Michael Wilson. I remember how Wilson introduced a special tax concession because, according to him, there weren’t “enough rich people” in Canada. A few weeks later, he ended that because–you guessed it–there were.
    Morneau, it seems, isn’t much better.

  12. Liebels and Dippers try to use the same tactics the unions used back in the ’70’s & 80’s. Hold capital to ransom as usually it is invested in hard assets that cannot be loaded into a trunk and moved. Things have changed for a significant part of the economy. Tech is portable. Capital markets are far more movable.
    As most Canadians bask in the ‘fools’ paradise’ of 4.5% GDP growth many others have moved assets or are planning to do so. Major energy companies whether electric, oil, gas or LNG have left Canada. Does this not turn any light bulbs on? Canadian energy carried Canada thru 2008-09 and it has now been gutted. When the crunch comes, and it is coming, what will stop a fiscal collapse? Nothing.
    In B.C. we have the double whammy of a Dipper government which is busy planning its own rape of the taxpayer. The last time around they used a 1% investment capital tax to rip me off and I won’t be here to suffer a 2nd go around.

  13. Liberal party has been taken over by Marxists. Stalin attacked kulaks,inteligentsia and speculators (profiting from working class by running small shops). The current tax changes are from playbook that has been given to sock boy by uncle Fidel. Attack on middle class is labeled as “fairness” .
    These changes will affect every Canadian in many ways, yet two are most prominent: 1. Lower productivity = inflation 2. Lower tax revenues (sloping down Laffer Curve). In a few years today’s pension dollar will buy 50 cents. Additionally if the government crank-up interest rates “to balance deficits” and pay retirement to the large cohort of baby boomers civil servants a pension dollar will be worth 20 cents. Average Canadian thinks it is just about doctors, farmers, business owners. You are wrong, you are next!
    btw captcha: Paraiso Fall

  14. Liberal party has been taken over by Marxists. Stalin attacked kulaks,inteligentsia and speculators (profiting from working class by running small shops). The current tax changes are from playbook that has been given to sock boy by uncle Fidel. Attack on middle class is labeled as “fairness” .
    These changes will affect every Canadian in many ways, yet two are most prominent: 1. Lower productivity = inflation 2. Lower tax revenues (sloping down Laffer Curve). In a few years today’s pension dollar will buy 50 cents. Additionally if the government crank-up interest rates “to balance deficits” and pay retirement to the large cohort of baby boomers civil servants a pension dollar will be worth 20 cents. Average Canadian thinks it is just about doctors, farmers, business owners. You are wrong, you are next!
    btw captcha: Paraiso Fall

  15. Another ‘sin tax’.
    If you aren’t a liberal dependent on the government you must have sinned.
    We raise taxes on tobacco and alcohol to reduce consumption but when we raise taxes on small business creators or raise the minimum wage it will have no negative effect?

  16. Another Liberal plan that will come back to haunt Canadians is that of unfettered immigration/migration/refugee ‘acceptance’.
    Look at the mess in Europe and now one of the instigators that organized the mass importation of ‘diversity’ is admitting his mistake.
    The problem is, Mr. Blair, you’re a pound shy and a dollar short. The mistake that you so easily admit to today has been compounded and is beyond repair. Canadians were warned about electing the Liberals and their immigration policy, and like the Brits we didn’t listen. Canadians will regret for many years to come electing the ‘Hair’ apparent.

  17. Who knew throwing money at problems didn’t work perfectly, from the heart? The government raises a tax rate, depends on the new revenue, which they don’t get. Happens every time for two reasons: people find ways not to pay because they’re sick of being demonized for their success; second, naturally taxes pulled out of the economy reduce productivity. Alas, the government has already spent the money they didn’t get so must borrow even more.
    And so the downward spiral continues, at $30b new debt per year. Maybe the millennials and their older siblings will figure out they’re now in range.
    Then again, maybe not; well not by 2019. But soon afterward, no doubt. Remember many hate their bosses, so the fall for the Grit stereotypes.
    Add going after mortgage helper rents to your list. Trudeau wants to tax it. The sale of your principal residence is reportable on tax returns 2016 onwards.

