34 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. “Could the Ontario government actually lose money selling pot?”
    Oh, they will. And every penny they “lose” will end up in the pockets of Friends of the Liberals. Consultants, equipment suppliers, all those guys.
    That’s why they’re legalizing pot in the first place. The windmill thing is sputtering out, the gun control thing is dead, they need someplace to get some dough to pay off their friends.
    Why do you think we still have the Brewer’s Retail and the LCBO in Ontario? Off-track betting stores? Wintario lottery? Friends gotta get paid, that’s why.
    I have better questions though. Who are the Wynners going to get to stand up 80 Weed Control Board of Ontario stores by July 2018? Where are they going to get the medical-grade weed to stock them with? Licensed producers in Canada can’t cope with the -medical- demand right now. They’re falling short all over the place, and resorting to dangerous practices that introduce molds and pesticides into the MEDICAL grade weed. That’s a thing that’s happening right now.
    Lawsuit dropping in 3, 2, 1…

  2. So… if anyone selling marijuana online, can find someone in Ontario to report online what the current gov’t price on pot is, all they need to do is undercut that price by 10% and throw in “free shipping” and maybe, “pot points” ?
    Unless of course, with those unionised members, the gov’t finds it needs to subsidise pot, in order to save those jobs.
    Is there going to be an Ontario Ministry of Blocked Websites Undercutting Our Pot?
    What could go wrong?
    Hey remember that time that Hillary Clinton bought a house for her staff to live beside her once she becomes President?
    good times, good times…

  3. Around 60 years ago, Robert Mitchum made a movie about moonshine and bootlegging called Thunder Road. If that was re-made and set in present-day Ontario, perhaps an appropriate title would be Blunder Road.

  4. They have kept telling me that marijuana is a harmless drug with no deleterious effects. So why do we need to spend money looking for ways to deal with those effects?
    Western researchers aim to reverse adverse effects of early marijuana use
    Scientists have long established that marijuana may be harmful to adolescent brains.
    Chronic pot use at a young age has been linked to psychiatric diseases like schizophrenia later in life for some adults.
    But researchers at Western University in London say they may have found a way to reverse marijuana’s negative effects on the brain.

  5. And to think, the pot announcement was to distract from the fact that two trials involving senior Liberal party officials have begun.

  6. The Lesson learned when the IRS seized the infamous “Mustang Ranch” in Nevada…The Gov’t run Whore House went Bankrupt providing free Government employee discounts…Yep! Ontario will tank, but they will be happy…

  7. And just imagine when the union goes on strike! That high will be much sweeter knowing it’s being done with out the clammy paws of liberal supporters.

  8. It appears the Trudope gang are leaving it to the provinces to deal with how they handle their marijuana sales and “control”. Why would they do anything else when they have no damned clue what they’re doing and no plan beyond making it legal to puff up.

  9. One would think an organization with so much criminal experience would have selling weed down pat.
    Especially when they are already well experienced as drug dealers through their LCBO outlets.

  10. There is NO drug with absolutely NO deleterious effects,even aspirin can be harmful.
    The most harmful drug on the planet is and always has been alcohol, but too many billionaires and governments make too much money to ever consider again prohibiting alcohol sales.
    It is this hypocrisy that initially drove so many kids to trying marijuana back in the ancient 1960’s. I was there. So many kids despised the hypocrisy of their parents who “freaked out” if the kids smoked pot,but every weekend had parties,got plastered,swapped wives, had fist fights, got divorced……..all in front of their kids who were supposed to not notice.
    Anyone can commission a study to prove whatever they want, we have seen thousands of studies refuted later by other studies,which in turn are later refuted by other studies,repeated ad nauseum.
    Marijuana is undoubtedly harmful to some,as is alcohol,coffee, sweets, TV shows, Dr.Phil,Oprah, gasoline sniffing,the list is endless.
    The government should have decriminalized the goddamn stuff forty years ago when the LeDain Commission recommended it, but Pierre Trudeau was too chickenshit to do so.
    Instead, just like during Prohibition, organized crime eventually took over the market and made billions off the shit. It’s hard to believe now,but in the 1960’s,the Hell’s Angels were just a bunch of small time hoods who like to ride Harleys.Now they’re as rich as the old Mafia of the 1930’s.
    And we can thank our politicians for that.

