3 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. There is no difference between CNN, WAPO, NYT and DRPK.. They all speculate on the unknown, resulting in all the pygmies joined into a circle jerk….
    Lies and dammed lies…

  2. That is my biggest beef with Breitbart. Where their click-baiting practices verge on dishonest, they are certainly deceptive.
    A couple of months ago they actually disguised a “sponsored advertisement” as a real news item on their site. I mean real news item as in complete with a comment section afterwards. The comments clearly showed most everyone was quite pissed at the site for their dishonesty and their attempted deception.
    It was a quality reminder to many not to trust any agency dispensing “news” for profit.
    As per the DPRK News Service Twitter feed, I am not surprised they are STILL duping the media. Fake news doesn’t require much verification.