  18. Taken over?
    I believe it was Sir John A. who said something to the effect that Liberals are naught but socialists in top hats.
    Liberals believe that your money is theirs to take as they please. Remember Scott Reid’s comment re beer and popcorn?
    It would never occur to these people to stop spending. Just go back to the bottomless well that is the taxpayer. Canadians are sheep. No doubt Hair Lisp will get a second term.

  19. The Liberal tax plan is starting to remind me of the NDP tax plan under Bob Rae. It was a simplified tax form as I recall, in two parts.
    Part One: What was your income?
    Part Two: Send it in.

  20. Maybe we should think of this new tax system as preparation for paying the jizya once sharia becomes the law of Canada. Under Islam, the dhimmis are required to pay something like half of their income to Allah as penalty for not converting.

  21. For some reason, with the tax plans by those “paupers” Trudeau and Morneau, this song comes to mind:
    I particularly think the following lines are applicable:
    “….you’ve gone too far
    “‘Cause you know it don’t matter anyway
    “You can rely on the old man’s money”

  22. Bill Whittle suggests that we … EAT THE RICH … !!!!! Yeayy !!!! Let’s kill the Rich … and TAKE all their STUFF !!!
    That’ll fix everything … won’t it ? Won’t coveting my brothers wealth solve every ill in society ? And then we can all spend leisurely days in the woods, holding hands with the anthropomorphized animals and singing happy songs of our easy lives … ? Uh huh. You were WARNED against such nonsense in the 10 Commandments … but you shattered those tablets, and pryed them off the friezes of courthouses across our nation. Who needs to listen to old scolds telling us what NOT to do ? Let’s TAKE their STUFF … Nowwwwwww !!!
    Leftists are simply … IDIOTS.

  23. Martin – “His whole inherited wealth derives from a private corporation set up by his father”. Well we must have fairness. So apparently off shore family trusts are protected from the taxman if grandfathered in befor 1972 . This is likley how the previous Trudeau inheritance was protected . There is apperantly no changes to these trusts treatment in our recent pursuit of “fairness” . I don’t know for a fact but I strongly suspect that both Trudeau and Morneau are beneficiary of these loopholes. Anyone here know how to determine this ? Or we just wait for those fantastic investigators at CBC and CTV to check this out. Yeah ,right .

  24. Ct – This 4.5% growth rate also has me befuddled. It certainly is contrary to what I am seeing day to day . Contractors and lumber yards I deal at are finding business significantly down. People are being layed off .Higher taxes ( carbon Alberta , 6% on labor Sask ) , lumber up 250+%, rising interest rates and low commodity prices – what could possibly be wrong . So we have this fantastic growth, economy firing on all cylinders ( according to the Liberals ) and we need to raise interest rates . So why with all this good news why would you taxes be running a 30 billion deficit. Should this fantastic growth be filling the government coffers ? Maybe some of you Liberal supporters or economic professors out there can explain .

  25. Sorry for the long post but this little ditty has been floating around the internet for years and years and yet a majority of our elected leaders have evidently never seen it. So bear with me……
    It seemed that 10 men decided to have a business lunch once a week. They always met in the same restaurant and the bill was always, $100.00, for all 10 men. If each man was responsible for his share of the bill that would be, $10.00, each. The men decided to divide the bill based upon their ability to pay. Using an agreed upon formula the following payment arraignment was worked out based upon income.
    Men 1-4 who made the least amount of money paid nothing.
    Man 5 paid $ 1.00
    Man 6 paid $ 3.00
    Man 7 paid $ 7.00
    Man 8 paid $12.00
    Man 9 paid $18.00
    Man 10 paid $59.00
    After several weeks the owner of the restaurant told the men that because they were such good customers he was reducing the bill by $20.00. Their dilemma was how to divide up the, $20.00. If each person got the same amount then the first 4 men would be getting money back but they never paid anything for the dinners. After much discussion and no resolve the owner offered the following suggestion which they all agreed to.
    Original Payment New Payment $ Amount Saved % Saved
    Men 1-4 paid $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $0.00 0%
    Man 5 paid $ 1.00 $ 0.00 $1.00 100%
    Man 6 paid $ 3.00 $ 2.00 $1.00 33%
    Man 7 paid $ 7.00 $ 5.00 $2.00 28%
    Man 8 paid $12.00 $ 9.00 $3.00 25%
    Man 9 paid $18.00 $14.00 $4.00 22%
    Man 10 paid $59.00 $50.00 $9.00 15%
    Once outside the men began to argue about the settlement. Man 5 said he only got, $1.00, while Man 10 received $9.00. Men 1-4 were upset because the received nothing. They said that the cut only benefited the rich and the poor got nothing. They were upset so they beat up Man 10 and left him. The next week they met for lunch as usual except man 10 did not show up. When the new bill arrived the men discovered that between them they did not have enough money to pay even half of the bill.
    In this story we see a simplified version of the Federal Income Tax. According to an article in the “New York Times” 80% of the taxes are paid by 20% of the highest income people. Any time you have a tax cut the people who pay more taxes are going to get the more of the returned money. The next time you hear of a tax cut and the media tells you that the wealthy are getting the money, remember who is paying most of the taxes.

