39 Replies to “We Need A Famine”

  1. Not to get all physics-nerdy, but a stream of pee isn’t a projectile. It’s a fluid. Different set of equations.

  2. I’m finding it hard to believe that championship teams celebrate victory with a peeing contest. I guess all that talk of super models, champagne, and hot tubs was just a rumour.

  3. If you are worried about this, send your daughters out to water the yard with the garden hose. And go stick your head in the oven.

  4. She shouldn’t worry. Like in sports, all you need is a few men to morph into she-males for the bar to move.

  5. Of more concern is how are we ever going to win the battle of getting men to sit down to pee rather than whizzing over the toilet bowl rim and floor around it?

  6. Watching/listening to CTV “man-on-the-Ottawa-street” interviews, I’d say the battle has been won, Liz J.

  7. Boys just need to be taught better gun control. They need to use both hands and hold their breath before firing!

  8. Boys, more so than girls, also climb trees, throw rocks and balls, jump off things, run around, and generally engage in physical activity. I think this article is a bunch of bunkum.

  9. “Of more concern is how are we ever going to win the battle of getting men to sit down to pee rather than whizzing over the toilet bowl rim and floor around it?”
    That will happen he day the education system has successfully transitioned the entire male population.
    I don’t even like to sit down for the deuce although necessity intervenes. Two things can happen – both bad. Sitting down and being somewhat obese, willy, with a mind of his own can aim through the crack between the porcelain and the seat drenching the back of my legs and the floor. Alternately, the big guy can touch the porcelain – an unpleasant occurrence because I know where the porcelain has been.
    I live on a 160 acre toilet and prefer whizzing outdoors.

  10. And on a somewhat related subject, I think there needs to be more studies done on the link between rabid feminism and equipment envy. I firmly believe that it’s nothing but suppressed rage at their inability to write their name in a snowbank. PTSD: Pecker Tracking Stream Disorder.

  11. Well fellas, it’s rather hopeless,I have given up….and it doesn’t get better with age.
    We will never have true equality until one of us invents an attachment that steers willy wonkas from standing position..

  12. It’s sad that this is what passes for critical thinking in academia. Did they actually check if boys who are trained to sit down have less aptitude for physics? Or if girls who are athletic (throwing, catching, kicking, bouncing balls) are better at physics?
    In my opinion girls/women are less interested in physics because it’s the least fun of the sciences, even if you like science. I found the concepts interesting but the labs boring. In chemistry you get to mix/combine chemicals and use lots of analytical instrumentation. In biology you have microscope, slides and dissections. Physics was mostly measuring, timing and then sitting at a desk plugging numbers into equations.

  13. The grotesque contortions of reasoning exhibited by these academics in trying to avoid the fact that there are innate and congenital differences between male and female is appalling. The imposition of political correctness in academia has become so acute that for many outside the academic realm, academic is synonymous with liar.

  14. “We will never have true equality until one of us invents an attachment that steers willy wonkas from standing position”
    Perhaps a woman’s, ahem, steadying input????

  15. An old Ukrainian Joke on secret male contests:
    The Ukrainian worker John got permission to attend the 3 day wedding of his brother. He didn’t return for 10 days and his Boss wanted an explanation…John said that on the third day of drinking all the males had a traditional secret contest…He had won Second Prize and had to spend a week with the Bride on the Honey moon.. Wow.. His boss was impressed & asked; what was the First Prize?. .John… 6 cabbage rolls…

  16. The authors are overlooking the advantage women have in experiencing the theory of e=mc2, where e(energy)= m(mass) c(cup-size) x both boobs.

  17. Which leads us to the big unanswered question I’m sure many of us have been wondering….
    Why would ANY man voluntarily “transition” into a woman and give up this unqualified freedom.

  18. “We will never have true equality …”
    I pray we will never have true equality, more for women’s sake than for mine.

  19. urine deep shit when you think pi$$ing is a subject to study!!!
    I sure hope the Unthing posts in this one:-)))

  20. Took a second look at the paper. Beyond the “theory says” and “it is suggested ” that ball sports would enhance success in physics for women, they use this to disprove that hypothesis:
    “However, we don’t see a reduced gap among students enrolled at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA). The young women at ADFA have already chosen to pursue life in what might be seen as a hyper-masculine environment; and, by virtue of ADFA’s physical strength and fitness entrance requirements, together with the Academy’s compulsory sports program, are likely to have a lot of experience of ball sports.”
    So, instead of getting data from women in amateur, Olympic or professional sports like basketball, soccer, volleyball, baseball or tennis they chose ADFA women. In what way would that be considered rational or valid. By using ADFA instead of analyzing data regarding success in physics for dedicated athletes in ball sports clearly shows bias and an attempt to mislead. Junk science.

  21. I work in a big industrial type place. The electricians are about 95 percent male, the mechanics are 100 percent male, and the chemical technicians are 100 percent female. I’m sure it works out this way because I can pee standing up.

  22. I think both chemistry and chemical technician/technologist work appeals to both males and females in fairly equal numbers. The industrial labs I worked in had anywhere from 50% women to having only one woman in the lab when I was there. Now it’s mainly women. I suspect that is because it’s one of the few places in heavy industry that gets women applicants and because the men in the lab tended to bid out into apprenticeships like electrical and mechanical or into management. We (union women and the corporation) tried to get more high school girls in the area interested in trades and technology. The idea was the local girls would be more comfortable with industrial work because many of their fathers worked as tradesmen. There was some success in that there is now more women in trades in that company but the numbers are still quite low.

  23. This sort of “guy” behavior has been well known for a very long time. Remember the little stickers you would see in the urinals, that looked like a great big fly? It was somebody’s great idea that giving guys a target would reduce the amount of “overspray” (so to speak), and help keep the floors and walls around the urinals a bit cleaner. It was a pretty successful idea.

  24. Oh, I think you’re a bit wrong about the physics bit. Certainly, when the fluid is contained within a “pipe” you are dealing with Bernouli’s equations, but once that flow exits the end of the pipe, it’s back to Newton, with some corrections for air resistance.

  25. “If a man can’t piss in his own front yard he’s livin’ too close to town” – Tom Russell

  26. The line that gave me the greatest guffaw was the one about the problem of having too few women engineers. I for one fail to see how that is in anyway a problem to anyone except the sexists in the crowd who think that all men and all women are all the same. I really don’t care about the plumbing the engineer was born with so long as the engineer can do things like actually engineer.

  27. “Why would ANY man voluntarily “transition” into a woman and give up this unqualified freedom.”
    Beats me, CO. One of life’s simple little pleasures…why would anyone want to give that up even for a day?
    There can be only one reason: PTSD.
    That’s Petit Tool Signature Disorder.

  28. And girls do not have access to the water that comes out of the kitchen faucet, the shower head, the garden hose?
    they have never rinsed dishes and played with water?
    girls can not spit water out of their mouth? or pour water out of a bottle?
    Girls have never poured oil in a pan? or excess oil poured back in the bottle? or gasoline into something ( the lawn mower the car something?)
    girls have never poured molasses on crepes? or mustard on hotdogs?
    girls have never played in the bath or a swimming pool with a small pale or a bowl or anything that holds water? or squirts water?
    girls have never tried their brother’s water pistol?
    girls have never spilled cutex or cutex remover and tried to pour it back in the bottle?
    wow so much I did not know about girls.
    Next you will teach me how boys are denied access to flowers, butterflies and crayons… right?
