22 Replies to “Art Of The Deal”

  1. I think most folks on SDA recognized this Iran deal as a joke before it was even implemented.
    The Iranian government types were laughing their heads off when they got handed $150 billion for doing precisely nothing.
    The Obama-Nation™ tried to market this pig in a poke as the next best thing to Chamberlain’s “peace in our time”.
    Naturally, compliance will last as long as the $150 billion; which will be gone in a New York minute.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. Does anyone remember or know, the justification for including in the “Iran Deal”, pallets and pallets of U.S. dollar notes, actual cash! ???
    What kind of legitimate deal between countries, in the 21st century, involves pallets of cash notes in U.S. bills ?

  3. I guess Macron would rather keep airliners full of cash in France instead of appeasing the unappeasable. How European of him. I wonder if Barry O’s regretting his pre-election endorsement of Emmanuel

  4. *
    “carl asks… What kind of legitimate deal between countries,
    in the 21st century, involves pallets of cash notes in U.S.

    well, carl… was there a clinton anywhere in the vicinity?

  5. $150 Billion buys an awful LOT of centrifuges … and computer code writers capable of firewalling-off the Mossad attacks. The Iran “deal” is possibly the most shocking example of … “saying one thing, but actually doing the direct opposite”. Obama (read: Valerie Jarrett), empowered Iran to become a Nuclear State … soon.
    I have never been an “end-of-times” Christian. I’ve always considered the Hal Lindsay’s of the world to be tin foil hat wearing Christians … and … Christ taught that his second coming will come like a thief in the night … so always be ready and do not concern yourself with the time or place. However, I remember reading in Hal Lindsay’s The Late Great Planet Earth … that the allegorical description of the “end times” in the Book of Revelation doesn’t appear to even refer to the USA in any way. Rather the destruction of the Earth will come from “the north”. I seem to recall that Lindsay interpreted that as The Soviet Union … however … now I can perceive Iran as the “Beast from the North” … enabled by the “John the Baptist” of The Antichrist … Barrack Hussein Obama. No, Obama was not the Antichrist … but he may very well have been the “announcer” and “enabler” of the Antichrist(s) in Iran.
    Enabling a Nuclear (breeder reactors) Iran, as Obama did in the guise of preventing the same … is EXACTLY what I would expect from Satan … and Satan’s minions. Enabling a Theocracy whose official policy is to destroy “The Great Satan” of the USA to attain the power of Nuclear weapons … is just PURE EVIL. Obama was just PURE EVIL.

  6. … Christ taught that his second coming will come like a thief in the night …
    Only to the Biblically illiterate…
    1Th 5:4  But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
    Anyway, Trump’s main message is to make the UN great…the greatness of America depends on that
    “Asked immediately afterward about his message for the New York trip,
    Trump riffed off his 2016 presidential campaign slogan: “I think the main message is
    ‘Make the United Nations Great’ – not ‘Again’,” he said.”
    “Hey, I’m a nationalist and a globalist, I’m both.”
    And I’m the only one who makes the decision, believe me,” – Donald Trump April 28/2017

  7. Illiterate … is a rather pejorative term … usually hurled by Pharisee’s and similarly “religious” folk.
    Mark 13:32-35 — “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning—

  8. Illiterate … is a rather pejorative term … usually hurled by Pharisee’s and similarly “religious” folk.
    Depends if the shoe fits…the Pharisees were known to accuse others of untrue things.
    The day and hour isn’t known, but the season is…as the previous verses of Mark 13 describe.
    1Th 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
    People won’t be expecting Christ because they’ll think He’s already here. That’s what anti-Christ means, ‘instead of Christ’. That’s the first thing He warned about.
    Mar 13:5  And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: 
    Mar 13:6  For many shall come in (n = upon (= trading upon, as the basis of their claims). Greek. epi.) name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 

  9. Mar 13:6 For many shall come in (n = upon (= trading upon, as the basis of their claims). Greek. epi.) name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

  10. Any religious text that implores you pay your taxes, isn’t a religious text.
    Thankfully, Christ taught that exact thing. “Render unto Caesar, what is Caesars, and unto God what is God’s”. and no, I don’t prefer quoting Bible verses … because it isn’t the tedious text that matters, but the meaning and sentiment central to the passage. Christ is clearly expressing the divide between our spiritual lives and our material lives (taxes included). And remember there is a Uuge difference between God and Religion. Religion is a manmade (read; flawed with human foibles) construct, whereas God is infinite and omniscient. Religion and the sometimes literate, literalist, legalistic, interpretation of its tenets are what get man into trouble.
    And speaking of tedious chastising … I am certain that Strad. went apoplectic when Trump said Two Corinthians … instead of Second Corinthians. Men with the minds of children often get bogged-down in minutiae and miss the whole point.
    Hahahaha … my captcha included the word “schaden” … with The umlaut…

  11. Buffoon……..you still don’t get it. Good!
    The apoplectic left still losing their sht, which lets MAGA TRUMP go about his real work. You want to get all bent out of shape because of something TRUMP said?
    Mission accomplished!

  12. MAGA with 3D chess…otherwise known as Art of the Deal…
    Trump Falls in Line with Interventionism
    President Trump’s U.N. speech showed that despite his America First rhetoric, his policies are virtually the same as the neocon strategies of George W. Bush and liberal interventionism of Barack Obama, says Robert Parry.
    Before the speech, there was at least some thinking that his visceral disdain for the neoconservatives, who mostly opposed his nomination and election, might lead him to a realization that their policies toward Iran, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere were at the core of America’s repeated and costly failures in recent decades.
    Instead, apparently after a bracing lecture from Netanyahu on Monday, Trump bared himself in a kind of neocon Full Monte:

  13. Strad. … mon Ami … that is a really frightening website. I read the whole article and came away far more afraid of the people who wrote it than about Trump becoming a Neocon (something I predicted when Bannon was booted out). I get the anti-war, anti-globalism sentiment … but let’s not go overboard. You DID hear today that China (in response to Trump’s “dark” rhetoric) forbid the Bank of China from doing any business with NKO ? That is a MASSIVE diplomatic WIN … winning!! … that suggests there IS a method to his “madness”. Call it 3D chess … meh. … I just shrug and marvel at his WINNING !!
    And what’s with the DARK anti-semitism of that site ? Praising Hezbolla and HATING Netanyahu? You will mock my optimism … but I honestly believe that Trump is going to broker a lasting ME peace (excluding Iran). And Iran needs to be isolated and destroyed. I would personally love to see Persia returned to a thriving, modern, secular State again.
    Is that site what passes for BIG L libertarianism ? If so, Libertarianism it is way scarier than a (sometimes) crazy Rand Paul. That’s just messed up.

  14. Wonder how much of the 150b actually left the US? What with fees commissions, foundations. Wheels need to be greased.
