Blowout 195

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world.

It’s official – climate models are overheating and global warming may not be so bad after all. So say two authors of the recent Nature Geoscience study featured in this week’s Blowout. Nature, however, puts a different spin on this “good news” in the next article. We follow up with our customary mix: China’s growing oil demand; how Canada’s oil & gas industry benefits the US; North Sea oil & gas gone within 10 years; Hinkley workers consider strike action; coal woes in the US, Spain and Australia, the US solar industry tears itself apart; renewable energy “guarantees of origin” under scrutiny; Europe’s car makers face CO2 fines; the UK’s smart meter shambles; climate scientists asked to put their money where their models are and how the Giraffe 2.0 solves the EV charging problem.

Blowout 195

5 Replies to “Blowout 195”

  1. One needs to consider the reason for the admission that global warming isn’t happening as fast as previously claimed. In short order, we will surpass their “point of no return” temperature increase, and when the world doesn’t end, that would be the end of their climate golden goose. It was a classic mistake for doomsayers – setting the breaking point too close. By extending it an indeterminate distance, near enough to be scary but not far away enough to inspire complacency, they are able to carry on with the global warming industry and rake in the money.
    They haven’t admitted defeat, they’ve just moved the goalposts. Again.

  2. One needs to consider the reason for the admission that global warming isn’t happening as fast as previously claimed. In short order, we will surpass their “point of no return” temperature increase, and when the world doesn’t end, that would be the end of their climate golden goose. It was a classic mistake for doomsayers – setting the breaking point too close. By extending it an indeterminate distance, near enough to be scary but not far away enough to inspire complacency, they are able to carry on with the global warming industry and rake in the money.
    They haven’t admitted defeat, they’ve just moved the goalposts. Again.

  3. It occurred to me this week that I haven’t heard of massive destruction, oil spills, and environmental catastrophes caused by hurricane Harvey and Irma in the Gulf of Mexico. Surely there are thousands of drill rigs and platforms in the path of these “super hurricanes”. So where are the reports of mass eco-devastation? Is it possible that drilling for oil isn’t quite the death sentence for Mother Nature as portrayed by the “greenies”.
    And the article suggesting that the Trump Admin. is devising a plan for opening Arctic drilling put that fact into focus. That oil drilling and production is hardly the horror portrayed by the eco-intelligentsia.
    And PS … I seem to recall that bad ol’ Vlad has already laid claim to the vast seas and lands of the Arctic. So, whatever tiny slice of the arctic still available to the US and Canada pales in comparison to Vlad’s tracts. Whatever slice of the Arctic that the spoiled North American eco-children believe they are “saving” (with drilling restrictions) is totally inconsequential. It’s the same thing as the Paris Accord effect … pure window dressing as China, India, and Russia continue to commit eco-atrocities … while we pretend to be “saving the planet”

  4. In a related story …
    The earth did not “end” on Sept. 23. However …. the religious nutjob who predicted the “End of the World” has now “revised” his predicted time for our total destruction. Sound familiar? Does anyone need any further PROOF that Global Warmism is a religious CULT?! Predictions of the Earth’s destruction are the exclusive purview of religious CULTS. It’s hardly “science” … and it is important to note that the so-called “Christian” nutjob who predicted the world’s end on Sept. 23 … blends his “Christianity” with planetary “science”. Hiding behind FAKE science is the refuge of scoundrels. It is time to sweep Global Warmism into the dustbin of history … history which will continue lonnnnnng after the high Priests of AGW are dead.

  5. seems that ‘common knowledge’ about agw, fascism, the inner workings of world leaders etc isn’t quite so accurate ie ‘knowledgeable’ as it is ‘common’ . . . . .
    also seems having a form of autism requiring me to figure stuff out for myself has been an enormous boon albeit a long time to play out. as in NOT depending on OTHERS with their agendas to tell me what the score is and how things work and why and the players etc.
    fcuk em. fcuk em all.
