More Pavilions At Volkfest

Germany’s refugee crisis through the looking-glass

Praised as an expression of German leadership and denounced as capitulation to Muslim invaders, the great migration is neither. In Tenenbom’s account, bored refugees eat bad food and contract skin rashes in the overcrowded, unsanitary facilities where the German government has dumped them. They are happy to complain to an Arabic-speaking journalist and spill their hopes and dreams–to marry a German blonde, to get rich, to get back to Syria or Afghanistan or Pakistan where they can find edible food. Most are just bored; a few are suicidal, but there is a one-year waiting list to see a German psychiatrist.

21 Replies to “More Pavilions At Volkfest”

  1. Kate

    You have the ear of millions.
Scott Adams of dilbert fame is a master of persuasion. He has shown that a well thought out insult creates an image that can destroy an opponent. Think Low energy Jeb or Crooked Hillary.
    To work it needs to be visually accurate.
    So here’s a slur for your subscribers to spread and create a meme to bring down the libs
    Smiling Prince Justin and Sheriff Bill
    Taking the last pennies from small business to feed their indulgences.
    Modify edit as needed. Then get the meme out there across all media
    We can do it.

  2. Nothing more than a biological buffer zone between the indigenous European citizens and the Progressive totalitarian governments of Europe.
    Complain too much and Merkel will unleash more of her vermin on the little people.

  3. “They are happy to complain to an Arabic-speaking journalist and spill their hopes and dreams–TO MARRY A GERMAN BLONDE”
    Thats it White people .
    That is the true bottom line with every and all non-white men.
    And the left and the antifa and the anti-racists think that we have to just sit back and allow this sh** to continue?
    I say no
    As a race of people, the white race, we have a right to thrive and to survive.
    We have a right to resist our racial destruction at the hands of the non-whites and our own filthy stupid evil traitorous leftwing white hating scum

  4. Why doesn’t Germany send it’s army to Syria to help Assad win his civil war? Then the million Syrians hiding from military duty can go home.

  5. I was born in Berlin. I mourn for das Vaterland. The country of my birth no longer exists.

  6. *
    as unappealing as these “refugees” lives now sound… rememember
    that it is still exponentially superior to their old lives in sandland-istan.
    i mean, if their lives were worse… they’d be crazy to stay, right?

  7. So … Germany is having “problems” … because they welcomed 1-million refugees … ONCE. America welcomes more than 1-million “refugees” to become LEGAL citizens every YEAR!!! since 1979. But the Left says it is STILL not-enough. That we need “immigration reform” (read: no borders, no immigration quotas … unlimited immigration … and full amnesty forever). Western civilization is being overthrown … one “Brown” skin at a time. And the left simply cannot WAIT for the “brown” birthrate to completely erase America as we know it. The Left wants to accelerate the DEATH of our fantastic country and culture by FLOODING America with interlopers. And the conversation has been skewed. What do I mean by that? Consider, HER premeditated creation of a secret, private, server on which SHE could HIDE her every communication. Then, when challenged to produce ALL HER communications … she bleachbitches it, smashes it to bits, incinerates the bits, and fires the bits into outer space. THAT should have been the topic of conversation. But instead … SHE maneuvered the conversation to be about “classified” information. What was top-secret, semi-secret, moderately-secret, and what was not-really-secret at all. That isn’t the CORE issue. The CORE issue is that a highly-placed official of the USA conspired to HIDE her communications from the American people, from FOIA, from any and all inquiry. THAT is the CORE issue … I frankly was much less inerested in “counting the (small) number of “top secret” communications. The same mind-game is being played with immigration. The conversation is about deporting “criminal” illegals. The conversation is about the chilllllllllll ddddren of DACA (nevermind their associated chain immigration). The conversation is about “doing the jobs Americans just won’t do (for substandard wages)”. The conversation should be about WHAT KIND OF AN AMERICA DO WE WANT? Do we want to preserve the America which is attracting the immigrants in the first place? Or do we want to “transform” our fantastically successful country into a 3rd world shithole where these immigrants came from? Do we become a lawless country, where the police stand-by and watch BLM and the ANTIFA victimize citizens and businesses. That is what happens in 3rd world shitholes … NOT in MY America. If we cannot ONLY invite the kind of immigrant who wants to integrate and assimilate into our culture, then we shouldn’t invite ANY of em. If we are inviting welfare freeloaders to our country … then we are headed for Venezuela … and we will get there twice as fast. Our “generosity” currently stands at $21 Trillion dollars. We need to import more MAKERS and cut out all the TAKERS. And sorry … the DACA geniuses (according to the Left) who are all Harvard scholars is one of the biggest LIES ever told in America. It ranks right behind the LIE that …”America is the only industrialized country that doesn’t provide healthcare for its citizens”. Of course we DID, before Obamakkare. America has been providing FREE medical CARE for anyone and everyone who could not afford it … prior to Obamakkare. We need to STOP making policy by LIES and bumper sticker slogans.

