7 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. I think the column is incorrect Re: Norway.
    one fifth if cars are either fully electric or plug-in hybrids. Plug-in hybrids rely on an ICE for base transport – and i suspect they are the larger majority of the grouping. IOW people are buying ICE powered that have plug-in capability so they can get the subsidy.

  2. Electric cars are the “cigarettes” of tax revenue. What the hell does that mean ? Well, the SJW’s in government decided that cigarettes are baaaaaad mmmmKay … and that the cancer sticks needed to be taxed. Heavily and increasingly taxed. Taxation is a leftists favorite method to FORCE the behavior they deem “correct”. But leftists also fall deeply in LOVE with their tax revenue. Of course, IF cigarette smoking is truly as EVIL as presented, then they should have BANNED all cigarettes … PERIOD (I have never smoked in my life, BTW). However, doing so would destroy the tax revenue the government enjoyed from cigs. And in fact, as the rate of smoking dropped … precipitously … the taxes on cigarettes increased … equally precipitously. The government had become addicted to cigarette taxes … far worse than a nicotine addiction. So tax rates increased … to keep pace with falling cig usage.
    The same thing is taking place with electric cars … somewhat in reverse. CA government eco-leftists (our DEEP STATE) is FILLED with so-called “eco”-bureaucracies. Eco-leftists who have handed-out carpool-FREE stickers on Prius’s (Pri ii?), and $$cash incentives for purchasing the semi-electric cars. And GIANT $$$ stacks of cash (to the wealthy) for subsidizing Elon Musk’s cosmetic surgery addiction. But … with so many “eco” cars on CA roads … gas tax revenue has fallen … somewhat precipitously. Of course the eco-bureaucracy HATES the ICE … but our DEEP STATE adores gasoline taxes. Our gasoline taxes are stolen by the Governor and used for every OTHER purpose than what they were intended to fund (i.e. automobile infrastructure). Gas taxes are dumped into the General (slush) Fund and used to pay for illegal alien maternity care. So what did Jerome Brown do ? Duh … he INCREASED gasoline taxes … and instituted “carbon” taxes to offset the falling gasoline tax revenue.
    Leftist government HATES cigarettes, but LOVES tobacco TAXES
    Leftist government HATES the internal combustion engine, but LOVES gasoline TAXES.
    Not to worry, though … the DEEP STATE will adjust their TAX policies accordingly. You WILL STILL PAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!

  3. The bubble conditions in electric cars will persist as long as there are subsidies.
    People been trying for electric cars since 1832; hasn’t happened yet. I would conclude, after nearly 200 years of continuous effort, it ain’t gonna.

  4. Don’t worry. When EV ownership reaches a critical mass and revenue from gasoline tax drops, the state will just implement a road usage tax and ding you for how many miles you have traveled. States are already experiencing a drop in revenue because vehicles have become more fuel efficient so this tax is coming like it or not.

  5. Of course you are exactly correct. I seem to recall that Gov. Jerome Brown has already commissioned a “study group” to prepare a road use tax. Undoubtedly “studying” the specific ways in which the MOST people will be TAXED …

  6. ”The Norwegian island of Finnoey has the highest density of electric cars in the world. The reason? They are exempt from the $6,000-a-year toll charges for the tunnel to the mainland.”
    If there are 10 cars in my yard, and 6 are electric, I could be the owner with the highest density of electric cars in Canada. That doesn’t mean much.
    The goal of building electric cars is to have everyone dependent on electricity. Add to that the fact that provinces and jurisdictions (IE: Alberta) want to burn natural gas to produce electricity, what will you heat your house with when the government dictates who gets what fuels? I would guess electricity! Expect 25-50 cent per kilowatt hr. by the middle of the next decade. We’ll see how cheap electric cars run when that happens.
    Meanwhile, gas is back down to .94 cents a liter.
