Renegade Regulator

Restore CSA;

What follows is the record of how CSA inserted itself as a new regulatory layer in Canadian real estate transactions.
First, the target, in this case; home inspections.

9 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Problem is, if you asked average Canadians what they thought about CSA sticking its nose in the Home Inspection business, or any other place for that matter, 95 out 100 would say it was a good thing. No clue about CSA’s recent history.

  2. Yea…one has only to look at their website to see how well they do with “Standards – Codes” – FOR SALE….Not cheap by any stretch. And of course said stds and Codes are revised every cpl yrs so ya gotta buy new ones…right. Talk about planned obsolesence.

  3. My brother (retired contractor) just sold his house. Had to get it inspected, of course.
    Problem with the roof (he had just redone), and the dishwasher wasn’t fitted correctly.
    He doesn’t have a dishwasher…
    So, yeah, bit of a scam.

  4. Had similar issues with a so called inspector. Twas for the most part, a superficial pile of BS on a 43 page document replete with pictures no less.
    This “may” be an issue, that “may” be an issue…lots of fluff and only 1 Structural issue – we had removed some of the “directors” (for downspouts), as they were a trip hazard. oh yea, and a bit of flashing was loose – that took all of 5 min with a hammer and new nail…
    Interesting to note that potential buyer had made a legit offer at 410,000…once he received the report, wanted EVERYTHING Remedied and dropped his offer to 400..! Typical Middle Eastern waste of skin…
    We informed him to go pound sand…his own sand.
    Sold house two weeks later for 410…

  5. This whole effort should be copied and shipped off to Harper and Scheer with a few ??? and a few explitives.

  6. “So, yeah, bit of a scam.”
    “Had similar issues with a so called inspector.” (Steakman)
    So I guess you guys are okay with CSA “fixing” things, right? 😉

  7. “So I guess you guys are okay with CSA “fixing” things, right? ;)”
    Oh, absolutely. But only after we implement the Caligula Rule: every government official, semi-government official, MPP, MP, councillor, dog-catcher or meter maid has to be replaced by someone chosen totally at random.
    Can’t be any worse, on average, can it?

  8. Reading all of that, I was strongly reminded of Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand had their number, bigtime.
    Tax cut is how you fix this. A tax cut so large and so deep, that they can’t afford paper clips. I don’t know how we could get there, but that’s where we need to get.

  9. Just forwarded the link to my brother-in-law, a home inspector, who is pretty libertarian and armed. CSA better not show up on his property.
