35 Replies to “I Amuse Myself”

  1. *
    and anybody who believed that trump was actually going to
    be able to deport 800,000 people has their head up their
    in politics, you do what you can, not what you should.

  2. Never said the deportation was what should have been done.
    He got NOTHING in return. It was a complete capitulation.
    Amnesty is permanent. Extra border security could be reversed as soon as 2018.
    At the very least Trump should have demanded funding for the wall – a permanent for permanent exchange.

  3. You don’t have a clue what Trump got. In fact, you don’t even know if a “deal” exists…..because it doesn’t. The table is just being set.

  4. Joey, gordy is just trying out Un the Unthing. Gord is turning into a know nothing blowhard. AND he fails to understand that any leader, including Trump, govern all the people, and need to consider that in their governance. Gord, and some others in here, think that you do only as those who voted for you want, instead of for the best of all the people.

  5. This was more a message from Trump to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and company than anyone else. 2018 is fast approaching and if Republican congressman and senators aren’t afraid of getting primaried by Trump copycats…they should be. People are getting sick of Republican promises that never materialize. At least Trump has been trying to get stuff done.

  6. Exactly! Post meeting … all I have heard was “talk” … from the career politicians Pelosi and Schumer. I expect that when the smoke clears … MY PRESIDENT would have swiped their watches and wallets with the “negotiation”. We shall see. Far too early to tell what will actually happen. And a clear message was sent to the “true conservatives” (who STILL -and always will- resist Trump) … to get off their asses and get the conservative agenda enacted !! Now !!

  7. We have the general outline – Naturalization of daca and NO WALL.
    But you are right nothing has become law yet. The GOP will likely prevent this surrender to chuck and Nancy.

  8. I have always maintained that a compromise was necessary. Just a week ago I was attacked on this site for saying that Trump would deal on daca. But this isn’t a deal – it’s a surrender.

  9. Nice one, Kate. Definitely a shot across the Republican’s bows, “well if you won’t work with me, I’ll work with someone who says they will.” Given Trump’s negotiating background (literally writing the book on it) I think Pelosi and Schumer should count their fingers after they shake hands over whatever is agreed to.

  10. When the NYT’s WP,Charles Ellis Schumer , Huffington Post , even Salon with Nancy Pelosi. Lindsy Graham, Paul Ryan are all praising Trump you have been betrayed. Its no longer America first or Borders anymore. Its the DACCA nightmares that seem to be all Einstiens or Mother Teresa’s if you believe the MSM. Not that a third of them where in jail There even using a poll. The same people who gave you Hillary as president at 97%. Telling you only 12% of people are against the Alien dreamers.No people are okay with legal immigration but not illegals which of course they don’t differentiate .
    America will cease to be.from the WALL you are now getting noises about security fences instead. The same rhetoric about making them all legal that security measure.. The same garbage that turned California into a one party state.
    Do you know how Canada finally got a decent, till now immigration system?It can be done if we could do it.The Canadian Chinese sounded the alarm when they seen so many people coming from china & Singapore having anchor babies.Eating up the welfare of Canadians. Since these folks have lived here for 200 years, made this nation as well.Particularly railroads & small business. They could see their citizenship go down the toilet. They! Not race or ethnicity got together to force the government to change the laws. Not white folks but Chinese descended Canadians. Check it out.
    The kickbacks from rich Singaporeans with china, where coming into their bank accounts of the white politicians at a shame fill astounding rate to of course socialist liberal. So it was the Chinese that saved this nation against the boat loads of people coming in with pay offs to politicians , than creating vote farms for liberals.
    Black Americans should wake up fast or they will find them selves in the United States of Mexico. Its not whites who will destroy them except the greedy political elite.The socialist Democrats in the name of identity politics that have replaced class ones, are destroying the USA for personnel profit. Trump has now joined them & recanted all his promises. I care more about Americans , your the last pivot of freedom left in the west. Britain , us Australia have all thrown common law & the Magna Charta to the dogs for money to enrich a political elite. WAKE the Hell up! Now these same never Trumpers with Hillary cultists are saying Trumps base would never leave him. Let your voice be know for all our sakes. Pelosi was almost finished.Even her own party wanted her gone.
    Trump has made her relevant again. he has made the biggest betrayal of any president. Obama was a traitor , but Trump turned his coat. We knew what Obama was except the blue pill people.
    If not get used to this, as the political traitors in Europe to their own citizens now have to daily being murdered , bombed acid thrown at them.

  11. Trump has just done what the establishment of both parties may not want. The Republicans can lead immigration reform and both they & Trump will get the credit.. Hello California & NY !!! The Democrats COULD get credit if Republicans are not up to the task, but they may not want anything but Illegal Aliens in California.. Think what happens when all the Illegal Aliens mowing lawns & house-keepers suddenly are lining up for upscale jobs.. and Trumps wall prevents a NEW bunch from coming in as replacements. The end result may be millions of new Republican Voters NOW wanting the American dream, and not be subservient to Democrats
    I don’t think anyone is against TRUE hard working Aliens, but the Drugs & Criminal element MUST be Stopped…..That is a Wall & swift Justice
    I said during the Election that Trump would be the BEST thing happening for Illegal Aliens because he would put an END to “illegal”..One way or another…

  12. and anybody who believed that trump was actually going to be able to deport 800,000 people has their head up their butt.
    We’ll ignore that they managed to deport over a million in the first year of Operation Wetback back in 1954.

  13. *
    diego says… managed to deport over a million”
    hmmm… there’s some stellar logic…
    how about… harry truman nuked two japanese cities
    so it follows that we can light up iran, or afghanistan
    or the norks?
    pls diego… tell me you’re not a teacher.

