19 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. He was a great character actor with a long career. His movies included Pork Chop Hill (starring Gregory Peck and which was also one of Martin Landau’s earliest films), Pretty In Pink, Alien, and Repo Man.
    Farewell, sir, and we thank you.

  2. Upon hearing of the fire in the tube my thoughts were in the form of a question: Was the bomber born muslim or did he convert to muslim.

  3. http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/scheer-not-ready-to-remove-senator-lynn-beyak-from-caucus-1.3592216
    Andrew Scheer is generously NOT going to boot Senator Lynn Beyak,the only politician in Canada willing to tell the truth about “The Indian Question”, although he DOES do a good Trudeau imitation with his statement,””I believe in having a positive, respectful approach to First Nations’ issues,” said Scheer in an interview with Evan Solomon, host of CTV’s Question Period airing Sunday.”
    Let me finish that for you,Andy baby, ” we in the CPC have always greatly appreciated the invaluable contributions of our First Nations to the fabric of our Nation”.

  4. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/allan-maceachen-parliament-analysis-wherry-1.4287861
    Good article on Allen Maceachen,finance minister during Trudeau’s reign.
    Most interesting is the second paragraph: “Peggy Butts, a Liberal senator from Nova Scotia, forwarded the name of her nephew Gerald, then a young graduate of McGill University, now Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s closest adviser.”
    Once again,by accident,the msm has revealed just how incestuous Canadian federal politics really is,everybody is connected to everyone else,it sometimes seems.
    No wonder Canadian politicians are such great admirers of the political situation on First Nations Reserves,they’re the same, only the numbers are different.

  5. Progressives pick Wab who? & the allegaters.
    “Woman at centre of Wab Kinew domestic assault allegations …
    The woman at the centre of 14-year-old allegations of domestic violence against Manitoba NDP leadership candidate Wab Kinew says she was thrown across a room and left …” (cbc)
    “Criminal past of front-runner Wab Kinew features in Manitoba NDP leadership race”

  6. The true story is in the comments. They, the management , ESPN with other collectivists will not admit this sport is dying because of Identity politics with race baiting socialist PC garbage. Any thing but the truth. So they slowly die.Blue pilled so bad its become a facial dye. People go to sports to watch sports. Not nagged by race obbsessed bigots.To have to listen to millionaires complain than pretend they care. No one pays hard earned money to listen to political cry babies who they them selves will never make a tenth of their money in a lifetime, while these guys do in a few months.Besides making the game so sissified its for eunuchs now.The end will happen when they allow women & trans to play.Game over.

  7. AGW RIP.
    “Trump Administration Won’t Withdraw from Paris Climate Deal, EU Official Says” (wsj)
    “White House says no change in position on Paris climate agreement” (usatoday)
    “As La Nina Looms, Warmists Skid Into Panic Mode…Global Warming Pause Set To Surpass Two Decades!
    At this point last year global warming alarmists and global socialism politicians were as giddy and as optimistic as ever.
    Everything was falling into place as it looked as if nothing would prevent them from imposing their green regime.
    The Pope was on their side, global temperatures had been near record highs (thanks to an El Nino event) , and Hillary Clinton would surely go on to become President of the USA.
    Warmist agenda now getting torpedoed”

  8. AGW RIP.
    Red-greens gasping-grasping for more $$$$…
    Will MAGA wilt-melt?
    Liberal Justine’s McKenna leads the pack of AGW anklebiters-bloodsuckers to the Big Apple:
    “On Monday, Ms. McKenna and climate ministers from several other countries are scheduled to meet in New York with Gary Cohn, one of Mr. Trump’s key economic advisers who is deeply involved in the administration’s climate policy.” (g-m)
    “U.S. will not seek Paris Accord revamp amid 34 countries’ call to action on climate change” (g-m)
    “Race against the clock for climate finance”
    “Ahead of COP23, the UN climate talks to take place next November in Bonn, cities and regions have gathered in Agadir together with a wide range of stakeholders to discuss the climate agenda. And climate finance is on top.”

  9. AGW RIP.
    Herr Merkel & Green-rot’s Carbon footprint here:
    “It is expected to draw more than 20,000.”
    “Elena Kosolapova, Ph.D.
    Thematic Expert for Climate Change and Biodiversity Policy (Russia/Netherlands)”
    “UN and Germany Sign Host Country Agreement for UNFCCC COP 23”
    COP 23 will focus on implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change, which entered into force on 4 November 2016, and seek to galvanize climate action by all relevant stakeholders.
    The Conference is organizationally and logistically supported by the German Government, with further support from the state of North-Rhine-Westphalia and the city of Bonn.
    It is expected to draw more than 20,000 participants.”

  10. Ive seen Harry in all sorts of stuff from the old ‘Rifleman’ to ‘Gideon’ and in between. enjoyed all his very entertaining performances.

  11. IMDB pegs it at a 6.8 which is well into the meh range. soon to be relegated to the rush-to-bluetooth category.
    ms Lawrence is already being stereotyped by directors and producers.
