8 Replies to “No Matter What You Say, They Will Scream At You”

  1. Saul Alinsky/Quotes
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    Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
    A racially integrated community is a chronological term timed from the entrance of the first black family to the exit of the last white family.
    Saull Alinsky would be so proud that his philosophy has taken over.
    Thee Lemings who have never heard of him are ” Lemings”. gio

  2. No enemies, no need for rescue, or for help, or for “improvement,” no need for progressives, no need for socialism.
    No socialism, no jobs for socialists. How threatening, requiring of course pre-emptive violence. Marx’s atomized individual has come full circle.
    Such a stupid man, imho, all gin, no fizz.
    Had no idea of coercive aspect of government, or the genesis in the middle class, or the stupendous rise in living standards during the Industrial Revolution.
    No thought, just belief. No standards, just double standards. No bigotry, except that allowed by them, the neo Marxists.
    Frankfurt School, Identity Politics, Change to the Status Quo, Hope we Don’t Go Broke.
    The test of what a reasonable would believe now includes, if you vote Republican &/or support Donald Trump, you are a Nazi.
    And well, you can’t let Nazis have free speech. Look what happened to Europe in the 30s.
    Yes, take a good look. Welcome to the American “New” Democratic Party (no insult intended on NDP as they don’t condone or support violence openly).

  3. Shapiro’s speech at Berkeley, related leftist antics and administration security provisions are theatre for the media. The real story is the nihilist bilge that passes for thought every day in their lecture theatres. When it comes to the death of a civilization it starts with intellectual mortality from the institutions of “higher” learning.

  4. “(no insult intended on NDP as they don’t condone or support violence openly).”
    When they don’t condemn it means they support violence. Your NDP union thugs.

  5. I was being charitable; whatever. Here’s some common sense for you:
    On your point about “my” union thugs, it’s good you were at a safe distance when making a comment like that about me. Brevity dies with bad tone.
    My observation is the American left is institutionally imposing their agenda through Antifa BLM fascism and violence, thus defying the electorate.
    Yes, but the “others” (not radical leftists) are the fascists, racists and thugs. On that point, our NDP and US-NDP brown-shirts agree.
    Our version hasn’t got the stones, yet, to resort to thuggery and contempt for elections, opting for violence; that’s a good thing imho.
    In case you were wondering, no, oh no, no, no, I have never been, nor am I today, or will ever be, an NDP supporter.
    That would be like telling me individualism is the same thing as progressivism. Nope, polar opposites. Actually I’m a recovering Stephen Harper addict.
    I think the cabin boy, otherwise known as our PM, while doing serious damage already, if given a second term, will actually destroy this country.
    While I’m at it, here goes – I support Donald Trump – have all along, and, gulp, loved his beatdown of the establishment of both parties.
    I just hope Lois Lerner hasn’t started freelancing.
