20 Replies to “Because its 2017”

  1. We have already seen ample examples of how the left abuses women, gays, blacks, Latinos, even Muslims if they dare utter a conservative viewpoint.

  2. I noticed that main steam media sources that, previously, referred to the two viewpoints as ‘pro-choice’ and ‘pro-life’ started using ‘anti-abortion’ on this issue.
    I think I will respond in kind and begin calling the abortionists what they are, ‘pro-death’

  3. As I recall ,you are not allowed to run for the federal Liberal party if you are prolife . What you do is much more important than what you say between ums and ahs .However there is a significant portion of the population when given a raincoat and umbrella will get when when it starts to rain . Sunny ways friends , sunny ways!

  4. Liberals aren’t required to uphold their own beliefs and dogmas. Just the conservatives are held to the liberal standards and must adhere to them.

  5. The “Mean Girls” analogy is appropo. Ask 100 women if they prefer a male or female boss … and 80% will tell you they HATE women bosses … not because of competency … but because of the emotional torture that comes with “strong women”. Well … I guess I just ended any chance I had of getting hired by Google.

  6. Gee Whillikers; How about checking the Alberta N.D.P. Government check-off list for Gubbermint Jobs 4 Crony Crowd Insiders. The “really big Wins” called Careers go to the inbred Socialist off-spring as the Base Bureaucrats–second reference of Base–{{base 2 |bās|
    (of a person or a person’s actions or feelings) without moral principles; ignoble: the electorate’s baser instincts of greed and selfishness | we hope his motives are nothing so base as money.
    • archaic denoting or befitting a person of low social class.
    • (of coins or other articles) not made of precious metal: the basest coins in the purse were made in the seventh century ad.}}
    increasingly the best description for both Socialist-Heavy politico bureaucrats & Socialist-Lite politico bureaucrats.

  7. This is why I refuse to call pro-abortion people “pro-choice”. They eat, sleep and breathe abortion and believe all women should do the same. That Rachael Harder holds pro-life beliefs that many would not find bizarre or un-pragmatic is unforgivable to liberals. The Liberals truly hate women who are independent and pro-abortionists (ever the science-hating crowd) quickly jump on the anti-religion band wagon because they cannot argue the merits of abortion.
    Scheer and Harder should fight this not just because pro-lifers should be allowed to speak unmolested but because the Liberals will do this sort of thing to ANYONE. Either this sh– stops now or we’ll be living in a Stalinist state.

  8. “Either this sh– stops now or we’ll be living in a Stalinist state.”
    Take a good hard look around you, we’re already there.

  9. “The Liberals truly hate women who are independent and pro-abortionists (ever the science-hating crowd) quickly jump on the anti-religion band wagon because they cannot argue the merits of abortion.”
    Imagine if many of the Liberal Ministers mothers had had an abortion instead of carrying to full term, Justin,Chrystia, Maryam, Iqra, Sheila, Catherine………………….

  10. I caught the Sock Idiots Media performance the other day (can’t really call it a press conference when its rehearsed before hand) the idiot was asked about the racists in the NFL taking a knee and how that kind of behaviour would be treated in Trudopiastan to which the Idiot started blathering on about his Daddy’s Charter and how it protects all forms of speech and thought. The Idiot was then asked about the issue at hand regarding the committee appointment and the Idiot didn’t disappoint. No tolerance for those that don’t think exactly as the Idiot and the Libranos demand, no protection from Daddy’s Charter either. Take a knee and disrespect the anthem and the flag then you’re protected by the Pierre Charter, don’t love killing babies, too bad for you, you’re fired! Hey, you elect an intolerant moronic narcissist with fascistic tendencies, then you get an intolerant moronic Government with fascistic tendencies.

  11. “…free access to abortions actual has a long term effect on reducing the crime rate – …”
    Capital punishment has the same effect, but it’s bit more fair because each individual gets a chance to not commit crimes so they aren’t put to death.

  12. Antenor, imagine something worse than Iqra Khalid’s blasphemy law.
    Creepy Clown, there is no more evidence that abortion reduces crime than Trudeau’s carbon tax will reduce pollution. That un-scientific leftist garbage belongs with the other crap that wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny.

  13. No, actually, there isn’t a whole body of evidence supporting your claim anymore than saying “what difference does it make?” erases the impact of abortion on the individual or society.
    I’m sure someone could say the same thing about drunk driving.
    And reducing any argument to government interference to sway things one way is rather like the last refuge of the scoundrel.