  8. Respectfully, those are too nice.
    Some of us Americans have started calling him Stutterin Justin or just Sprinkles (as in cheese and or sprinkling down your leg and telling you it’s raining)…I don’t know the other one but perhaps Scammin Bill????
    May I suggest those?

  9. Kenji, Americans and Canadians hate the truth. You are correct and I wait with anticipation the flow of idiocy trying to dispute the truth.

  10. Must be the time of the month where your refills on meds are delayed again (oh the joys of publik healthcare) and you’re back here to dump your usual wisdom. I asked you before and you continue dodging the answer so let me try again: given your compulsive hatred of the Occident what turd world shithole did your ignoble ancestors spilled from?

  11. They came from Europe, not that it’s any of your business or has anything to do with my non-hatred of ‘The Occident’ or anything else. What kind of dork seriously uses that term anyway?

  12. Curious, seeing how you want the western world destroyed. It would make sense if you came from some turd world $hithole with all their made up post colonial grievances. But coming from Europe, being at least nominally a member of the only civilization worth defending and yet you hate it so much that even a mere mention of the Occident offends you, that you want it destroyed by those who never built a society from which people did not run at first opportunity.

  13. Ah, so if I were brown then it would totally make sense for me to want to end the west. So in addition to being an imbecile who pretends other people want to destroy western civilization, you’re a racist.

  14. Screaming “you’re a racist” does not constitute an argument. What “brown” are you referring to? Middle East brown, where majority believes it is their duty to destroy in the west because the pedophile prophet said so? Sure it would make sense. South of Rio Grande brown, where everything is Gringo’s fault and if only they had, what has been saved from them, and is now southern US, they would be rich today like Americans (nope sorry southern US would be like Mexico). That would make sense again. Or South East Asia brown who are not expressively filled with hate towards the whitey? Yes, they enjoy defecating on their streets but at least do not hate the west. Not all brown are the same. Regardless all brown and all non-white want their civilization to triumph, want their values and culture to be dominant, yet when whitey defends their civilization they are obviously racist.

  15. “Regardless all brown and all non-white want their civilization to triumph, want their values and culture to be dominant, yet when whitey defends their civilization they are obviously racist. ”
    It’s a 24/7 cornucopia of projection and non-self-awareness with you.

  16. On the odd chance that you’re genuine not just a pinko troll, one wonders what must have happen for you to notice the reality.

  17. Your comment on the attitudes of the brown and non- white wanting their cultures to be dominant most accurate. I came to Canada in 1955 from foggy old London Town. How very different it all was for immigrants. Kind of disconcerting at first- but it worked out just fine.
    One had to be on one’s toes to avoid being told “if you did it that way over home, don’t tell us to do it here”. Ok, one either left and returned “over ‘ome”;or just kept one’s mouth shut and fitted in.
    Today I am still stunned at the pussy footing around some minorities. The elaborate phoney concern over Canadians observing THE NEWCOMERS demands. The trumped up charges of racism and xenophobia, when Canadians object. Then those minorities seem even more disatisfied. The satisfied groups seem to be those who “fitted in”.