  11. “Scientists have long established that marijuana may be harmful to adolescent brains.”
    May? Scientists have established MAY? So they’ve established a question, an hypothesis. Bravo! How much were they paid to do that?
    How many adolescents did they give it to? Did they establish what these adolescent brains were like beforehand? Did they have a control group who smoked oregano? What a crock.
    Repeat after me: Correlation does not prove causation. Learn it, understand it, use it as a guiding principle of skepticism.
    Over 80% of scientific papers derived from studies are pure unadulterated bunk.

  12. grow up fool. When I told you that “the only black man on JFK’s SS detail” was willing to testify………..you and your great wizdumb stated that you didn’t care if it was a black man, you weren’t prejudice. The point I was making was about his willingness to testify before the 77-78 house committee, and the skin color was just a marker so you could verify. So, missing the point I was making by a mile……and now you make a fool of yourself trying to criticize some one else who is posting in a manner different from how you would post…..FO

  13. “Could the Ontario government actually lose money selling pot?”
    What is the difference between the government and organized crime?
    Organized crime is organized.

  14. “Could the Ontario government actually lose money selling pot?”
    A better and more important question would be “Does a bear defecate in the woods?”

  15. *
    you’re missing the point entirely… the insiders have already scored bigly…
    MONTREAL — Liberal Party of Canada CFO Chuck Rifici has become a multimillionaire in just a few months thanks to his stock-traded medical marijuana company, QMI Agency has learned.
    Documents show Rifici’s initial investment in Tweed Marijuana Inc. has so far sprouted into an $18-million bumper crop.
    George Smitherman, a former Ontario Liberal deputy premier… is a promoter of marijuana facility THC Meds Ontario Inc. Mr. Smitherman said, “I don’t think we are going toward a model where legalization means you should grow some stuff in your backyard.”

  16. On the contrary, the LCBO is a huge cash cow for the Ontario government.
    “LCBO’s financial results for fiscal 2015-16 show net sales growth of 6.8 per cent, at $5.57 billion. The provincial agency transferred a dividend of $1.935 billion to the Ontario government (excluding HST), $130 million more than the year before. Net income for 2015-16 was $1.97 billion, an increase of 8.2 per cent.”
    In short, they’re generating about 40% profit as a proportion of net sales.We have no reason to suppose the LCBO won’t do a similar markup on weed. Which is precisely why there’s a crackdown on private outlets now. They’re shutting down all the commercial competition to preserve the government monopoly. It’s also why the plan to end the black market by legalizing weed will fail, just as it’s failed miserably in the case of tobacco.

  17. “…The most harmful drug on the planet is and always has been alcohol, but too many billionaires and governments make too much money to ever consider again prohibiting alcohol sales. …”
    1. But “the most harmful drug on the planet” taken in moderate doses is more beneficial than harmful and,
    2. Too many people are willing to be illegal customers of illegal makers and sellers for prohibition to be effective. And never mind how much money is made from it by governments and private interests when it’s legal, too much money is made by criminals and too much spent failing to prevent them when it’s illegal, to consider prohibition again.

  18. A place to stand, and a place to blow,
    they call this land, I forget what were we talking about

  19. “Too many people are willing to be illegal customers of illegal makers and sellers for prohibition to be effective. ”
    LOL. Salty prohibitionist is salty.
    I don’t think an LCBO for MJ will work because MJ is too easy to grow and ship around. We need tech breakthroughs to make all kinds of alcohol easier to make at home, so that the LCBO and other monopolies like it can just die.

  20. And government hides the bodies better.
    This does have a mafia tone to it. It sounds like they’ll have to rub out the competition.
    Solution: give the business to the underground burnout growers, who know how to make the stuff. License them, tax them.
    Turn one of them into the next Bill Gates. Well actually make the guy do that hempself.
    I know won’t happen. Will they lose money? Certainty. Think of Moscow in 1988, high prices, low supply. Lineups and empty shelves.
    Think of Venezuela today. Think of every other socialist paradise in between.