  26. Throughout history, many dictatorships managed to last because they made sure that the peasantry was so busy trying to stay alive that it would never entertain thoughts of rebellion.
    More recently, we’ve seen how Stalin and Mao made use of famines to pacify the masses.
    Why should Trudeau, et. al, be any different?

  27. Marxists love imposing class warfare don’t they…. Part of the crypto communist Globalist doctrine is the obliteration of the western “middle class”… Justine’s handlers are simply imposing their globalist agenda and attempting to wipe out the middle class, not surprising in the least. Its important to remember that PM Gayparade isn’t running anything… Justine recites scripts to an adoring complicit Media, he takes long tokes off of other dudes bongs and shows people his socks, he is the celebrity nit-wit/actor with an infamous name adored promoted and protected by the corrupt Media cartel. Thats not to say Justine isn’t a malicious Canada hating parasite, he is… but his main role is to act like the benign pretty face who just wants to “help the middow clath and those working hard to join the middow clath”… Its easier for the Media to sell the Sock Retard than it is to sell the dead eyed sociopathy of PM Gerry(Heinrich Himmler) Butts. Pretty soon we’ll all be “admiring China’s basic dictatorship”, or else, and of course we can all look forward to the wicans and witches of Daddy’s “Supreme Court” imposing Sharia Law. Enjoy the decline.

  28. Here’s a simple thought: if corporations are people, why can’t people be corporations – ALL the people? Why don’t we let individuals add up their income/outgo, and be taxed on the difference, like corporations are?
    Corporation buys a building to work out of, they deduct the operating expenses 100% from income, including any interest paid on it, and take depreciation against the capital cost. You buy a house to work out of, you don’t get to deduct squat. (OK, no capital gain when you sell, but I’d rather to be able to afford the house when I’m young!)
    Corporation buys a vehicle, deduct all the operating expenses, including insurance, and take depreciation against it. You buy a car, you can’t deduct anything.
    Why is the corporation’s need to generate income more deserving of tax relief than my trying to live a life? I’m sure gov’t will argue that part of the use of my car is for ‘pleasure’, and that’s why they’re taxing it. Well, what about all the “entertainment” and “training” expenses that corporations spring for? Send your best sales men to Hawaii for a week for “training” is deductible, but trying to take your kids to Canada’s Wonderland because they did all their chores isn’t?
    I’m sure some details would have to be worked out, but I’m sure it would be easier on everyone if there was just one system with no loopholes.

  29. So KevinB are you ok paying all your cpp? All your ei? Are you ok paying your own vacation pay? All the costs of the government regulations that change year after year? How about WCB? Extended health? Your pension plan? How about the initial capital investment required to start a business? Just pay that upfront before you start your job. And if your employer doesn’t make enough this month to cover costs – can he take it out of your wages instead of their own? And I do wish people would stop calling these loopholes- this is how the act was intended to work.

  30. The state is kind of corporation, although some are not contributing at all and have equal number of voting shares.

  31. Creepy clown I am the victim of auto correct and my poor editing. I wrote shouldn’t. In the u.s Scott Adams says people are seeing two different movies. Here in Canada we get a sequel to our previous horror show . Last show we paid for 20 years afterwards.
