22 Replies to “Angry old women.”

  1. It would appear that Ginsburg needs to be removed from the bench. Her bias has been displayed several times and yet again this time. She cannot continue and it is time to kick her ass out the door.

  2. This senile old hag has all other senile old hags, except the Hildabeest,reassessing their career choices.

  3. “Ginsburg: Sexism was a ‘major factor’ in Clinton’s election loss”
    Apparently it wasn’t major enough to turn the loss into a win though.

  4. RE: Judge Ginsburg.
    With a face like that, they don’t have to send the offenders to jail. Standing there and looking at her for more than 10 minutes could be traded off for 10 years in a Fed. institution.
    God almighty Lord!! The reason Hell-Array lost is because she didn’t have enough votes!! No other reason!! Oh yeah, and she’s a bitch!!

  5. You know what?
    You can say that her is a great judge or her is an old senile hag.
    You can do that in the US.
    An idiot judge in Canada would surely put you in the slammer for saying the latter part, because it can.
    A judge in Canada has very little to do with justice. It is a political job.
    They can tell the parliament to go and suck it up.
    Everyone knows that “justice” in Canada is an industry specially created for lowers (sic).

  6. One look at Ginsberg, and you instinctively understand where her bitter HATE comes from. We all know these women, and while it is sad they have been hit with the ugly stick or tub-of-goo gene, it is still no excuse for their vitriolic personalities. Rather than even attempt to live in a world where mates tend to pair-up with an equal and opposite number … these women scream and rail against the gods for their ultra low integer. I can only imagine that being a #1 limits ones options … but it’s no reason to wreck everyone else’s lives.
    When someone looks as … “unusual” … as RBG … I find it hard to estimate their age. However RBG appears to be well into her 90’s by reading the relief map of her face, and stooped body language. Therefore, I expect her expiration is imminent. And unless she has some sort of Game of Thrones inspired murderous succession plan … I am willing to bet that MY President is going to get another SCOTUS pick. And I think it would be poetic justice for his selection to be an attractive, conservative woman. Perhaps Judge Jeanine ? I just hope it is a YOUNG woman, who will serve the High Court for another 40 years … offering my own children a fighting chance of a successful future. Not having to suffer the slings and arrows of a leftist court.
    PS Judge Ruthie … Don’t you know that white women (like you) are the biggest $$ benefactors of Affirmative Action programs? You have coopted a program intended to assist people of color. I believe THAT makes you a racist! A double-privileged white racist. You should step-down from the Court NOW … as reparation for your SIN. Perhaps that will give MY President the opportunity to make things right by appointing another Clarence Thomas to the Court?

  7. “Sexism was a major factor in Clinton’s loss.”
    Hello, Clinton actually won the popular vote; it was the Electoral College that did her in. Please explain to me how “sexism” could have been a factor.
    But wait, since Clinton did win the popular vote, perhaps that was because many American women voted for her simply because she’s a woman.
    Say, isn’t it “sexist” to vote for someone based on their sex?

  8. Exactly, Edward
    If I have learned anything from modern leftards, it is that those who cry RACISM and SEXISM the loudest seem to be the ones who practice RACISM and SEXISM the most.
    Add CONSERVAPHOBIA into the soup, and you can clearly see that today’s ideological left fuels itself on bigotry and hatred.

  9. Isn’t it convenient for the democrats to always have something else to blame rather than themselves? It isn’t because of my bad policies/ideas/behaviour – the devil made them vote against me. The devil is short for racism, sexism, islamophopbes, homophobes, kkk, nazis, etc etc etc.

  10. That last election brought out a lot of angry old men, too! I’m one of ’em!
    Hillary Clinton lost the election because she should be in a cage. She can’t be trusted with sensitive documentation or top secret information. At the very least she is incompetent, and at the worst, guilty of criminal misconduct. She has done stuff you and I would go to jail for, and the fact that she didn’t is proof that our lady in this article should be in jail too. The system doesn’t work.
    The problem is even worse here in Canada where our judiciary is even more infested with old bints like that. I have to watch what I say in deference to our blog hosts, but if such cretins EVER try to assert their crooked authority over me, it will be mutiny on the Bounty and there will be consequences.

  11. Say what you will but the appointment od judges in the USA gets far more scrutiny and has a actual democratic process unlike Canada. The benches in Canada are full of Liebel and conservative hacks/appointees.

  12. Lefty logic. Sexism exists. Woman candidate loses. Loss caused by sexism. Conveniently ignore the fact that the woman became a candidate in the first place.

  13. The problem with this analysis is that a majority of her identity group, white women, actually voted for Donald Trump. So colleagues who didn’t vote the same way she did are sexist? That takes in a huge number of women and is very hard to rationalize, perhaps there may have been other factors at play.

  14. “Say, isn’t it “sexist” to vote for someone based on their sex?.”
    Typical leftard thinking. Ha, it is evil to not support a candidate because she is a women, BUT it is actually virtuous to support a female candidate only because she is a woman.
    Ultimately, I believe the Dems election loss was really all about stupidity, not sexism.
    They have STILL not come to terms with the fact that Hilary and the DNC made a strategic move to call about 45% of American women DEPLORABLES!

  15. Ruth Worser Ginzburg – why doesn’t she explain why 52% of WHITE WOMEN voted for Trump?

  16. Ginzburg is wrong. I think it is likely that many more people voted FOR Clinton because she was a woman than voted against her because she was a woman. So she is not a “victim” of sexism in this case — rather, a net gainer. Problem was, Clinton had nothing else to recommend her.

  17. Hillary is one hair cut and pantsuit colour from being the “rocketwoman” of the USA. She would have ran that country like the private fiefdom she obviously views it as…. Everybody should be on thier bloddy knees and thanking the deplorable for giving the US a chance to right the ship.

  18. fine. sexism it is.
    2nd Q: what %age of American voters are m or f or ‘other’. betcha more fs than other gender.
    mebbe the ones that didnt vote are the ones that didnt vote because they preferred Trump but didnt want to say they did.
    sexism schmexism.
