17 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. With duds like Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel and Theresa May women need another Maggie Thatcher for redemption in the field of political leadership.

  2. Vote Justine Liberal for CBC’s Billion$ Bias.
    “Air Canada Attacks CBC ‘Bias’ After Reporter Calls Its Response ‘Bulls–t’
    Air Canada has taken to social media to air a grievance with the CBC, and the airline is pulling no punches.
    In a Facebook post and Tweet on Friday from its corporate accounts, the airline presented what it called “confirmation” of biased reporting at the CBC.
    The confirmation appears to be an internal email in which CBC Sunday Edition host Michael Enright tells a CBC producer that Air Canada’s reply to a series of questions about boarding procedures was “bullshit.”
    Bias in CBC reporting on Air Canada? Top CBC reporter confirms:”.

  3. PET POT Party Report.
    Liberal Justine entertains Mohammed the murderous cannibal.
    “Canada to speak up for Rohingya Muslims at United Nations: Freeland” (cp)
    “Rohingya refugees ‘could starve to death’ in Bangladesh after fleeing violent persecution in Burma” (indep)
    “Jihad Report
    Sep 09, 2017 –
    Sep 15, 2017
    Attacks 32
    Killed 263
    Injured 254
    Suicide Blasts 8
    Countries 14”

  4. Great comparison, Me No Dhimmi. In 1986, I was selling 1 Mb memory expansion (on a base 256k Amiga) for CD$1,100. By my quick reckoning, that 256 GB on the x phone would have cost about CD$280,000,000, not to mention taking up about 3 million cubic feet. My math might be a little off, but you get the idea. And that $280 million in 1984 would be $550 million today.

  5. That’s rich. Mike Enright calling AC bullshitters.
    I haven’t listened to him in decades. Still trying to pass himself off as an intellect?
    Enright is a puffed up phoney. The cbc crowd might think he has some value but really, what is it he has ever done?

  6. abtrapper, you’re right with Enright, et al, a puff adder from the left.
    Haven’t listened to our cbc since Max Ferguson retired.
    CBC RIP.

  7. “Irma’s Staggering Toll: At Least 68 Dead” (weathercom)
    “The Most Devastating Hurricanes in U.S. History
    1. 1900 Galveston, Texas Hurricane: Roughly 8,000 people were killed by this Category 4 hurricane, though some estimates put the death toll as high as 12,000.” (weathercom)
    “Trump Disbands Climate Change Advisory Committee”
    “National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) acting chief Ben Friedman notified the Advisory Committee for the Sustained National Climate Assessment that its charter would not be extended after its expiration on Sunday, the Washington Post reported.
    “Per the terms of the charter, the Federal Advisory Committee for the Sustained National Climate Assessment (Committee) expired on August 20, 2017,” a notice posted on the committee’s website read.

  8. Enright is a puffed up phoney. The cbc crowd might think he has some value but really, what is it he has ever done?
    I first started listening to As It Happens when it was live-to-air Monday nights and hosted by William Ronald and Harry Brown.
    I stopped listening some 20 years ago when Michael Enright was host. I got tired of his smug, condescending attitude, conveying the impression that he was the smartest man on the air.
    Plato’s words describe him accurately: “An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.”
