18 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood”

  1. Dave Burge was sooo right,
    1. Identify a respected institution.
    2. kill it.
    3. gut it.
    4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect

  2. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Justine Liberal say, Wow! Indians are frauders & failures with Canadians’ tax dollars? Who knew?
    “Trudeau confronts Canada’s failure of indigenous people in UN speech” (reuters)
    “Chief and band councillor at First Nation removed following audit of nearly $600K powwow
    The audit raised concerns over the fact nearly $290,000 in expenses were ‘unsupported'”

  3. There’s some channel that play old Johnny Carson Tonight Show episodes every night. Once in a while I tune in. Man, it’s like night & day compared to the jerk offs that pass for late night hosts today. Plus he was actually funny. You know, which is the whole idea behind late night TV in the first place.

  4. This overall media meltdown is a national disgrace for the USA. One of the things that is really nice about Korean TV shows is that they LOVE KOREA! They love their country!
    Everything on American TV (and British, Australian, Canadian, even French and Mexican TV) is how sh1t the USA is.
    I’ve lived there. They’re all lying. I’m tired of it.
    Reblogged over at The Phantom Soapbox.

  5. Gawwd … isn’t that so true. I still remember that all my HS mates and I watched Johnny Carson every single night and would discuss it (when something particularly funny had happened the night before) every day at school. It was a cultural phenomenon. IF Johnny discussed politics … IF … it was a lighthearted send up of a politician or policy it wasn’t a bitter, angry, one-sided (leftwing) lecture … like David Letterman devolved into. I thought Letterman was hilarious when he started … but he devolved into a bitter, frustrated, angry old (perverted) woman. And now it is even worse. I haven’t watched late night TV for at least the last 20 years.
    And it isn’t an accidental circumstance that Carson was born and raised in flyover country … Nebraska … if I recall correctly. At least in Johnny’s era … that meant he was raised with righteous core values of respect for all people and opinions … which has all but dissipated into a Marxist ideology of … “by any means necessary”

  6. “I want them to talk about racism every day.”
    “Trump’s problem isn’t with athletes being political.
    It’s with athletes speaking out against racism.” (wapo)
    Steve Bannon:
    “The Democrats,” he said, “the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”

  7. I didn’t realize “Embrace Hollywood” was now SDA code for “Reader Tips”.
    Anyways, as per the linked article, it pretty much consolidates what we already know.
    Anyone else watch the pilot for the new Star Trek series last night? I will forego my critique except to say it was filmed very well and was an excellent example of entertainment gone totally PC, as the article suggests. I didn’t see any indication of gay, Islamic or trans characters on this TV series YET, but….
    the two main characters, both the captain AND her #1, were minority women.
    Not only that, but rather unsubtley, all the really bad guys seemed to be portrayed as just that…. big bad “guys”.
    Leftards ruin about everything they touch.

  8. make that 11,399,999. if ya know what I mean. LOL !!!
    I didn’t even pay any attention to the promos as to when and channel #.
    smarmy washed up fakers. that’s hollyweirds SPECIALTY. making up stuff. fudging the storylinew when they take on an actual historical event a la oliver stone for ‘artistic reasons’.
    so, WHY does the ignorant unwashed masses follow this fiction? same reason a huge %age truly deeply believe Apollo 11 was faked. and why *that* is, is waaaaaaay beyond me.

  9. I remember Johnny talking about this afterward, how Randi cautioned him do NOT let geller get his hands on the props beforehand. Johnny *really* had to bite his lip that night!!! but, always the true comical genius gentleman.
    note also despite years of tabloids, his personal life remained VERY personal.

  10. Ich Bin Eine Liberal Jamaica Wynnetario.
    “Gaffe-prone Ontario Liberals turn over green policy to California” (NP)
    “Germany heads for green government
    Sunday’s election result means Chancellor Angela Merkel needs the Green party in her coalition in order to govern. What will it mean for the country’s environment and climate policy?”
    “This three-way alliance, called a “Jamaica coalition” because the parties’ colors match that country’s flag,…” (DW)