  21. 2 years ago, 2 years. I am at a table with a wine merchant, who is forced to go through the LCBO. Guess who all his contacts are? The ones handling his wine. Guess what his handlers told him 2 years ago? This is decided. LCBO manages the pot. Lob law/Shoppers were putting a bid in, but it would fail. Wynne looks responsible by engaging the LCBO as the governing body. If the LCBO fails, Wynne can make heads roll. She can’t do that if Shoppers manages this. Face the facts, this was done and decided long ago. LCBO were told to keep it on the hush until now. Damn, if these reviews Dalton aka Premier Dad, wouldn’t he have done it this way……. Wait a minute….

  22. Liberal governments are like monopolistic corporations (no wonder they support each other) in that they look to expand their power and influence by nationalizing industry after industry. Like a massive corporation buying and absorbing their competitors, leftist governments simply TAKE CONTROL of everything. The Canadian government OWNS healthcare (1/6 of the economy). They OWN the “infrastructue and all the businesses that beg and bid for projects. They OWN the liquor industry. They OWN the Lottery. They “leverage” the energy sector with draconian regulations and taxes. And now … they are planning to simultaneously “legalize” marijuana and TAKE OVER all distribution of the drug with the iron fist of a Mexican Cartel. You think you will just GROW your own? Just WAIT till the marijuana sniffers are deployed by a government determined to CONTROL and REGULATE the drug. You will get a lengthy jail sentence and fines under the new government marijuana “purity” laws. The State of CA deploys chimney sniffers during “no burn days” … forcing the sheep to freeze in their homes, or PAY the “green” energy surcharges to heat their homes. You will OBEY. Ohhhhhh you think I am kidding about the Canadian government sniffing-out your stash? Just wait … totalitarian governments do NOT allow anyone to undermine their monopolies. Consider the penalties you will PAY if you try to get a Canadian doctor to treat you faster than the the standard wait times. http://www.cmaj.ca/content/164/6/825.full
    Oh yeahhhhh … the Canadian government will NOT tolerate private cultivation, use, or distribution of THEIR regulated product. You think the WAR on drugs is now “over” … because of marijuana legalization? Just wait till you see the WAR waged by the government against YOUR personal drug supply. It will make “The War on drugs” look like a small skirmish during the French and Indian war. The government will go to Defcon III against your stash.

  23. could Ontario lose money selling pot? They lost money on casinos, does that answer the question?

  24. could thw Ontario government lose money selling pot? they lost money running casinos, does that answer the question?

  25. The LCBO has about 650 liquor outlets serving the entire province. I don’t know how many liquor stores AB has but a town of 5000 would typically have 5.
    LCBO is bad service, poor selection lousy hours. They can’t possibly serve the drug industry that has non of these problems not to mention sour strike prone unionistas.

  26. “I get my weed from the same place I get my smokes. Local Indian Reserve.”
    Indian reserves could be the big winners. They should start investing in massive grow-ops.

  27. “I get my weed from the same place I get my smokes. Local Indian Reserve.”
    That is -such- a bad idea. There’s more than just weed in that weed, and there more than just tobacco in them rollies.
    The thing about organized crime: they may be organized, but they’re f-ing criminals.

  28. Government weed….. Think about it.
    There is no way the criminal element is going away in the dope business.

  29. “The thing about organized crime: they may be organized, but they’re f-ing criminals.”
    The same can be said for government. The difference is that “organized criminals” only affect one tiny facet of your life, your recreational drugs,but De Gubbermint affects,nay controls,every single aspect of your miserable life,from birth to death the bastards won’t let you alone.
    I heard a documentary on CBC radio about thirty-five years ago on gambling.They claimed that Canadian lotteries paid out way at a lower rate than Las Vegas or any other legal venue,and actually paid out a smaller percentage than the Mafia when they ran the “numbers racket”.
    Can’t swear to the veracity of the program,but it WAS on CBC, our government radio network.
    Ontario will lose money on the dope dealing,and will bring in very harsh laws to prevent bootlegging. Build new prisons,expand the Government Employees Union.
