Blowout 194

Yet another eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world.

Britain, France, Norway and India have already announced their intention to ban fossil-fuel-powered vehicles in favor of EVs and a number of other countries are considering it, and in this week’s Blowout we feature China, which is about to join the club. To follow we have the usual mix of energy-related stories from around the world, including Iraq facing civil war; Kurdistan’s referendum; things looking up in the N. Sea; PWRs in UK; Australia’s energy woes; nuclear in Japan, Poland, South Africa and Saudi Arabia; India’s power plants running out of coal; California’s clean energy proposals in trouble; the UK capacity auction; Trump to blame for Harvey and Irma; why lithium won’t win and how climate change could kill us all by 2100.

18 Replies to “Blowout 194”

  1. The Courts are not all brain dead…Some actually understand Voodoo science..
    “The CLF complaint was filled with references to the projected effects of climate change by 2050 or 2100, which the judge said didn’t qualify as imminent. He suggested that if the plaintiffs were concerned about the effects of climate change on the facility in 2050, they should refile their case in 2045.”

  2. One of the stories that is most scary is Iraqi Kurdistan is holding an independence vote. That will not end well. How it is going to end is with Iraq and Turkey destroying the Kurdish people beyond recovery.

  3. Its called progressive misinformation. They have learned to stop prediction doom and gloom to happen within 10-15 years, as they have always been wrong. Now its 50-100 years, but its still unquantifiable, as shown above.
    Yeah, the Climate Doom movement is truly a pseudo-religion, as with everything about leftwing politics.

  4. Yet the Kurdish people have a much more legitimate claim to independence than do the “Palestinians”. And I personally don’t see any advantage for the US in backing Turkey’s interest. I cannot believe we need Turkish military bases and/or airspace sorely enough to whore ourselves out to this rapidly devolving Islamic state.

  5. The Kurds and Armenians should have had countries carved out of Turkey in 1918. 100 years later, Turkey is not going to allow a free Kurdistan and just like 1918 we will do nothing about it.

  6. @Kenji
    Yup, western governments know full well what they are doing to western civilization with open borders and mass third world immigration.
    They are clearly wiping out the only peoples that stand between individual freedom and “stylized communist” dictatorships to fully control all humanity based on their “Progressive” cult ideals.

  7. Canada paying more money (double) to the UN…stop the stupidity Canada PM SOCKS!! Now lets stop the stupidity on WIND TURBINES off the coast of BC….WHERE ARE THE ENVIRONMENTALISTS on this topic!! Maybe while anchoring them to the Ocean floor they will cause an EARTH QUAKE goodbye B.C. lower mainland. Al Gore said CLIMATE CHANGE would destroy use before AND WE ARE STILL HERE…HaHaHa! The stupid people that believe this story once again!!!!!

  8. So we will die out as we drive our electric cars? Might as well stick with the ones that actually go.

  9. We could always ride bicycles instead of cars, it’s worked wonders for people and pollution in China.

  10. Please Matt, be the first. Enjoy your cycling at 30 below thru the snowdrifts, or, taking the family out for dinner.
    Actually, I sort of agree with you. All Green and Liberal voters should be required to get rid of all their ICE vehicles, it should be mandatory, leaving the rest of us to do what we believe, too……they either have to own an electric car, or be forced to ride transit. What a perfect world!

  11. @Deplorable Dan
    “they either have to own an electric car, or be forced to ride transit.”
    Heh, agreed.
    There are allot of practical things that people should have experienced or have earned before they are allowed to “dictate” onto everyone else.
    One of the main problems with our modern society is that incompetent fools with zero practical expertise or experience are allowed to foist their own flawed ideologies or greed onto the public without credentials. Roll in JT and company.
    Any politician who has spent a few real years living in Third World crapholes would not hold Progressive ideologies. One of the reasons you would be hard pressed to find many Third World truly “Progressive” politicians.

  12. Sorry Matt, now I see sarcasm. But comments toward our LIEberal and Green friends remain as stated. Let THEM live in the fantasy world of their own making. I hope electric cars do succeed, but on their own merits ( high prices, low range) without the massive government subsidization that they now get.

  13. “…No one is being or could be wiped out by open borders. They don’t even exist…”
    Eyes Wide Shut & Brain diminished with UPS (University Progressive Syndrome), I think that pretty well describes anything you have said, will say now and continue to say, far far into the Future…if there even
    is such a thing with imbeciles such as you Un(whatever).

  14. “…No one is being or could be wiped out by open borders. They don’t even exist…”
    So sayeth a Progrressive supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood…
    Laughable as all of your commentary is – replete with arrogance and abject stupidity.
    A Marxist Dhimmi…

  15. Well greeny Liz May and David Suzuki should be made to paddle across the water from their island home to Victoria or Vancouver and to ride bikes on the mainland to get to where they are going. They are the TWO BIG PUSHERS of green energy BUT DON’T ASSIMILATE!!! So please lizzy and dave stop with the lies and start to do what you preach!!!!