  14. That was a very troubling headline … and I refuse the WSJ’s paywall, so I did not read the article … however, I heard some discussion when he “pulled out the Paris Climate Agreement” that he could actually do more damage to it … by remaining in it and renegotiating the terms. Again, I will WAIT for the actual ACTION before turning-in my Trumpaholic card. To suggest that he is reversing his skepticism about global warming flies in the face of everything else he has actually already accomplished to undo the damage Obama has done to America. His appointments, and his erasure of global warming from official US policies, and the systematic reigning-in of the EPA.

  15. We’ll also ignore the fact that the anti-gun nuts think they can get rid of 150-200 million firearms, too.

  16. The evidence is mounting that trump – now practically completely immersed in advisors who are from New York and democrat – is morphing into what Schwarzenegger became a soft democrat.
    A reversal on the wall, no tax cut and no help in dealing with Obamacare and staying in Paris and the Iran deal will most certainly see him having one or more serious contenders for the 2020 GOP nomination.

  17. Kanji, the REAL story is more than the misleading headline, which when it comes to MAGA TRUMP, will never be accurate anyways when it comes to the MSM.
    TRUMP doesn’t have to pull out of the PA. The agreement, as we all remember, is non-binding and without penalty.
    Let’s digest those facts first before having a Tulk moment.
    Much like the Cretch did with Kyoto, a country can remain in this “agreement”, but there are no ramifications for ignoring it. And that’s what TRUMP will do if he doesn’t pull out, he will, justifiably, ignore it. Besides, without being ratified by Congress, it is not a viable agreement that the US has not ratified, therefore, is not in effect.
    Just because Obozo signed it, doesn’t mean it is cast in stone. The left still thinks that a Obozo us their Black God, whose actions and declarations are not to be questioned or messed with. Thus the lefts delusions and his bent out of shape they get

  18. I think Gord-Tulk is really a Newfoundlander on screech.. The Music is just to fast & he believes all the throw-away lines….
    The Democrats don’t want the filibuster rule to be eliminated by Mitch, and Mitch will have to go in that direction if Democrats don’t start negotiating legislation….The 2018 election will be a blood bath for any old fart who can’t see the train coming

  19. 2018 doesn’t have the POTUS on the ballot. The Dems are making serious mistakes moving left and embracing radical groups.
    2020 is a different story. If trump doesn’t deliver on his promises to the conservatives he will be challenged in the primaries.

  20. Holy Christ you people are beyond pathetic. “Yeah well he completely backstabbed us on our stupid obsession with brown people but uh look HAVE SOME SPIN PLEASE HAVE OUR SPIN”
    You got conned just like Never Trump said you got conned. And we will enjoy rubbing your faces in it for all time. I LOVE the fact that Trump turned on this issue-the bordertards went all in on Orange Peron and got BURNED TO ASHES for it. They’ll never recover. They have nowhere to go.

  21. one thing that I have observed over the years is that when someone denies that something is going to happen, it usually does, particularly in politics.

  22. and you still don’t get it. Trump supporters want the current political landscape changed, and that is what is happening. As to your “conservative” reference, it ain’t cons that voted him in, and now support him. Yes there are some cons, but mostly disenfranchised centrists, form both sides of the aisle, along with non-affiliateds. Trumps policy success is less important than his ability to change the current political climate. You, along with the Unthing are thick as bricks
    even obungles said he was going to change (transform) the USA, and that was why he got support

  23. Here’s a observation.
    Trump declares he’s going to let DACA lapse unless Congress comes up with a legal solution.. .in effect Congress needs to pass some law…something that is their constitutional duty. But the “betters” and the perpetually outraged scream how mean it would be for these children to be sent back to a country they dont know…even though their parents that will deported with them do…which is ironic because their parents are to blame for their situation…not republicans not conservatives not Trump, not even democrats. But I digress Trump compromises apparently by repeating the previous request that Congress make a law and the democrats…who are the minority…cant draft a veto proof bill.
    So here you have the left upset first because Trump was going to…by letting Obama’s executive order lapse..deport the chillldddrrren. Now they are just as outraged because he told congress to do its job.
    Here’s the outcome. The democrats will try to get a bill passed and republicans will extract a heavy price from the democrats. Democrat voters will see their Congress reps working with the guy not too long ago was Hitler version 2.0.
    The midterms come before the presidential election.
    If the bill they give to Trump to sign doesn’t get the blessing of grass roots republicans he can veto it and Obama’s executive order expires thus giving him a designated blamed for the children being deported.
    The president doesn’t make the law,contrary to what the Obama worshippers believe,but he does take an oath to uphold the constitution and the law of the land.

  24. “Trump supporters want the current political landscape changed, and that is what is happening.”
    L O L. The only ‘change’ Trump is bring is to give Nancy Pelosi her old job back and send the GOP back to the dog house.
    Trump isn’t transforming jack. All he’s done is reveal what a fraud/joke the North American political right is.

  25. I’m surprised you have time to complain about what the Republicans are doing when you have Andrew Scheer to shill for.

  26. Can you tell me which “brown people” you come from in particular. I am curious about the serons for your (surely justified) inferiority complex and the compulsive hatred of everything Occident?

  27. “giving him a designated blamed for the children being deported.”
    Their average age is 25..They are not children anymore…It is an emotional Scam used to get the WHOLE family amnesty.. (The family reunification kicks in).. In the USA a lower “CLASS” citizen doesn’t exist and everyone is equal.
